Capital Spreads new charts..WTF !!!


Hi everybody,

We were informed that cs were about to change the charting package to a more revolutionary one starting today.. I am all for change for the better, but having logged on this morning, it took me a while to set it up. Now for reference i normally draw a horizontal line in the RSI indicator which acts like a trigger for my trading strategy. The new charts doesn't let you draw lines into your indicators screen area. I phoned the cs customer support and asked how do you do it? the reply was "that at this moment you can't, we are working on this and are not sure when we will be able to update it". I said isn't this new package supposed to be better than the old one? oh yes sir, but we are working on it, sorry for the trouble. I said its ok until you fix it i will be using iG.. Have a nice day.

Friends I am sorry if i sound like a moaning git, but is it me or have cs messed up the charting platform?
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I'm in the same boat, i have some money with CS and the new charts are a waste of time!

How could they even add charts that don't work when the old ones were fine, idiots.

This will of lost them a lot of clients, they also told me that these ones are better too.
Why don't you use an external data provider?

I use MT4 with FxPro for example and simply place the trades with the broker. I don't think there are any SB providers out there that can rival MT4 charting (unless they are providing it themselves like SLM) and its biggest advantage for me is that it doesn't use Java which I find has a tendency to run slowly (at least for me!)
trader_dante.. yeah i'm using IG's charts today since CS's are so crap

They are about 20 points out, and t_d.. what do you think of sierra charts?

A few people have told me that they are real good
Or try something like ninja trader and kinetick feed.
TBH I personally think MT is an inaccurate pile of gash but thats just me :whistling

Tried importing historical m1 data into it a while back - import was full of holes even though source data was sound.
Imported the same m1 data into ninjatrader and all was well, much prefer it, espacially for historical imports...
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when i called them to say their charts are way off price and constantly freezing - they told me quote " apologies for the inconvience, we understand it will take time to adjust to the new charts" ,,Like,,duh,,no dude,,the new charts dont work,,unless you think we'll make millions contantly adjusting the charts on every time frame,,
Its totally diabolical.. i will not be using cs until they drastically change the charts. They have gone back ten years in time.

I have gone back to IG whose charts are like what cs had in the first place, user friendly. everything is there, you move your mouse anywhere and a box appears with all the info you need, open,high, low, close etc. With cs being a leading sb firm, they have really lost the plot.
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trader_dante.. yeah i'm using IG's charts today since CS's are so crap

They are about 20 points out, and t_d.. what do you think of sierra charts?

A few people have told me that they are real good

Never tried them, Doom!
Same here, never used CS myself. Agreed on relying solely on broker charts (or at least bucket shops) always have a seperate backup feed at least.
Also never rely on bucket shop alerts...3rd party alerts for SR and so on are much more reliable, not least in terms of prompt delivery...
EricReed.. i have personally over the years tried different charting packages, and different strategies. In the end i found a simple strategy that i have confidence in using, one that has served me well over the years. It doesn't require complicated or fancy charts, just the standard cs or iG charts will do with one indicator and a moving average. I didn't have any problems with cs. But This week capital spreads have totally gone bonkers with the introduction of a so called revolutionary charting package which defies logic. They call it teething problems, i call it a big cockup.