Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

not convinced about this moneyweek Recommendation :innocent:

my comments are in the piece the graph below shows me more potential money in Buying Yen into USD (Sell USDJPY chart) especially if US Equities continue to fall...........

but then what do I know :smart:

methinks dominic is trying to draw some comments to boost circulation


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dammit........... just came out to early on a CAD sell...........its still going !!

nope - i'm not following the Scalper 5min/1min rules (i'm being aggressive again and going on scalper 1min signals assuming the 5 min will follow them in)

they're my rules so I will break them as I please .....(tee hee)

mornin all.......:sleep:

Nice action early today.......(y)



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nice sell on tag............(y)


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busy bee time :smart:

by popular demand 3 videos on how to load and trade the fxcorrelator scalper

decisions decisions......


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us dollar is proving bullish so far wont fall much vs yens happy atempts....hmmm
H all

had some great feedback recently so thanks for the private messages to me here and my FXcorrelator googlemail address

good to see everyone is playing with different ma combos as well......

believe me I have 4-5+ going all the time testing different strategies myself :smart:

ok heres something for all of you going cross eyed tryng to estabish when those damn lines cross the zero............:eek:

try this version.......split the tag team on a different window to lighten the dots like below......

AND REMEMBER TO ADD THE SYMBOL PREFIX on the indicator :sneaky:

have a good weekend !

sorry I have to laugh at this version.......all you old f*rts like me will recognise immediately you are looking at space invaders:LOL:


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whether you dot or line or whatever.......a signals a signal on the 20 scalper(y)



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that was the week that was...........

I completely forget to comment on the commdolls...... as I am an idiot :innocent:

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nice start to the week..........


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heres afternoon round up....ive been to busy to trade myself

my approach here was to highlight the Tag team breaching Zero then wait for a Currency to breach zero in the opposite direction.....

in theory you are then selecting a currency that is coming from a convergence phase and has more probability to diverge on a new direction/trend path opposite to the tag team .......

in theory - of course the currency could equally be chosen thats already on the opposite side of the Tag team and it then merely diverges away again enjoying a resurgent move with its previous trend

the trick (hence using a lower timeframe as well ) is to establish what really diverges away from the zero (and the Tag team) as tag hits the zero.............



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spread widening on yen verses USD at the moment...god knows which way its gonna go....
interesting - the bias of DJ30 futures has been down and Yen is obliging with some nice buys

USd has no interest at all in rising so buckle up if the markets rise on US opening as usd will drop like a stone



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back into meetings soon (boo).....lets see what the us opening brings.....
the commdolls are prowling just below the zero and the eurotribe have been comfortably above the Zero for a while but drifting down ....

stand by

the dow this afternoon really was only 1 direction eh ? :cool:

shame the usd was so neutral as I was hoping it was going to fall harder - yielding far more pip contributions than that :sneaky:

oh well you should have been on the right side for some pips......I was in meetings all afternoon :(



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