Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

nope.....its not happening here ....usd is dangerously hanging on the 1mins to fall
nope doors are closed for a while..............if I was a gambler I might fancy a flutter on Buying E/U above 1.31

but i'm not....i'm trying to be a trader these days !!!

cheaper and cheaper usd buy opportunity or the start of a turnaround ?


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remember the videos

well here we are......cant copmplain about today though as the earlier session selling Euro was superb

until tomorrow


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I must say those overnight asian sessions do deliver a stable trading platform - as the western markets are closed reducing distractions and complexity a little.....

perhaps I will emigrate to Aus after all.......warmer as well !!!

shame about their cricket team though................ :whistling

only kidding - lived for 2 years in Aus and loved every minute......well apart from my business going to the wall :rolleyes:

right time to tackle the snow outside !!!!



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selling tag on low timeframes looks teasy eh ?

beware though - on the 1h and the 4h these moves are just minor retraces in a big bull trend

I must say those overnight asian sessions do deliver a stable trading platform - as the western markets are closed reducing distractions and complexity a little.....

perhaps I will emigrate to Aus after all.......warmer as well !!!

shame about their cricket team though................ :whistling

only kidding - lived for 2 years in Aus and loved every minute......well apart from my business going to the wall :rolleyes:

right time to tackle the snow outside !!!!


Where does the graphing come from on your displayed chart (left chart)?
hey aspex

its the triple arrow correlator - see signature below

this chart below is using the standard triple timeframes / mas on the arrows

4h 20/1 ma 1h 20/1 ma 15m 14/3 ma setting

and then I am using a 500/1 setting on a 5min for the main line chart to plot price action moves
shimples !

I see the Euro is getting hammered still below !



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some interesting comments on USD vs Dow Correlation which as you know I like to see negatively correlating to assist trading decisions

in truth though I am more suited these days to equally just take the yen and USD aligning and forget the Dow direction.....although if it is negatively correlated its icing onthe cake

hmmm - boys seem to think the usd is going north as stocks tumble



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usd just wont go north eh ?...........cmon i'm sitting on my hands re CAD and GBP sell scalps here

nearly 40 point fall in dow futures recently and the usd hasnt really flinched north......could mean a dump of usd soon....
sell G/u has gone in on to 00

AUD sells are flying as wingman
i'm not happy with this one.....could go 30 pips opposite direction soooo easily here and the 5min is a near perfect pip bar now.......damn !
stepping back to the triple arrow corrie

(which I should be observing to support my entries :rolleyes: )

that triple arrow Euro sell is a cheap signal there isnt it ?...plenty of room if it falls in the 5mins line chart shown

actually the yen is cheap as a buy signal as well




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nearly 40 point fall in dow futures recently and the usd hasnt really flinched north......could mean a dump of usd soon....

so now if you are following the charts a simple 10 point rise in the dow has triggered the same movement south on the usd that the 40 pip point fall did earlier

the gearing is certainly set -up for USD falls now..........

excuse all these musings........i'm just thinking as I go and playing with dynamics on the corries

one of my (many) major trading failings is that I wait for significant breaches to enter and if you research trading enough you will know this means you are missing a lot of pips and going in frequently toooooo late to the party

the Yen / Euro observations above are merely stating that whilst the 5mins are saying retrace the higher TF's are obviously still locked on continuation

so at the merest hint of continuation I should enter the E/Y trade and not wait for more blatent breaches of the 5min and miss some cushion entry pips




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hey all

had to dissapear...lets see......ok not exactly great but it did deliver a few scalpable pips so far

more yens rise than euros demise though .....:p



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