Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

heres my take on the T60/1 (thats all charts on the 60ma/Delta 1 setting)

4h, 1h and 5min charts in attendance.....

ive expanded the 4h and 1h so I can see what has been happening recently

this is what I see :-

top gun on the 4h and 5m is the USD.....its top in 1h as well except for swissie so its a buy signal against everything else looking to be moving down.....the dog is euro by the way !

remember my more simple approach mentioned in this post as as you really need to be looking for currencies that are diverging away from each other ideally on all 3 TF's

so my best call at this moment :-

buy USD sell Euro (as its backed by correlation principles)



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alongside the post above the markets are shaping up a little now

markets driving south and tag north.......the 15m bars are breached selling Europair
with Euro leading the way down

apologies but duty calls elsewhere so i'll pop in later

phreddy you are now officially the T60 representative on this thread (y) so post
as you doesnt matter if you are right or wrong - just tell us what you see whilst you are online........I can guarantee that disciplined posting on a popular thread like this will speed your learning curve 2000 % !

later dudes....


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nice sell on euro to USD ......but USD is moving up with the equity markets (?) except gold that again is proving a real nice correlator to the mighty dollar !

phreaddy....are you making a few pips on the E/U call earlier now ?

quite exciting so far......!

USD is livelier than anticipated and going well.....breaches made on 5m and 30m so great stuff...........its tracking well to gold on the left hand side corrie indexes so i watch that to see when things will be slowing

looks like the GBP may now wake up and fall thru the Euro ?



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wow..some nice cheeky pips today if you are fast enough !
classic mixed signals on the left hand side corrie indexes here 1m and 5m

until they settle again there would be no action / calls from me....



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see how the gold line on the 1m chart (top left) follows the GBP upwards and supports the 5m where gold is already in top half ?

USD is now in bottom half of both...confirms buy europair sell USD.....well until i post this probably ! :cry:



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right dudes,,,,,,,,,here come the USD resistance on 5m corrie middle chart....

which is spookily the lower range band level of G/U 15m 7am bar.........!

whats gonna happen ?


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nope looks like tag falling again so game on buying E & G .... above Resistance of course ...
looking promising as all markets going up on 1m now........
usd has well and truly fallen below 5m resistance now hasnt it !
Correlation Trading - Beginners Corner

USD is now in bottom half of both...confirms buy europair sell USD.....well until i post this probably ! :cry: N

OK Neil, USD in all tops 4H pointing up: EUR in all bottoms 4H pointing down

Sell EUR/USD to have less € for the $, I think.

I am not actually demoing this I am just watching. Malko po malko as they say in Bulgaria. Little by little!!


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Euro's going well today isnt it !........moving upwards same speed as GBP.....
buy europair now...


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I think that USD is gonna falter on that resistance line coming on the 5m chart....

gold has been screaming more of a potential fall so I think it could be soon time to buy USD and sell europair.......euro has been a trooper though going up so GBP could be the sell play

look at second chart on 1m's.......thats a major loss of momentum - with highs gradually diminishing !



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USD still falling you can really see the pressure now re what direction is gonna explode !
1m gold is doing everything except juggle fire to force USD downwards - but USD is resisting.....I think this means that soon USd will start to rise...and europair fall.....

but Euro is still marching upwards !!!