CMC New Charting Package

How much does Prorealtme cost

Take a look Gamma.

It's pretty good as I recall. I only use their eod as I use IG anyway. Same charts, But realtime have volume and volume based indicators that IG do not have. (Which I have always thought of as a cop out.

Have noticed just lately though that the price feed and the charts do not match up on occasion. The charts lag the price which is bloody annoying!

As an aside I could not get an indictor to match up with a indicator that Grey 1 uses. His was showing overbought, mine was showing oversold. (No wonder he makes more money than I do!)

Just come off market plus forum
the complaints are racking up BIG time. lot of people going to IG.
They really havent thought this through.
someones for the chop!!!!!!
Thanks guys,
I started off opening a new account with I.G only for it to say I already have an account with them
great will get my details monday
thanks for all the info on I.G
Just come off market plus forum
the complaints are racking up BIG time. lot of people going to IG.
They really havent thought this through.
someones for the chop!!!!!!

This has just got to be the way to go, vote with your feet and move your money out your cmc accounts and go to ig. It will be the only way to show them that you are unhappy with what they have done and isn't what you want from an sb company. Don't forget to mail them and tell them why you are moving.
first thing on monday i am taking all but five pounds from my cmc account and splitting it between odl markets and igindex. loyalty to ig for using their charts so i will do my swing trades there and for my scalping trades odl bcos of their super fast execution of trades
i hate this new charting package. As begin a software developer, i think they have 4got the rules of software. they have lost alot of the old functions not good.

hopeful this is a trial version and we will have a better version soon.
i hate this new charting package. As begin a software developer, i think they have 4got the rules of software. they have lost alot of the old functions not good.

hopeful this is a trial version and we will have a better version soon.

according to the md Its the first phase of the rollout with more to come!:whistling
apparently its been requested via customer feedback !!!!!
Lets be honest its money saving. Having said that they must of spent a LOT of dosh on getting James Nesbitt to do the advertising!!
Try prorealtime if you want the old charts. But it will cost.:clap:
the pivot points and drawing lines is most annoying it used to work well.

now you have to click this and that and the pivot lines look sh ite
CMC Charting Package Change

A company normally ugrades a system to improve on existing features, but looks like they have down graded their charting package and pissed off a lot of clients. Trades are also delayed a few milliseconds. I have been complaining all week via email and 0800 tel. The guy told me they are making some changes in a week or so. I have stopped trading and told them I will close my account unless they have the charting features up and running. They also want more customer feedback, so I suggest you guys give them a call.
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Have got my I.G index chart package up
I am having trouble trying to display 4 charts at he same time like you can with cmc
I have been through the help bit can't find anything to help me does anyone know how to do this.
Other than that the charting is superb
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open up each chart individually minimise them as u open them or make them smaller as u open them and you should be ok
CMC are going to the dogs because of this major stitch up, the private forum is seething, but you know CMC (formally known as Deal4Free, traders nicknamed them Steal4Free because of the underhand tactics, hence the name change to CMC Markets) they don't care, it's all about profits, they are obviously losing money off the Pro traders who used their previous charts to their advantage. I'm with IG Index, same charts as old CMC (actually they are better) for free, easier to trade with and to monitor postions, and you can trade directly off the chart if you wish, sorted.
CMC, who were they? ;-)

CMC are going to the dogs because of this major stitch up, the private forum is seething, but you know CMC (formally known as Deal4Free, traders nicknamed them Steal4Free because of the underhand tactics, hence the name change to CMC Markets) they don't care, it's all about profits, they are obviously losing money off the Pro traders who used their previous charts to their advantage. I'm with IG Index, same charts as old CMC (actually they are better) for free, easier to trade with and to monitor postions, and you can trade directly off the chart if you wish, sorted.
CMC, who were they? ;-)

ig must be lovin it. competition on cmc private forum to see who can leave with the smallest amount left in their account. Interesting though that no one actually wants to close their account fully ! i guess were all hoping that the decision will be reversed or this crap charting will turn into something decent! OH WHO AM I KIDDING !!!
I feel sorry for anyone new to the game that opens an a/c with them trying to make money with that charting!!!!
Great Charts IG Index

Searched the web and found IG Index and Pro Realtime use the same charting from IT Finance. Only its free with IG, so I opened an account this morning .Set up my charts today and back to trading tomorrow. Hey guys thanks for your feedback 🙂
Display Multiple Charts

Click on the link icon bottom left of chart then copy or open new charts, then save template. Go to Pro RealTime website and see the setup videos. Happy trading!