Buying a new computer : Help

CYOF said:
Check out the prices here - hard to beat and also some good special offers at times.

If you need serious kit, brand new Dell with Warranty at 40-50% off from
This is one way Dell dispose of cancelled orders etc.
X-stock sell through E-bay - check out their feedback.
I bought a Dell Precision 690 from them - excellent deal and service and I will go back to them for more when needed.
A friend builds his own kit and says he couldn't build what I bought for the price.

I'm not sure you can use a standard ATX power supply in a Dell, as Dell may have unique specifications, however the problem you are having with regards to random rebooting is 99% certain to be a weakened power supply. You can test your power supply whilst it is in the case with a voltmeter very easily, and when this is confirmed you only have to buy a replacement power supply and you will not have any more rebooting issues. It may be of use to know that this is a cost effective option to consider whilst you are searching for the new computer.
Already bought a new machine from Time Computers.

2048 MB RAM, 200 Gb hard drive, 19 inch wide screen.

£ 599.00 incl delivery, 12 months interest free credit.

It arrived this am, good deal as long as it works.

NB. I do not work for Time or have any connection with them other than as a customer.
Glenn said:
If you need serious kit, brand new Dell with Warranty at 40-50% off from
The url links to an image library. Not a computer in sight, which some some folk may say is a good thing!
timsk said:
The url links to an image library. Not a computer in sight, which some some folk may say is a good thing!

Thanks for pointing that out TIm. is what I should have said.

Very nice yacarob1, I'm searching for a dual core processor system with four 17 inch TFT's.. I may even end up with 8 TFT's 🙂

Pop a replacement PSU in your old system and sell if for whatever its worth? You might get 60 or 70 quid, which will be tantamount to a good little pip hunting session on the YM at £10 per tic! Or am I taking this pip hunting philosophy a little too far?
Already bought a new machine from Time Computers.

2048 MB RAM, 200 Gb hard drive, 19 inch wide screen.

£ 599.00 incl delivery, 12 months interest free credit.

It arrived this am, good deal as long as it works.

NB. I do not work for Time or have any connection with them other than as a customer

😆 :cheesy: 😀
Yes thank you.

We seem to have struck up a good relationship and I am extremely confident that we will be very happy together.
Heres my 2cents worth regarding purchasing a new system
1. If you can build your own.. it isnt as hard as you think
2. Get off your lazy fat behind and build your own youll enjoy it
3. Go get yourself a cup of coffee, and accept that you really should build it yourself

4. Never buy your parts from a retail outlet like PC world who exist on the high street.. save your money buy your parts online..
5. Never buy your system brand NEW.. always buy it from cancelled orders etc using online sources like ebay shops of GOOD firms.. even Dell have an ebay shop for great systems if you really must buy a system whole
6. Dont be fooled into thinking the processor is the most important option in your rig.. IT ISNT! your best bet is save money, go for a relatively good spec but your main concern is MEMORY!!! always make sure the memory is the best you can buy (PS try to stick to the same memory make and model if buying several units)
7. The blue screen of death is usually a memory failure issue,
8. If your super smart and you buy a second user system for peanuts, make sure the DRIVE is ALWAYS brand new
9. You dont need to go to Windows Vista XP is absolutely fine because it has good bug fixes now and is stable.... You can use Linux operating system but you wont be playing many games on that system if thats your bag.
10. Do you really need a Laptop?.... really? at around triple the price?... R you sure?... think again.. you cant easily add two or three screens and the heat generated inside means components mean time before failure (MTBF) are shortened drastically
11. Dont be tempted by some obscure virus checkers.. go for top notch and dump the rest... anyone who really truely needs to break into your system and is capable will probably do so inspite of virus checkers
12. Make sure though you seek a good Spyware detector... most spyware detectors bundled with virus checkers are not really all that robust... youll probably need to use two if your worried about intrusion/hacking
11. make sure you switch off services in windows like telnet or remote assistance or entry into your system will be like taking candy from a child.
13. For those of you who do not understand how a computer works.. this is all you need to know:
memory is like your desk at work.. the bigger it is the more books you can spread on it and the quicker you can grab them and work with many open pages..simple
Hard Drive is simply your chest of draws that store your books
The cpu is your IQ, but remember what good is a smart guy with a huge project to work on and a 2x2 inch tabletop? Also a clever guy and a moderately clever guy will not necessarily give you unlike results to simple questions.. (CPU speed is overrated)
Motherboard.. is simply the 1st and second floor of your house holding up everything so it works together
Power supply self explanatory but these days for PCs your looking at a minimum requirement of 400watts output..anything less and the more things you add, the more likely you will have phantom reboots..

14 screens your looking for TFT LCD screen with high brightness bit most importantly a low response time e.g. 12ms or less..definitely single figures if your looing to play games.. try not to cut corners here.. eventually poor quality here will irritate you or reduce the clarity of your experience, best monitors are made by Eizo, because they also make units for medical purposes

Build yourself youll learn stuff and be able to fix problems later
Dont cut coners with hard drives buy new,
memory must be large, 2GB min
CPU speed, look for 2GB upward or cutting edge.... bleeding edge speed isnt worth it.. (and sometimes the only difference between some CPU models is the speed they are set at, you will most likely be able to increase the clock speed anyway... its just that you may need a bigger heat sink to cope with the extra heat... thats all..
Choose your screen well, avoid obscure 3rd party brands

just my 2cents..
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Mac 0S X


I am as green as they come, I am still going through "Babypips kindergarden" less than a year ago I purchased a Mac 0S X computer. I realize now that the forums tell you not to do that. Does that mean that I have to now go and purchase a new PC in order to trade?

Thank you
Best set-up for starting out

Nice post!

I'm just getting set-up at home myself .
I'm used to getting all the IT stuff done for me by the IT staff, so any help is most greatly appreciated!

So you trade on 2 boxes? Is that really necessary. How much cash should I be looking to spend in total?

CYOF said:
Hi Faris,

To be honest, I am not an expert on OS's - I know that Linux is very popular but the available software is limited. Not sure about Vista, and I have no interest in using it when it becomes available.

My own 8 multimonitor setup is with a Dell P4 1.8, 512MB Ram, 2 x 9 GB SCSI hard drives (one for OS and trading programmes and the other as a backup),3 x Appian Jeronimo PCI Graphics Cards (each card has a 4 x 4 MB VGA Output - which will do up to 12 monitors), Windows 2000 Operating System.

With this I also have separate IBM P2 400 also with Win 2000, which I use for the DSL connection and Order Entry Software. This then feeds an 8 port network box, which the Dell P4 is connected to via a standard 10 Mb network card.

No other software is on any of the PC's - I use my laptop for MS Office, etc, and also have my Order Entry Software on the laptop as a backup in case the IBM PC crashes. My laptop is a 15.4 Widescreen Sony Vaio - 1 year old and a superb machine.

When I say 100K + per day I mean daytrading with up to 5K shares per trade.

This may not seem big to some, but if you consider that you may do 20 trades in 1/2 to 3/4 hr, then the potential to loose is big - so I would definitely look at the best setup available if I was going to trade this size.

5000 Shares x 20cent = $1000

$1000 x 5 trades = $5000 and 5 losing trades out of 20 is very real with daytrading.

So, if one may loose $5K per day, nothing but the best is required to remove any limitations such as speed reduction due to a sub standard PC configuration.

If I get to the 5K size per daytrade - then I would build my own PC as noted by racer.

Overall, you can get a good setup without spending a lot of money. If you are going to daytrade, a fast DSL connection with a low contention ratio is more important for speed than the PC. My future spend will be on 32" LCD's - to do away with the multi monitors and save desk space. If I get to the 5K shares per trade, then I will get the fastest PC available as mentioned above.

Double Sigt Display Monitors

Does anyone use these at all? They look good and save on space but I was wondering what traders thought?
Dell Specials

I've always bought Dell and have never had any issues with them. Best of all they deliver so no valuable hours wasted shopping around. You just need to know their current offers to get value for money. The best site I've come across which lists Dell's current specials is UK Computers
Ignite.. be very careful with Dell systems.. do not buy the extended warranty!!!! there is already warranty
on the parts!!! but know if Dell install has invalidated those parts warranty first.... (otherwise BUILD YOUR OWN you lazy mofos (ok Im tipsy now)), know whats going on here.. great for the average guy.. but really bad for the dude who wants just that hairline widths worth or extra speed and competence edgeand is willing to pay for it.... because his requirements are perhaps a bit more specialized.. HOWVER "me old son" clever people build (save money) and get what they need at the very best price/performance ratio..... beware all foolish (ok.. thats one too many Vintage Ciders at 8% and my last I promise.. sorry everyone) ... its like buying a car except because of price many dont realise as a user they are in control!!! wake up traders Im trying to save you money!!!! yep.. Im drunk!..). really at any time you buy.. your spending a bit more money just to have a fraction more speed.. get clever and realise you should ALWAYS buy your CPUs' second hand because CPUs never really fail.. they go on...and on.. ... if you want to know where PM me! Ill give you numbers (so you buy at cost) , memory and harddrives NEW or remain foolish, get your CPU case from Thermaltake, forget the rest, buy your motherboard Brand new but pay less by shopping atthe right place e.g. or always as NEW (these days get a dual OPTERON READY motherborard or dual XEON (remember buy the CPUS second from brokers or pay double idiot!! sorry the dye is cast..but still lovely that Henry Westons Cider..) You can buy motherboards from from Supermicro partners (so really your building a SUN system..because al PC/workstation manufacti=urers do is contruct units from various manufacturers as indeed is the case with Car manufacture... and yes SUN are ridiculously overpriced when you know whats in them),

NEXT.. then get CPU cooling and perhaps a 800watts (upwards) power supply from Thermaltake also.. perhaps Kingston Samsung or other ULTRA PREMIUM QUALITY MNFR of MEMORY e.g. OCZ for memory but dont buy thier "value brands" ( you cheaps kate... wow this cider is so strong!!!!) unless on a budget).. and then the rest really is a series of 2port (never buy 4 port....never ever..) graphics cards that allow for dual screening. I sugest you always buy x2 peices of the dual port re=ather than x1 piece of the 4 port card... because bord level components are never as good (like buying a motherboard with ONBOARD sound or GRAPHICS.. who are you kidding man....?.. would you prefer a all - in -one stero system ( before IPOD) or a system you could build yourself in modular fashion?... LEARN!)

In general DELL is ok (what follows oid for techies and modders) . itll do..just... but realize now DELL have stopped offering their refurbished ( or canceled ) order specials via Ebay.. (as indeed many like HP and IBM who realize these guys are just techies who think they know how to sell stuff like IT and believe me they are a bunch of doofuses when it comes to selling IT thats why IT offerings have diminished severely in quality over the last year because vendors are pi55ed off at the charges.. Paypal and ebay charges now come to almost 10% of all trade combined... IT hardware works off less than that margin.. hence the fallout)... in fact thats why I have chosen to leave trading in hardware for trading on the markets.. I knew something was wrong when I was relying on EBAY sales for a living... no thank you.. I'm not that desperate..well... I was uncomfortable with that and decided enough was was enough... waiting for emails from a company that doesn't give a sh1t isn't a way to run a business.

OK enough.. Im blasted..... build yer own you lazy bunch of mofos'. have a great day all

Le Paul.. drunk. but not out on the weekend!...

(DISCLAIMER: theres no excuse for drink or drugs during market hours.. I never ever condon that sort of behavior.... such behavior can result in serious financial loss of all OR EVEN MORE that you margined exposure).

le Paulo
Advice Please!

I'm about to get a new machine and I'm wondering if there's any merit in keeping my existing machine for non-trading use. In other words, I use the new computer exclusively for trading and do everything else - e-mail and net surfing etc - on the old machine. The idea is to prevent any 'nasties' getting into the new machine. Would I need two completely separate broadband connections to make this idea work or can I run both machines through one connection? Sorry if this is a dim question but, as you've probably gathered, I don't really understand how viruses and other nasties work!
router required

Good thinking: U probably would need a multiport router to connect the other machine and it will operate independently of the other thru the same beoadband connection, i run 4, 2 wireless and two cable, no problems. Usually u cannot connect to the same broker at the same time, but not all are like this, but can surf thru multi comp thru the same isp, no sweat.