U and G are absolutely on same pivot point......breach could go either way on this point
thats why I put a little fat in that entry ....which is with recent trend for both !
they could prove me wrong though and reverse out
are you voluntering till ? 😛As for news releases, Forex Factory and DailyFX have different calendars with individual interpretation of the news events. Some events may be listed on FF but not on DailyFX and vice versa, also the importance is not rated the same.
It makes sense to merge both calendars and, if you want to be careful, work with the highest rating given for a particular news item.
Actually, this is how my EA works. It parses both calendars, merges them and then avoids configurable time windows around news items (given the currencies and news importance).
I have it written as a library right now, with a bit of effort it could also be reworked into an indicator.
G/U above 5184 is an obvious call on the standard G/U pair ......but I have 2 seperate currency signals to tell me if it does breach - is it a clean win/win trade forming ? (ie both currencies contributing to the move)
or not ?
and its not happening at moment
Hi Alan !
good to talk mate 😛.......I see you sometimes on the thread and you must chuckle at some of the questions still flying around......remember the (pm) kittens you me and ivan (INGOT54) threw around re the MA variations and settings we were all trying ! ( I still think some of Ivans were the wildest i've seen.....but stll effective in their own way !)
keep in touch and i'm glad it still helps the day trading........i'll send you a freebee of my customised indicators when I'm ready to publish it soon (soon !).......god knows you and Ivan deserve it mate, you both mega-contributed to the success of this thread.....and all those awkward questions you asked me ! 👍
if you are trawling elsewhere (I know you follow a lot of sites and info boads) watch out for the Jason Fielder markteering re that new indicator hes selling as it looks like a Corrie to me .....and tell them that ours is available here for free on page 64 !
Hi Neil,
I thought you were Jason Fielder in disguise, complete with a newly acquired American accent🙂 Thanks for the offer of the new variety of Corrie by the way.
Patience pays when using Corrie. It's easy to jump the gun, particularly when trading off a short tf, e.g 5 mins. This morning's action is a prize example. Like many indicators, Corrie produces the most reliable results on longer tfs. Fortunately, there are enough signals at the shorter end of the scale to make it an excellent indicator. I still use the settings that I went with in the early days of testing (34-3) and despite trying umpteen combinations, I returned to this for all tfs (5 min+).
Hi Neil,
I thought you were Jason Fielder in disguise, complete with a newly acquired American accent🙂 Thanks for the offer of the new variety of Corrie by the way.