Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

Hi all,

still getting the hang of things on this worldspread platform.....slowly getting the rythm and feel by just using the fccorrelator scalper setting on a 5min and 1min...although the spreads now after 4pm are killers

I have more aggressive settings I normally use but heve reverted to the FXCorrelator scalper as tried and trusted

ok gotta go .........this is like pulling teeth.....I should have been about 4-5 pips up here years ago (allowing for the spread) but have never got above 2 pips so far until now on this usdJPY trade :eek:

I may chose to use the ODL platform instead as at least its on the same charts

I swear to god these spreadbet charts take forever to respond to the price movements.....

funny that ;)



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hi gang

tag direction changing ?

i'm goingto put a couple of cheeky trades on whilst getting ready for work



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tag kept falling but I had a trade on sell USDJPY which is ranging still on the tag fall .....hopefully if the tag does turn up I will generate some nice pips as usd was matching Yen pip for pip as they fell so it should get creamed if they now rise a little

you just have to identify the bias on these 2 dudes.........

off to work
Hi all

gradually getting my rythm back and tuning into the Worldpreads platform now

decided to take things sloooow today and use a real simple strategy that generally will not bite back and kill you

heres a US30 verses the USDJPY with a 13 and a 55 on the charts (another 2 favourites I like alongside my 20ma)

.....notice anything ?

my sell was around 6.50am just before leaving for work (as the us30 breached both ma lines)....18 pips later with a trailing 5 pip S/L (y)



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See how I still go on the breach !!!

(remember the FXCorrelator Scalper also preaches trading when the real time price chart(s) breach the 20ma Zero line)

Jees - a lot of experienced traders will be screaming at me/us to relax a little and let trades show their hand first testing those breaches ...then buy on the retrace as it settles in the for the real ride

up to you ??..........i'm a sucker for that first breach signal on whatever I do !

you could play it safer though and on the FXcorrelator DO NOT go on the first breach but wait fior the first pull back to trade.....heads you win, tails you will keep you out of chop but you will miss the rocket moves..........

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just got stopped out on a GBPUSD sell..........bugger !!!


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Hi all

need to dissapear soon..........todays 5 min Scalper reveals just 2 monster trades really

can you spot them ?

then you have to decide what currency to trade against the tag team.....which is naturally those Currencys on the opposite side of the zero (so that more recent tag buy saw sell visits from the swissie , then GBP , then CAd , then euro again , then AUD...........

looks easy on a historic chart but in the heat of battle its a little more tricky



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hmmm interesting ....

the usd has matched Yen pip for pip on this rise phase.....if they turn that implies the yen will get if us30 starts to fly upwards now then buy USDJPY say above 86.95 ish above recent resistance lines

buckle up theres some steam pressure building up for a USDJPY buy.....
hahahahahahaha............I see the markets have opened in the us

step down and let things settle ............
crazy crazy day at work.................will try to spend more time here tomorrow

my training document and Free indicators are below in the signature area links

have a good evening

Stop press - this thread has had 70,000 Views and still going strong.......jees (y)
selling usd into eurotribe.....GBP has been a peach so far


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hey all

busy today so my last forlorn look......nice tag sell at just after 8



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Hi all

been blasting away at a few scalps (inbetween meetings) since worldspreads let me run the vitual account for a little longer

200,000 trades later i'm 5 pips up..........:eek:



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and while i wrote that I missed the monster risk play as tag and swissie went north .........DOH !!!