captain currency and the 3 ducks !
I love this system.......and so does everyone else from nearly 120,000 views !
I would run a permanent corrie version on this thread but we have not the resources at present as I really need more santas helpers here ! (hint hint :whistling)....phreddy are you playing with this ?
the corrie version of the 3 ducks starts here for reference
ok - heres the recent action....since everything is dictated by the highest 4H TF I can actually use
the relative positons, angles and direction of the currency lines to tell you what was possible
on just that 4h chart....we can also see if some of the more scalp trades called in the week
were sensible ones !
so heres a simple rules for the 4h corrie without checking out the lower TF's
1) to predict a buy(Sell) opportunity the currency has to be above(below) the other target currency on the 4h (3 duck 101)
2) the currencies have to also be angled in the direction we want to trade and not flat (buying sloping up and selling sloping down) or opposite direction
so heres this week below .....what do you see ?
early part of the week i see strong rising GBP (red) and AUD (Gold) whilst most others are falling or flat really.....
so applying the 2 rules the potential trades were :-
Buy GBP and sell Euro (and then also sell grey CHF once swissie was crossed)
Buy AUD and sell Euro & DHF (as above) + sell CAD(brown) when crossed
these trades made money using decent entry S/L's (remember this is 4H S/L control) and good exit management......fine tuning this down to next levels (1h 60ma corrie) would have helped even more !
that G/E would have bagged you 150 pips through the week
but a draw down of 50 pips was needed to survive the first retrace (hence I say to manage your S/L to the TF being used and ATR's possible)
50 pips you gasp.....but you
will risk a 10 pip S/L on the 5 mins right ? ( X48 multiple !)
amazingly I see that the grey CHF actually moved during the week (instead of being flat 300% of the time) and playing this against the AUD (gold) would have been the most steady trade of the week ?...
NOT as it does not follow the system rules !!! (and I cannot get that chart up on my ODL broker charts (?)
on these higher TF's for me you can bring in the Yen which
I love 😍 but cannot trade at low TF levels due to volatility...........the yen "rocks" and can be sucessfully correlated (negatively) against the markets like the USD......
this week it fell first half (oooo couldnt trade it against the GBP though if you strickly followed the 2 rules...
😡).....then it rose and rules said you could buy it against the GBP for a while...but overall this is the challenge of conflicting systems and the mess you can get into with multiple rules........
personally for me correlation rules overide any other systems and 1 of the top corrie rules is buy tag sell Europair so I would have been looking to hammer the yen with europair regardless of what the 4 hours said by dropping down to the 1h 60/1 timeframe to use the strict 2 rules and just following the slope on the 4h as a guideline instead of the crossovers.........but thats me with a scalping mentality !!
(God Captain currency will
kill me for the heresy I declare on his 3 ducks here
😢 )
anyway - you get the ideas corrie fans....look through and test how excellent this is as a strategy the corrie on page 64 post #505 to test it for real need a 60ma delta 1 setting for this 3 duck system
please feel free to also post
any questions to me or our resident professional pip terminator JRP !