Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

usd finally rallied a little into a falling GU ...called on F's thread earlier (y)

back later


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morning all ...............

heres my take on action so far this morning ..........usd had a good us session and this has flowed into Asian ..............that's a solid bull move .........nearly 20 pips in Asian session

its definitely retraced since ..........I like this pattern as it sets me up for London bull........but I havnt seen it yet .............

hmmmm........tricky so far


not sure if we are really back in bull for London but its a start :smart:



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not sure if we are really back in bull for London but its a start :smart:


As I was hoping ..........London held the Asian session (y)

us session usually spoils the party and is trying now .......



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GA - After 12 51 pm to 4 00 pm


Flavour or favourite of the day ( atm )

3 nice Key Times

3 nice trades - but plenty more scalps in between


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i'm scalping a late session for a while ..........attacking the mega bull usd and selling euro mainly

been a solid day buying Cad as well .apart from the 6pm shunts when the g8 restructured

t2win went down earlier ..seems ok now

anyway I was trading earlier ....some call on Fs thread

usd has been flat as a you have to work hard to make scalps on USD pairs



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ive been selling the usd in scalps ..........classic resells into a bear Asian is a solid strategy today that's working ..............usd is weak as well ............been 30 pips off the high so far and is a lead bear currency alongside the euro



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Hi all

couldn't get away today ........grrrrrr

heres a continuation of my last post ..........see how the USD index kept drifting south in London session ?.............I would have been correct to chase the usd bull

then the classic pattern..........a selloff as the London transitioned into early us session.........................then peddle down resells as the market woke up

100% predictable ?..........of course not

predictable enough to make money ? - for sure !!!



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these indexes are not to scale ..I simply overload the 6 index indicators from my free links below in the signature area and watch the directional signals on any TF

anyway ...........see that the US session really pulled the signals ?

look at the USD and Yen both falling (I love it when these guys team up)........and the GBP coming off the deck after earlier falls ?...........

now that's a signal !!!



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hey all

usd had a mixed week..........bull early and bear late ........

its been rocking last 2-3 weeks as you can see ...........

will it breach that support level early Asian Monday ?

we will see



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the week was interesting .......

bull plays into green usd and yellow Yen Euro was also a buy until it dumped like a stone Wednesday ........

best to be Selling Red GBP and Brown CAD through same period ........

Then a big big pivot point early Asian session Thursday ..........all change as the Yen/USD combo team fell into the weekend ......see those tests of highs that got rejected on both currencies ?........that's a real signal to try some early exploratory sell positions ........also then best to bounce buy red GBP off of weeks lows .....CAD and even Euro were ok at times to buy then .....

for me 90% of the trading battle is to understand the G8 market........ the dynamics do have certain repetitive patterns once you know what to look for .........and then make the plays at the best times



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Gu was nice yesterday us session............I would have played USD canny until I saw confirmation of sells below the days low ...........and GBP was always up for buys ......



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morning all ......session over for me ......not bad

usd has been in a range of around 12 pips so I played the bounce north mainly

took some cad ......Europeans ...even a little AUD .......most came off in last 90 mins against a rising usd and Yen

ok have a good day



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ok as I leave ..........

still think more GBP bull coming
Cad looks like more sells coming
usd is bull but it will hit Resistance inside 6 pips so be careful

so play for me is GU buy ..........but a little time to go yet for perfect setup 1.5440 at moment

morning all

usd showing some bear dynamics into early London...i'm selling it at moment

AUD had a barnstorming Asian .............eclipsed everything else

AUD , EUR , CHF are buys into usd at moment


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making money this session.........pretty steady

ok time to scoot ........ive made a few pips on AU plus a couple of other combos as certain currencies extended their Asian trends (AUD , USD . Yen )

cheers gang



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the usd was a sell early London then went bull........70 pip move through the day into us session

nice nice nice

see charts for the best pairings on the usd .....if you don't know my colours by now then ......tough !..........hhahahaha



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morning all

apologies I have been really tied up in my consulting role ...........

anyway 2 mins to drop in and I see the usd playing classic pattern so far today .....

expect a selloff soon then ...........that R line should hold at least initially

you tell me on potential currency buys ........European bounces as good as any



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ok guys gotta scoot .........

I just traded live for you all on F's thread

ok gotta scoot ...meetings



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