Concept FX

more than two

Aaaa... thank you - I couldn`t figuret out....thank you...

Does anyone use the software on three or for computers?

Arek I think he meant that if this CONCEPT thing goes pearshaped he will be putting his CONCEPT stuff up on eBay!

Hello Anddy

Is it easy to expalain how to use the software: Go-In-my-PC. I can go on my PC but i can use the concept fx...i can only whach the files...but can not use any program at all

???How can i do this?

The thing is this : Many methods/systems come and go.They make money initially but in the end most lose you money.Thats trading.The moment you enter a trade you are at a loss!!Then on you wait and see where trade goes.Markets generally tend to even out systems/methods.There are sadly more losers than winners in this game.The odds are stacked against you winning from DAY 1.Thereon it does not get easier.Most of us look for and get pulled into these things ( systems/methods/software etc..etc ) because we hope that somebody , somewhere is magically pulling in loads of cash easily......and they are...they are called brokers ( the reason why they are called BROKERS is because they will BREAK your trading bank sooner or later.
pseudo straddle
Thought a test in order and covered by 30 day back never might be good...and if it is will keep it .

Hello Anddy

It is Sunday - 9pm and I haven`t recived any new tips from the system. Is it corect? or maybe i hve something wrong...

Is it posible for you to send me an e-mail with the present updating-please?

I have an updaty from Wed last week-on Thu nothing change and today as it corect? or...

could you help me plase? my e-mail is: [email protected]

Many thanks,
I would like to set up right trades before Monday morning...
Hi Arek,

No new trades last night. So pending trades have been exactly the same since Thursday evenings update.

The trade that was open, has now reached its target and closed 😱)
pseudo straddle
Thought a test in order and covered by 30 day back never might be good...and if it is will keep it .
Concept do a 30 day trial? I didn't know that. Does anyone know anyone who successfully got their money back?

I bet you cant wait for some of the trades to start. Hopefully your first one will be a profitable one.
Hi Guys....been a good 5 weeks...and uv joined at a lull....but my first 2 trades were a loss!!
id say 2 out of the 3 alerts may not trigger either....this is just like getting a new toy for xmas and no batteries to use it...hang in there tho..the last 6 months of the year have been the strongest over the past 4 yrs results.


Hello Anddy

I agree...I still waiting since last Wed... cannot do enything...just waiting - so i have the new toy but as you said...we cannot use it


Hi Guys....been a good 5 weeks...and uv joined at a lull....but my first 2 trades were a loss!!
id say 2 out of the 3 alerts may not trigger either....this is just like getting a new toy for xmas and no batteries to use it...hang in there tho..the last 6 months of the year have been the strongest over the past 4 yrs results.

Looks like you had a very good month 🙂 I also think that 2 of the pending alerts will cancel tonight, as they have moved 100 pips away from the entry, and showed no signs of coming back.

I know that they have been having a good month of the alerts with success, but all good things must come to an and, so I am going to pyramid my positions once they move in the right direction. I will log the trades that I place, and we can compare the outcome.

What size bank are you running now? Are you rising 5% of it on each trade?

Looks like you had a very good month 🙂 I also think that 2 of the pending alerts will cancel tonight, as they have moved 100 pips away from the entry, and showed no signs of coming back.

I know that they have been having a good month of the alerts with success, but all good things must come to an and, so I am going to pyramid my positions once they move in the right direction. I will log the trades that I place, and we can compare the outcome.

What size bank are you running now? Are you rising 5% of it on each trade?

Hi Jason

Ive got a cpl of accounts and playing with is for concept only and the other is for playing..oops i mean learning....the eurchf alert i watched and then saw the signals that trader dante i waited for confirmation and now im a long on it.

But my concept bank is now 6k..and still doing a full 5% on it eg if its 6.4k then my risk is 5%...concept risk 5% on static 6k 7k 8k etc.

I agree it was a good month and if the alerts that triggered had of went ahead they would have been loosing ones...maybe its a bit more robust now?

It would be good to think that they get 100% success, but they have always gone for 45% win ratio.

Hi Anddy

I see you are doing well. Great! I`ve started last week but nothing happens since then...but maybe this evening something comes...i hope. Anyway could you tell more about cpl...whats dose it means? please... Where can I find them?

Thank you,

Hi Jason

Ive got a cpl of accounts and playing with is for concept only and the other is for playing..oops i mean learning....the eurchf alert i watched and then saw the signals that trader dante i waited for confirmation and now im a long on it.

But my concept bank is now 6k..and still doing a full 5% on it eg if its 6.4k then my risk is 5%...concept risk 5% on static 6k 7k 8k etc.

I agree it was a good month and if the alerts that triggered had of went ahead they would have been loosing ones...maybe its a bit more robust now?

Hi Arek..i meant i have a couple of accounts (cpl)..I dont want to tamper with my concept ive a play account with 1k in it to play with..
Hello Jason

How are you? How you`re doing?
It is a week today since I started to use the software and no-one of their tips were accurated. Just still waiting for the right one...

What about you? Have you had any nice trigger since last THU?


I bet you cant wait for some of the trades to start. Hopefully your first one will be a profitable one.