Best Thread CMC Markets owner answers your questions

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sure and look how many hits it will get tomorrow if I dont use it any more.
I can easily transfer my postings to another web site or even use face book or twitter or create use my own cmc markets web site. it is not too difficult when you have 400 i.t people working for you.

Nah. Lulz keeps the numbers up. Watch how many hits this thread gets now that PC is going ape sh*t.
hi everybody,

I think the adverts have disappeared. they do not appear to be within our postings now.
I hope so because I think this is excellent forum and I do not want to walk away. So t2w lets keep it
open and honest forum and do not leverage off my hard work and endeavours. I want t2w to make money. I am businessman and I accept that but to blatantly put competitors adverts in my postings is totally ridiculous. anyway lets monitor it otherwise I am off.

tks pc
sure and look how many hits it will get tomorrow if I dont use it any more.
I can easily transfer my postings to another web site or even use face book or twitter or create use my own cmc markets web site. it is not too difficult when you have 400 i.t people working for you.

When has T2W ever done anything for the longer term benefit of it's member or even itself? In fact I would be surprised if they let you walk away on principle.
For what it's worth, the CMC contribution is good and I suspect quite well-received, so well done on that score. I'm not a client but I do like what you're doing here.

As for the ads, I would relax, I don't think this change will last. It is just too ridiculous for words, whoever came up with the idea really, and I mean really, dropped a boll0ck on this one. I'm amazed that someone at some point didn't say "What the f***ing f***? Are you f***ing stupid? That is the worst f***ing idea I have ever f***ing heard of. You're fired, you f***ing idiot.", which is the only reasonable response to the idea that I can think of.

I'm going long on the "sorry guys it's still in test mode" excuse being rolled fookin stop loss, crashing right through the 200 Smoothed Media Anal..
See this is why I opened a CMC account. I look forward to losing my money to your company, sir. You have earned it at least. Oh btw what you think of the new IG charts?
hi everybody,

seems people power has won the day. However, I will check the site from independent ip address and if I find they are playing silly buggers. I will walk away from this site.
Common sense has prevailed and the adverts appear to be been pulled from individual postings which is only right and fair. Thanks t2w. You have an excellent site and you are fair all round. lets put this down to a silly mistake and move on.

power to the people

hi scose,
it will be a pleasure to accept your money. ha ha.

Well I do not like to speak about competitors on this site. I know how hard this industry is. There is a lot of effort goes into trying to deliver a top service to clients and it is never easy. You have to remember that we all started life as a trading company (or betting company) and we have had to reinvent ourselves as trading and technology companies. It is not easy.

I will leave it for others to comment on their new charts.

tks scose for your postings.


See this is why I opened a CMC account. I look forward to losing my money to your company, sir. You have earned it at least. Oh btw what you think of the new IG charts?
See this is why I opened a CMC account.

hi everybody,

seems people power has won the day. However, I will check the site from independent ip address and if I find they are playing silly buggers. I will walk away from this site.
Common sense has prevailed and the adverts appear to be been pulled from individual postings which is only right and fair. Thanks t2w. You have an excellent site and you are fair all round. lets put this down to a silly mistake and move on.

power to the people


No, its power to the advertisers I'm afraid.
That's not me falling off my chair btw. I'd never were shoes that bad, or white socks, or kecks that look like cords..

Cords are very practical (weren't they also fashionable amongst the "casuals" back in the '80s? A bit before my time, fashion-wise, so I don't really know).
hi phantom666

have to admit I have a pair of cords and very nice they are too with my white socks and tuf shoes. I usually wear them for golf and bingo they seem to fit both occasions well.

Cords are very practical (weren't they also fashionable amongst the "casuals" back in the '80s? A bit before my time, fashion-wise, so I don't really know).
power to t2w as they are making the money from advertisers.
makes me think that I am putting in a lot of effort here and paying for my CMC Markets adverts. I thought I was half decent businessman but cannot help thinking that t2w guys are the smart ones

No, its power to the advertisers I'm afraid.
Cords are very practical (weren't they also fashionable amongst the "casuals" back in the '80s? A bit before my time, fashion-wise, so I don't really know).

Kevin Sampson he say no..although they always were a bunch of teds and beauts from "over the water"..

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