Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

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I'm not gonna trade that U/J coming....its not the right set-up for tag direction

if it happens then its not on my terms
that U/J is gonna break my heart if it happens.....its smack on the 50/50 re my to risky
Hi N and all else,

Yes, I'm back.... Tried giving birth to kidney stone very early last Thursday so had to get x-ray then get the SoB zapped so it flushed through me. Killer part for me was no giggly juice over weekend as wifey had me stoked up on pain killers - she had this weird gleam in her eye as she shoveled that c**p inside me! Enough dribble and back into the fray:-

GU; First trade sell stop at 54608 filled by tail of 09:00 bar, price did a little up down move then 09:15 bar pushed down, price started to bottom out after this and rose to take TS during 09:35 bar for 1 point profit. Second trade sell stop at 54434 filled by 10:25 weird bar, price moved up slightly then looked liked it wanted to threaten SL, stalled for four bars and dropped printing 11:05 new local low, made another weak rally to around initial entry level, dropped again with higher low then did nothing and as session near to finishing plus my patience near to zippo, SL dragged down to BE and wick of 11:35 bar caught this for zero point profit.

EU; Sell stop at 33582 filled during 09:00 bar, price moved down then formed narrow range for nine bars, moved down again to print 10:30 new local low, staggered around for seven bars, popped up with some force to take out TS during 11:15 bar for 29 point profit.

EG; First trade entered short on opening 08:05 bar, price stalled then reversed to take out SL during 08:35 bar for 15 point loss. Second trade sell stop at 86384 filled during 09:00 bar, price moved fairly smoothly down, ran out of momentum after 10:00 and flopped around printing 10:35 new local low, went sideways for four bars then 11:10 strong up bar came out of nowhere and trade exited on close of this for 11 point profit.

Yuck! Not a nice morning to get back into swing of things again as its seemed like in general markets were just drifting around with only EU showing its hand earlier on - trade well and regards,

Hi Simon.

I hope you're feeling better, after this procedure, and that you've managed to pass the disintegrated bits without too much discomfort.

Well done on the pip gathering. Some Mondays are very choppy and this was no exception. I missed most of the morning's action but, managed to grab a few pips on a Short EU in the afternoon. Usually, after a day of sideways movement, we get some good action the following day. Here's hoping
mornin all........😴

mixed bag overnight......see charts

been a nice run by the NZD over las few days eh ? (light blue dude on far right)

bring it on


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Hi all

ahhh....remember the old days before these fancy Hybrid supermodel corries ? 🙂

you could get a bag of sweets for 2p and the sun always shone and we had 3 channels of decent TV......

well actally those days are still just have to stick to the basics and load what is still avalable here for 64 on this thead contains the original and deadly FXcorrelator.....

not that original corrie doesnt like its young and aggressive family.....shiny and new with dynamic resistance thingymybobs and bells and vibrating lines 😱

thats progress......and feel free to ask me how its all going by pm

but believe me - the orignal corrie still kicks so much butt its untrue....👍

try the next set-up below today and see what I mean !

Use this today......we will review tomorrow :smart:

load 2 correlators up side by side

Setting 20ma / delta 1 (or 14ma / delta 3 if you want it smoothed)

5 min and a 30 min (or if you want a scalping set up 1min and 5min)

Now just trade any pairs where 1 currency is on same side (going upwards or downwards) and one currency is opposite goong the side of the zero diverging away

heres an example........go gettum !



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oh yeah......and if I was you .....try to trade when the tag are the same
usually helps the dynamics a lot if you are trading the USD pairs :smart:

fun starting early today.......



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Free scalping system

ok all

back to the FREE double corrie system on a 20ma :smart:

heres the latest screen...1min and 5 min charts up for scalping action

since we are scalping I will only trade the usd crosses to reduce the spread

oh yeah and I like yen and USD moving together same side !

so whats happening

1) I see the tag now on 1m and 5m on top half of the zero so thats a buy tag signal (usd)

2) I see the Eur/CHF team on same (lower) sides of the 1m and 5m Zero line thats a sell

so what are you waiting for ?
(well apart from these signals need to be acted on as the zero lines are getting crossed ideally on the 1 min !) you want to pay me the $997 that jason fielder currently wants for this system ? The Delphi Scalping system

ok - PM me and i'll tell you where to send the money 😛

no no no ..... when I (eventually) get my commercial systems and training up and running this stuff will seem like kindergarten

this stuff only scratches the surface of what you can really do.....:smart:



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i'd just like a tiny retrace here so the tag can accumulate some energy for a real push

and the DJ30 to get a little jiggy upwards more
markets are funny things

I would now have 2 trade traps ready to play :-

1) buy U/J (as above)

2) Sell E/U or CHF/U

1 of these will be activated and make money as a scalp


Interesting eh ?

I followed the market dynamics until I knew I had a significant couple of plays ready (which actually were very uncorrelated so it was either 1 or the other)

then just set the traps and wait for 5-8 pips - not being greedy !!

i'm demonstarating this on the 1 mins but works everyday on any just need to be trained for what dynamics to look for :smart:



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and now that buy U/J lining up again with support from Dow30 going upwards
Buckle up..... entry at 93.86 now as I like to refresh / reset the entry based on every retrace we see

this will be a blur when it happens