Best Thread CMC Markets owner answers your questions

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hi ross,
I have admitted enough times that our charts need to improve. I think they are pretty good but I am not going to sit back and say they are perfect. also the point of this thread is to hear what you have to say and act on it. We are doing that. Our ambition is to have the best charts in the industry. it will take time but we will get there. We have the budget, the people and the team to build them and above all the desire.

Give it time, there will be a constant stream of improvements coming your way. once we release next version by the end of this month then you can check them out and let me know what you think.

oh and by the way thanks for all the free advice, very much appreciated.

tks pc

Ah, so you're finally admitting that the charts weren't and aren't sorted.🙂 It'll be great if you can make the updated version as clear and functional as NinjaT.
Oanda have served me well since 2003, still use their charts as nothing comes close to them at the moment. But CMC have beat them on spreads, plus tax free gains aswell!

I use IG for custom bets along with betonmarkets.

Traded with FXCM when I first started out, but their spreads are too wide and to be honest, I just don't trust them at all.
hi the hare,
so why did you say could be flex that causes latency.
I thought you were an expert on these things.
honestly flex is excellent and I would say that our top three competitors would love to have a flex front end. in fact some of them are recruiting flex developers as we speak.

tks pc

I used to be quite an advocate of flex. I'd use whatever development tool best met the requirements , and since I dont know the requirements, I cant really answer 😆
Dear Truth seeker,

Many thanks for your posting and I would endorse what you are saying about changes. You have certainly got us to reduce nat gas spreads, look at and implement one click trading, profit take in pips.

Like I have said on numerous occasions, I am using this forum to get your feed back, pass those comments onto my team (who monitor this site any way) and make change. This forum is a great way for clients or potential clients to communicate with the Executive Chairman of the company. Not sure why but when I ask for something in the company I tend to get it. funny that.

I think also the tone of this forum has changed. Posters realise that if they come up with sensible ideas they will get looked at. Posters are seeing this as a way for developing their ideas and get the voices heard. And I for one are listening.

thanks truth seeker and the other posters on here for your feed back and comments. I can take the good and the bad, because that is the real world. all we want now is for clients to stay in the real world when it comes to trading. markets do move, there is some times latency, there are some times price spikes but overall I think we get our pricing and execution right. We are not messing around with execution, our pricing and execution is completely electronic and you do not get read on your trade before you trade. we offer precision pricing, no re quotes. sorry couldnt resist the sales pitch.

please remember that spread betting is a leveraged product, you should understand the risks before trading.

cheers and good luck with your trading.

pc (Mr £1 per point)

cheers pc

You may mock but because of me we are getting single click trading, reduced spreads on Natural Gas, faster execution, stop-loss and take-profit both in pips. And don't forget, Peter has been appreciative of my comments as have I for Peter for listening and implementing our ideas even though certain cretins have tried to ruin our ideas along the way.

Now I won't presume that you are one of the £1pp or £10pp crew, but when you're trading at in excess of £100pp, let me tell you you want everything running as sweet as possible to make sure that your chances of getting the best prices are covered. I take trading seriously, as should you.
eh Mr Benny Dorm

Good to hear from you again, I guess the internet lines have been down from North of the Border (Watford I mean).

I will pass your requests onto the boys. The buggers will not give me release date. (They try to manage my expectations) but my birthday is 30th September and I think we will see something by then. Look forward to receiving your card.

Well the Arsenal thing was surreal to be honest but not completely unexpected.
we have young team and building for the future, just you wait till next decade. ha ha

did you see our spread cuts and margin reductions.

cheers pc

Hi Peter,

Sorry but don't have time to wade through pages and pages and if this has been asked before then apologies to all for post.

Could you please look into being able to have MA's in relation to the high, low, close or open as in MT4 and also it would be good to be able to shift the MA, as in MT4?

Looking forward to seeing the new charts. Any date?

I won't mention Arsenal if you don't mention Newcastle! 😱

WOW Peter,
0.7 spreads on my favourite dax and .25 margin. That takes a bit of time to digest.
Finally your competitors must be P******g in their pants!!!
all i want now is the redesigned ticket with both sell and buy button!!!
Well done, just wish Arsenal can take a leaf out of your book and improve ( by listening to their fans,spending some real money,...may be time for wenger to go....
bloody ell and I thought you were a cmc groupie....
You have been two timing us and I thought we were your only love.
You have hurt me truth seeker but I forgive you 😍

I use, IG, GFT (sb & real), Oanda (the best so far), Pro Spreads, FXCM (sb & real), Capital Spreads. Looking at ETX and new (and hopefully improved) CMC.
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This is your time.....

hi fast trader,

glad we can be of assistance. Not sure what the competition think and frankly I dont care. We are trying to offer the best service in the markets. we can do this because of the money I have spent on our execution and pricing engines. being an ex trader I have always thought of this first., In the past it was not always possible with software because of all sorts of issues, mostly outside of our control. So we started again, with new technology and it is bloody marvellous. love it to bits.

ticket improvements and other improvements coming over the next couple of weeks. going to be nice upgrade soon but this is on going programme and I want you guys to feed back when you can.

In essence through pricing and execution efficiency we have passed cost savings onto our clients. that is why we can be competitive. there is definitely more to come. It is my belief that because of next gen infrastructure we have put ourselves into a strong position commercially and the more business we get and the more efficiencies we make the more we will pass onto our clients. so this is a team effort from you the clients and us the provider. You can make us number one in U.K if you want, our job is to respond to what you need and want which we will. This is not just reduced spreads but the right charting, execution, pricing, spreads, analytics and a whole lot more besides.

so it is up to you my friends. keep supporting us, trading through us and we will keep passing those savings onto you.

good luck with your trading. remember spread betting is a leveraged product and you should understand the risks before trading.

regards peter

WOW Peter,
0.7 spreads on my favourite dax and .25 margin. That takes a bit of time to digest.
Finally your competitors must be P******g in their pants!!!
all i want now is the redesigned ticket with both sell and buy button!!!
Well done, just wish Arsenal can take a leaf out of your book and improve ( by listening to their fans,spending some real money,...may be time for wenger to go....
honestly flex is excellent and I would say that our top three competitors would love to have a flex front end. in fact some of them are recruiting flex developers as we speak.

tks pc


Please tell me that's CityIndex u r talking about ...
Be careful...!

A trade opening ticket got lost behind the Positions window - I clicked the bottom edge to 'live' it and bring it forward - but it actually opened a trade. On closer inspection the click zone of the Confirm button is larger than that shown - so live traders please be aware of this.


  • MWSnap109.jpg
    10.4 KB · Views: 135
Re: Mr JD Trader comes out of the closet.

hi gle101,

honestly, you will get some great improvements soon. some really great charting. I honestly do not think our charting will be finished in the next month. it will take us about three months to really get there but the boys here love their charts and I have given them the budget to make our charts the very best. and you know what to our clients they will be completely free.

We have also taken on board the comments regarding esignal and ninja trader. watch this space.

sorry the launch in sweden is slower than some other countries. I love our Sweden office, we have really a great team there and they have done very very well. coming soon. i promise.

tks pc
OK I will not continue nagging about not being able to sign up at the moment. I am quite impressed by the way you are communicating. Keep it up, the best action in no. of new post seems to be on this thread. It appears that SB is going in to a new phase driven by CMC nextgen platform. But I guess CMC's competitors will not allow you take too much of a market share freely, at least not without a fight (good for us clients).

It also appears you stand well prepared for the MiFID II "Best execution" directive coming soon. The industry is changing fast that is for certain.
Peter, I just want to remind you about the important feature mention by me earlier, this being able to export your trades in CSV format. Almost all SB's and brokers have this feature implemented, the importance of this feature cannot be highly enough emphasized.
bloody ell and I thought you were a cmc groupie....
You have been two timing us and I thought we were your only love.
You have hurt me truth seeker but I forgive you 😍


Hehe, as my old Pops used to say, never stick all your eggs in one basket. 🙂

Thanks for the endorsment earlier.

As for the £1pp at the end, you missed out the 'M' for a million 😉
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