Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

hey all

I have been quietly scalping for last hour or so ...........doing ok

just wanted to mention that the gu looks a scalp buy at shouldn't fall further at moment

here she comes


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sorry I havnt called more .............ive had my head down and focussed

been calling a couple of moves over at F's thread..............handful of pips - but ok

later all

hey all............sorry I've been tied up on some consulting............

heres the last few days on a 1 hour FXCorrelator and usd index (both free from the links in sig area)

green usd has gone a little flattish...............naturally on the scalping TF's its still moving for pips .....but generally stepping back its ranging so far this week

you can see where the other currencies went big dog on the lower 20ma FXCorrelator indicator....mainly Europeans taking pain this week..(falls below zero) .........looks like Yen now falling fast

aussies and others done well so far ....(rising above zero)...............but then things are always always changing !!

good trading



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on lower TFs the usd has fallen .............euro was the currency to buy



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usd has been drifting into more sells in last 5-10 mins ..........a few pips on GU for me


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morning all

heres the usd still ranging .....although again on lower TF's that will generate pips as minor trends ............

on a 5 MIN chart...................recent rise by usd meant we got some nce sells on usd pairs.....mainly the yen (earlier) and more recently the Euro .

not enough to retire on ......but certainly a comfortable scalp with plenty of opportunity to make 7+ pips



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hey all back again

without naming names I was just looking at a youtube video from someone who I met years ago at a forex trade show and was trading some interesting systems even then.........strengthmeter related but still nothing like my own approaches.....

imagine my surprise when I watched how they now trade everything off of the usd index........

spooky that ......real spooky

hey all

well the usd is rising today from early hours ..................only 3 big sells on other currencies

keep buying usd



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the usdchf buy has been the most recent trade on the 1 mins .........

jees if only it was this easy all the time .......7.06 shown was far to early to call it unless you were really batting off the lows as F can do ...............

all these indicators are available free below in the signature links



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well the usd has had 2 nice bull cycles in last 70-80 mins

if you go with the flow looking to buy usd against other currencies then the scalping risk reduces dramatically



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gotta scoot ............usd is folding ..................GBP is the current dog though
Hi N

Posted my UChf chart set up from 6 01 am and 7 01 am - the one you got and I missed completely with me not trading any swiss pairs in February.

Explained the set up and the time rules that must be coinciding with you SM on a 1 min chart etc etc

Good Trading

hey all

got to go to a funeral this afternoon of a neighbour..........just popped my head in to see whats floating

look at that beautiful usd bull run ............see how you can pick off all those lovely sells ?



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