Are you talking about "noobs" or "plebs"?
Speaking as a "noob" I kinda resent this idea that we're all a bunch of tw@ts that need constant saving from ourselves. We are not all wet behind the ears delusional morons you know, some of us can actually see bull**** served up as know-how.
Please if you want to have a pop at vendors then go for it, but don't dress it up as if your on some crusade to save everyone, this is a trading forum after all not Net Mums.
I've never used the expression "noob" or similar anymore than I used , decades ago, the term "nooge" at my school because I thought it disparaging. We are all grown people and should have enough brains to be able to defend ourselves from scammers.
In any case, if I am trying to pass a warning I can do so so without being patronising.