Computer restarting

BSOD.......Blue Screen Of Death.
For the blow-jobs,be careful not to short anything out or bash anything with the vacuum. Use a can of compressed gas to be safe.
Salty, what error messages are you getting when you crash?

just thought :idea: Make sure you hold the fan when blowing or else it could spin too fast and self-destruct 😱
Not getting any error messages.

The machine just turns itself off and back on again - absolutely no eror messages.
Tis has happened to me twice in the past 3 years with different machines, most recently last weekend. It is typical of an overheating cpu - I got a warning that it was too hot, but I think whether you get an actual warning or not depends on your setup. Anyway, that was the kiss of death for mine, kept switching off after that and also has some trouble booting up - had to repeatedly press reset, it got part way through then just stopped. Collected a new motherboard and shiny athlon 64 from CCL computers, fitted them in an hour or so and it's now a blisteringly fast machine.

I used to have it on continuously to collect data but have since changed brokers and have a more reliable feed so can turn it off more often.
Yes I do have a UPS.

Since disabling automatic restart about 2 days it seems to have stopped cutting out.

This however only hides the problem and delays the inevitable. Maybe I 'll send it back to Dell to have a look at it but they charge the earth. Sent a lap top back recently and they charged me £ 175 to have a look at it including courier both ways to their place in the UK. They eventually fitted a new fan and that was that. Bit expensive I would say.
Salty , consider a local pc repair shop, the inside of a pc is pretty much the same whatever the lable on the outside says, my moneys on the power supply unit being faulty, but please DYOR,

Good Luck and Regards
Have a look at:
and Ian's post a little later.
I now have a new set up running off lap tops, two new plus extra monitors and the one I was having trouble with on that thread.
The latter still occasionally cuts out when the last browser box is closed. There is a momentary, perhaps a small fraction of a second, white on blue screen mentioning an error message, but it is literally so brief it cannot be read. It then runs through scandisk and re-boots.
The frequency of this happening has dropped sharply since I now always use the external cooler ian mentiioned and have downloaded the msft spyware beta prog. However, it hasn't eradicated the problem completely. The guy who installed my system seems very capable and when I explained the problem instantly said buy a cooler and use antispyware, but it might still persist.
So, not an answer, but a bit of additional info.
I've got a wireless network and can actually trade from the garden (router plus booster) 🙂
Mr Charts, have you disabled Automatic restart? This will allow you to see the error message.
Thanks, Oaty, will do.
Wireless is brilliant - writing this sitting under the cherry trees in the garden with a coffee and
the papers 🙂
Are yours in bloom yet Richard?

We're somewhat further North than you, but ours are just starting to flower. Always an inspiring display.
Computer seems to be behaving itself since disconnecting auto restart.

No noises emanating from it and no indication of overheating.

Fingers well and truly crossed.
TheBramble said:
Are yours in bloom yet Richard?

We're somewhat further North than you, but ours are just starting to flower. Always an inspiring display.

Eh? American Samoa further North than Weybridge.

My geography's not good Bramble, but is that correct?
Well chaps, I know the answer now and it aint good.

My computer crash dived late last night and it looks like a new machine is called for.

Absolute bloody nightmare but it has prompted me to spring clean my office and also the rest of the house in the next few days.

Didn't realise it before but the refraction caused by the thick layer of sh*ite on my monitor has been causing me to see the charts wrongly. What appeared bearish was actually bullish. Funny what a spot of refraction can do isn't it ?

Anyway, having cleaned the dust off my monitor and hooked it up to a temporary computer, I am all at sea. Might have to do a spot of re-training on clean monitors and also hire a lackey to clean my screen off intermittently whilst trading.

What a bollox of a day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!