CMC New Charting Package

Hi folks, nice to see yet another forum thread running about this debacle - I started the one on Plus+ and it has already hit 7 pages! 😆

I too have gone to IG Index, I wanted several custom indicators, and it's the only way to do it as far as I can see (GFT have a customisable charting package, but I don't know what they are like as a company). The other benefit I see we have with IG is you can link stops and limits to your orders - how long have CMC been promising us that? 😡

I guess the only bit I will miss at CMC is the forum, but there are others (like right here of course). I may try to see if I can set up some sort of chat room, maybe some of us can get together in there to help each other?

@gamma - once you have opened all the charts you want (if you're not sure how to open multiple charts, shout out) and then in the ITCharts screen, go to Options > Multi-window multi-screen > Fit all windows to screen size. You should then find your ITCharts and Lists screens at the top, and all your charts together underneath.

Good luck with your trading everyone.

Hi Pete,

Nice to see you on the forum - hope you find it helpful.

I'm going to contact CMC today as well and close my account with them - the new charts are an absoloute farce (as I mentioned on the Plus+ forum as well). I've been with them for nearly four years now and had no complaints up until last week. I hope they take note with people jumping ship and going else where. Perhaps it will encourage them to go back to the old charting package. :clap:

Incidentally, I would strongly recommend anyone using IG Index to also sign up for a free account with ProRealtime - I have been using them for years, and their service is very good. If you need programming help, they will advise you - admittedly you are restricted to the number of requests you can put in on a free account, but it's still helpful. But one of the best bits is the access you have to indicators, backtests and screeners - you can add these to your PRT account, and also copy the code and create the same indicator or screener in your IG account. Note that you have access to the ProScreener module in IG's charts.

Hi Pete,

Nice to see you on the forum - hope you find it helpful.

I'm going to contact CMC today as well and close my account with them - the new charts are an absoloute farce (as I mentioned on the Plus+ forum as well). I've been with them for nearly four years now and had no complaints up until last week. I hope they take note with people jumping ship and going else where. Perhaps it will encourage them to go back to the old charting package. :clap:


Hi Jilly, thanks.

Yes, I've been with them about that long too, and was prepared to put up with minor niggles (no linked orders etc) because of the charts 🙁

I will pop back on there every now and again to see if they have changed/corrected things, but frankly I am convinced it is a cost cutting exercise - note that they are winding up their US operation, so maybe they are feeling the pinch?

Hi Handlep & Jilly,

I too have withdrawn from cmc after almost 10 years - I can't believe they've done this.

I don't use any fancy indicators - just the basics, but when you don't even have the cursor telling you the price you know it's time to look elswhere.

Ah well...every cloud has a sliver lining........IG for me from now on. LOL we should all recommend each other & get a hamper :0)

Keep in touch 😉


aka Shambles xxx on the cmc plus forum
Well I filled in the form to withdraw my funds and close my CMC account hopefully the funds should be back with me tomorrow. In the box marked 'briefly specify the reason for you wishing to close the account' I told them exactly why I was leaving - a change for the worse with the new charts.

Hope everyone else filled in the box - perhaps it'll start to sink in that their clients are not happy.

I have to say that if they did go back to the old charts and asked me to reopen an account, I would do. I've had absolutely no problems with them apart from these new charts - think they've shot themselves in the foot with the change.
I use the marketmaker software so hadn't noticed this difference, having just logged on via IE I can see what you are all talking about. Its impossible to use them charts for any kind of decision making. I had to laugh at the "hotness" indicators I personally think that the IE platform combined with the slick advertising is aimed at driving the seasoned out and the suckers in. Or am I being too cynical?

BTW I am currently "scalping" CMC and doing very well out of it. Is there a point I should expect them to put me on "dealer referral"
Handlep and all CMC crowd

Glad to see you got over here on to T2W (I was the one who recommended 'eye gee' on their private forum, and to come over to this forum too), hehe.
Keep on winning, onwards and upwards!

hi handlep
been with cmc 4 years.
never posted on +plus forum but always see you, android trader and ploppy regularly posting.
Have to say the last week has been an absolute disaster. Just incredible how a supposed market leader behaving this way.
Have to say anyone new to the game signing up with them now, just hasnt got a chance with that dross "charting".
I can appreciate money saving exercises, but didnt someone up there think about the consequences of what this would do to them. As ive said here before ig, prorealtime and anyone else gaining from this must be laughing their heads off at cmc.
Its gonna be interesting to see what direction they go in in the next few weeks.
Anyway good to see you all over here!:clap:
I seem to remember reading somewhere on the IG site that you can set an alert on their charts that can notify you by sending a sms to your cell,But going through the Alert setup I see no way of doing this,
If there is someone out there who is familiar with i.g's alert set up let me know if this is possible
I seem to remember reading somewhere on the IG site that you can set an alert on their charts that can notify you by sending a sms to your cell,But going through the Alert setup I see no way of doing this,
If there is someone out there who is familiar with i.g's alert set up let me know if this is possible

Hi Gamma

I have used the Alerts in IG a number of times and works very well. In your watchlist (in PureDeal not the charts) click on the drop down list ( where you would click 'order to open') and at the bottom is 'Set Price Alert'

I'm sure you will work it out from there but shout if you get stuck.

Hi Gamma

I have used the Alerts in IG a number of times and works very well. In your watchlist (in PureDeal not the charts) click on the drop down list ( where you would click 'order to open') and at the bottom is 'Set Price Alert'

I'm sure you will work it out from there but shout if you get stuck.


when i open the ticket all I get is a
spot fx usd/jpy
then at the bottom
deposit required
thats the last line
where an i going wrong
when i open the ticket all I get is a
spot fx usd/jpy
then at the bottom
deposit required
thats the last line
where an i going wrong


It sounds like you are clicking on the instrument name. Over to the right you should have a 'drop down' icon with more options.

I have been with CMC for 7 years, tbh, I don't think they want traders who make money eating into there bottom line, judging by their latest tricks, they just want people who are not that technical, thus have less chance of winning.
aka ploppy.
Yup, the new charts are ****. adding support and resistance lines and moving them around is so screwed up now. How can they over look this. Its my understanding they developed this in house and intend on adding more content, so I suggest we all email them and let them know our views.
Yup, the new charts are ****. adding support and resistance lines and moving them around is so screwed up now. How can they over look this. Its my understanding they developed this in house and intend on adding more content, so I suggest we all email them and let them know our views.

They know how we feel believe me, the problem is that they don't care. Just vote with your feet, once they start losing customers they may change their minds, but I wouldn't bank on it, they only want noobs with £1000 accounts to eat up.
Gamma, as Ljr says, you have to set the alert via the Puredeal page, the chart alerts don't have the SMS option (although ProRealTime does, on a realtime access account). But, you need to set your mobile number in your personal details before you can tick the SMS alert box.


I note they are updating marketmaker tommorow. Are we all going to laugh or cry ?😴