Best Thread CMC Markets owner answers your questions

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hi Black swan,

bloody ell didnt know that. They were never like that on the Hackney Council estate I was brought up on.....


Blimey, that makes two of us 'flees' of "no social standing" on this thread..well three if you count Aaron..(scose)..

Just in Mcdonalds on an iPad looking at the CMC spread bet app..lightening quick..happy days..
Re: Mr JD Trader comes out of the closet.

haha , mmm at the moment like you i cant open a CFD account from Jordan with CMC , but i have family members in the UK i am thinking to open through them but i still dont like the platform that much i will see , and yes if i open a live account i am an active trader and i will report everything here .

BTW i agree next year i feel it will be better for them , spread cuts and margins reduction is a big move not to mention that the next gen was introduced July 2010 so it didn't really run its course when the report came out ...
Ok I understand, I forgot you're from Jordan. The platform will be upgraded soon and new features like 1 cklick trade will be implemented. But honestly, with good execution and with this kind of spread I couldn't care less about the looks of the platform. The looks have been improved though, since the last time I tested it, or is it the narrow spread?🙂
Hi Mr Truth,

Thanks for post. I will look into it because because for sure we do not suspend markets. Can you confirm what the order was. What market was it you were trading

tks pc

It was on friday, just check your end you should know as your company suspended the markets, surely it should be recorded? It does happen (as my screen shot proves) and the fact that you are stating it doesn't, I find worrying.
hi black swan,

what do you make of our new margin reductions

Blimey, that makes two of us 'flees' of "no social standing" on this thread..well three if you count Aaron..(scose)..

Just in Mcdonalds on an iPad looking at the CMC spread bet app..lightening quick..happy days..
hi Mr Truth seeker,

I asked the technie guys. They gave me a general answer which I think will answer your point.
So firstly the market was not suspended. I will get wording changed for that. This was the wording of the techies. I think it should be something like price corruption. this occurs for all sorts of reasons, may be spike in the markets, line corruption, what ever it is, it is a rare event and has nothing to do with us manipulating the system or the pricing. I will get them to change the wording as I do not think it fits.

tks pc

It was on friday, just check your end you should know as your company suspended the markets, surely it should be recorded? It does happen (as my screen shot proves) and the fact that you are stating it doesn't, I find worrying.
hi tar,
it's a good question and I am sure somebody has tested it internally and I will ask them.
but it is very fast. it is separate from our flash flex application and was designed specifically for iphone and ipad.
Ipad is technically very difficult to build and get it working properly. You cannot get success by changing an existing desk stop platform and configuring it to work on ipad. it can work but the performance is not as good. that is why we wrote two platforms. flash flex and apple application.

I love it, I think it is brilliant but then I am bias. I have noticed though, that the numbers are building very nicely.

tks pc


could it be that the Ipad app faster and better than the web platform ?
hi Mr Truth seeker,

I asked the technie guys. They gave me a general answer which I think will answer your point.
So firstly the market was not suspended. I will get wording changed for that. This was the wording of the techies. I think it should be something like price corruption. this occurs for all sorts of reasons, may be spike in the markets, line corruption, what ever it is, it is a rare event and has nothing to do with us manipulating the system or the pricing. I will get them to change the wording as I do not think it fits.

tks pc

Thanks for the swift reply, good to know its a one off. 🙂
yes I think you will but dont eat the food.
ha ha
have to confess I had KYC last night, honestly for the first time in around 30 years. it was bloody loveleeeee was licking my fingers and lips at the end of it.
definitely going back.

cheers pc

😆 sunny Birkenhead, dya reckon I'll get out alive? 😉
Hi Mr truth.
It will probably happen again. it happens to us all the time from our bank lines it is a factor of the fast moving markets. But generally it is not happening that often. I do not know the stats but probably not even once a day.

tks pc

Thanks for the swift reply, good to know its a one off. 🙂
Re: Mr JD Trader comes out of the closet.

hi gle101,

honestly, you will get some great improvements soon. some really great charting. I honestly do not think our charting will be finished in the next month. it will take us about three months to really get there but the boys here love their charts and I have given them the budget to make our charts the very best. and you know what to our clients they will be completely free.

We have also taken on board the comments regarding esignal and ninja trader. watch this space.

sorry the launch in sweden is slower than some other countries. I love our Sweden office, we have really a great team there and they have done very very well. coming soon. i promise.

tks pc

Ok I understand, I forgot you're from Jordan. The platform will be upgraded soon and new features like 1 cklick trade will be implemented. But honestly, with good execution and with this kind of spread I couldn't care less about the looks of the platform. The looks have been improved though, since the last time I tested it, or is it the narrow spread?🙂
Pfft. Such unsophisticated palates. You need to get the new kebab houses and polish off a mixed grill (sans that naughty donner "meat") with a fresh naan. Fit for a king.
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Hi Mr truth.
It will probably happen again. it happens to us all the time from our bank lines it is a factor of the fast moving markets. But generally it is not happening that often. I do not know the stats but probably not even once a day.

tks pc

"I think it should be something like price corruption. this occurs for all sorts of reasons, may be spike in the markets, line corruption, what ever it is, it is a rare event and has nothing to do with us manipulating the system or the pricing."

Now I'm confused. Rare to you means not even once a day? So what I can gather from this, is, you have a on-going technical problem with executing orders when the markets speed up? That's not a very good service is it? Are you going to look into this on going problem as my experience is this doesn't happen with other good brokers.
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hi truth seeker,
that is not what I meant and no I am not going to look into it because it is not a problem per se. the system works fine. some times there are price corruptions outside of our control and we do our best. it is not a CMC problem but a market problem.

Not quite sure how you got to your conclusion that we have an ongoing problem when I said that it happens rarely, not even once a day.

tks pc

"I think it should be something like price corruption. this occurs for all sorts of reasons, may be spike in the markets, line corruption, what ever it is, it is a rare event and has nothing to do with us manipulating the system or the pricing."

Now I'm confused. Rare to you means not even once a day? So what I can gather from this, is, you have a on-going technical problem with executing orders when the markets speed up? That's not a very good service is it? Are you going to look into this on going problem as my experience is this doesn't happen with other good brokers.
"I think it should be something like price corruption. this occurs for all sorts of reasons, may be spike in the markets, line corruption, what ever it is, it is a rare event and has nothing to do with us manipulating the system or the pricing."

Now I'm confused. Rare to you means not even once a day? So what I can gather from this, is, you have a on-going technical problem with executing orders when the markets speed up? That's not a very good service is it? Are you going to look into this on going problem as my experience is this doesn't happen with other good brokers.
If I am not mistaken I guess he is referring to network latency, it happens with all brokers. How often depends upon where you're trading from.
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