Urgent Help Please: Problems with my Computers

Thanks indeed for the information, Martin.

I am afraid there is a by-product for my first computer. After I had cleaned it and set up a firewall, I proceeded to install the software for the ADSL connection. An error message popped up, saying the programme I was trying install did not pass the MS XP logo test; the installation of it would greatly undermine the performance of the system. Nonetheless, I continued the installation.

Since then there has been great problem with my ADSL connection. It is particularly serious between 6:30 to 8:00 pm, when the connection is automatically cut off every 2 to 3 minutes. Each time it is cut off, it takes several dials to reconnect, and repeatedly appears such a message saying that there is no dial-up tone and please check the connection of the modem. But the modem is all right. So why is this happening? 🙁

I know I am becoming a nuisance, but I really do not know where else to turn to. Thanks really. Thanks.
I've not yet come across a problem caused by a software driver for a piece of hardware that " has not been digitally signed by Microsoft". Sure , there is a small risk, but it's more to do with Microsoft preserving their market "image" of being important. HA HA.
Solution? I don't know. I don't do telephone support... sorry BB support. :cheesy:
First, try uninstalling the firewall. Windows XP has it's own firewall. There is a little known "tick box" buried within XP that will restart your PC on ANY error. Is there a similar box in your ADSL modem driver setup that disconnects on error? Unlikely.
Check your email setup.... if using outlook express... there is another tricky tick box that says "disconnect after reading emails". So, when you send or receive an email, the adsl will disconnect.... I've seen this lots of times on windows 98 - there is an error in outlook express and this tick box gets ticked all own its own!!!!! Then the customer complains of random disconnects on their modem.( easy when you know how).
Is that the problem? I've not yet come across the problem on XP though....yet....
Another possibility... Is the Motherboard a VIA chipset? These can sometimes be a problem. Have you downloaded all of Microsoft's hardware updates? Not always to be recommended though.But it may provide a olution in this case. Are you aware of the RESTORE to previous known good setup option? Take a tip, when your system is working, create a restore point. You can then use it to put your PC back to a point where it was all working. NB!!!!! you will LOSE all work done , software installed after this point. But then that's the idea of it......

As a footnote to all, try and buy either a PCI internal ADSL card, or an ethernet version. USB versions are nowhere near as good. Better still buy an ADSL router. £50/£60. This provides you with internal ( to the router) NAT - network address translation- which in simple terms means you have a bust proof hardware firewall. No need for any software firewalls. I use an adsl router that provides ethernet connectivity.
clylbw wrote:

"An error message popped up, saying the programme I was trying install did not pass the MS XP logo test"

"the connection is automatically cut off every 2 to 3 minutes. "

Exactly the same problem happened to me a couple of times in the past 12 months. I have the green BT USB modem(576kbps) and the connection started to drop off after using it for 6 months. I was told by BT Broadband to uninstall the whole driver and re-install using the latest version downloaded from the web site. The non-Microsoft message did come up but the BT guys told me to ignore it saying it shouldn't really cause any problems. However, I still had lots of problems and BT said they couldn't really help further as they didn't know what to do. Out of sheer luck, I spoke to the 5th or 6th BT guy in those 2 weeks and he sent me a CD ROM of all of their drivers, and I found out the driver on the CD was actually a later version than the one on their site, and it seemed to work after installing it.

However, thinking back, i don't think it was the driver which was corrupted as my original, older version seemed to work fine before the trouble started. i am saying this because the nightmare came back a few months later and this time round the re-installation did not work. What I did instead was to unplug all the ADSL phone filters and phones and it worked. My conclusion was that there must have been a faulty filter somewhere, this problem went away when I swapped my filters around.

When you say you lose your connection every few minutes and have no dial tone messages, I suspect you will see your modem lights flashing whenever you lose your connection. That's not the problem, it's just when the modem loses a connection, it takes about 30 seconds for it to re-establish the connection. I suspect it's the filter, so try disconnect everything first.

I am actually furious that I spent over 2 weeks without a reliable connection and BTcould not help out in any constructive way. I also found out BT only has 5(or 6?) night shift support guys supporting the whole country. I ended up speaking to 3 of them over the 2 week period with them telling me they had not come across this problem before. And why did they sell us all the inferior filters in the first place?
Hi infobull,

Thanks a lot for your advice.

I am with Tiscali; I wonder whether it would help if I changed the phone filters? Are these filters all the same regardless of my ADSL company? If so, where can I get them?

Thanks a lot indeed. 🙂
Hi Martin,

I spoke with Tiscali the night before, and the person there said he would test the line for me. It worked last night. I am now going to test it tonight. Fingers crossed.

Another problem is, when the ADSL failed, the phone line service also failed, e.g. I did not get phone signal at all.

So do you think the problem lies with my computer, my ADSL connection, or my phone line?

I know I have said it over and over, but I do want to thank you and all of you. You all have been so helpful.
"Another problem is, when the ADSL failed, the phone line service also failed, e.g. I did not get phone signal at all."

My phone line still worked when the ADSL connection failed, so your problem could be something else.

I believe the Tiscali ADSL modem is similar to the BT one(shaped like a stingray), and I believe the ADSL filters are the same and you can get spare ones from Dixons or on the web.
Hi infobull,

Thanks for the information.

Well, here is an update. Both the ADSL and the phone services went off again on Friday. I contacted BT this time, and an engineer came to fix the phone box at the house.

It has been fine since then, but I am still holding my breath; the problem tends to happen during peak time, e.g. 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. during weekdays, and I am still waiting to see what is going to happen Monday night...🙁
Hi Martin,

I would like to know more about the ADSL router you have mentioned. Can you please tell me about the following:

1. Is it true that I would not need a firewall software with it?

No, it is has a firewall built in .

2. Do I need to install specific software for it?

Generally not. They are ethernet divices so you will need a LAN card. They will have to be "set up". This is usually done by entering the" webb address" of the box in a webb browser window.
3. Where can I get it?

Any independant PC shop. Last resort PC world or similar. Don't expect too much support or sympathy if you go down this route and get stuck. Or you can try any of the online shops. £50 - £60. Mine is a "non" brand name so I can't help you ..... Maybe someone else can suggest a unit from personal recommendation...
Thanks a lot indeed!!!!!!!!!!! ^O^
I have used a Draytek Vigor 2200 USB ADSL router for about a year without any difficulty - it is more expensive than some but is very stable and comprehensively equipped. I use it on a domestic type ADSL connection from Nildram. Google to Draytek for their selection.
I've been using an ActionTec one with Wireless built in as well.

No problems at all.

I'm using a Belkin wirless router. very good.. but you have to occasionally reset it (maually or software) - once a week at most - if your internet connection drops and it does not automatically pick it up.

Lots of FAQ on Belkin's website: I found setting up a wirless network with it v easy (built in firewall and you can upgrade firmware over the internet)
My Actiontec always recovers from the loss of the ADSL.

I have never had to reboot it in a year.

Thanks a lot indeed for all your help 🙂. I have dicided to go for a router, as long as I have cleared the problem with the ADSL...

Here is another update. My ADSL went dead AGAIN this week. I called Tiscali, and it took them a whole afternoon plus one evening to handle the problem. I could hardly do any trading that day.

Now it is all right, but it is noticeably slower.

I had preferred NTL, but its service was not available in my area, so I had to go to Tiscali. Cannot say I have not regretted it. 🙁