CMC Markets - Next Generation Platform

Just remember that no criminal offence has been committed, because they didn't quite get to the stage where someone hands over a briefcase full of used tenners.

Being an ace trader capable of making huge profits on a daily basis, Black Swan probably won't be affected much, but you do wonder whether this scandal will have any repercussions for CMC.

I would assume that some Labour types might want to look into CMC a bit deeper to see if they can unearth any other embarrassing facts.
Being an ace trader capable of making huge profits on a daily basis, Black Swan probably won't be affected much, but you do wonder whether this scandal will have any repercussions for CMC.

Well if the CEOs questionable ethics are in any way reflected in the company's operating practices... You have to think that Call me Dave and Georgy-boy aren't going to be best pleased with his antics so maybe they will start a bit of a witch hunt. Plus he's not even one of the old boys so he doesn't really have much going in his favour at the moment.

Poor ole Pete.
Nice to see someone who champions the path of escaping the inner city contributing to corruption at the highest levels when at a time when economic disparity is at it's pinnacle.

Wonder what Black Swan has to say about this?

So he claims to be worth £750 million. How many 0.7 pip spreads is that?
Well if the CEOs questionable ethics are in any way reflected in the company's operating practices... You have to think that Call me Dave and Georgy-boy aren't going to be best pleased with his antics so maybe they will start a bit of a witch hunt. Plus he's not even one of the old boys so he doesn't really have much going in his favour at the moment.

Poor ole Pete.

Major embarrassment I'd say, they'll regret the day they hired a bookie as their treasurer.
Seems the row is hotting up. I think this must be Westminster's equivalent of lulz 😆.

Honestly, what did they expect?
I think this must be Westminster's equivalent of lulz 😆


Ed Millinob will be having a field day with this... and so close to the "millionaire" budget too. If I were him I'd have my ugly mug all over the TV pushing this notion of inequality and corruption to the proletariat but he's a but of a whopper so I doubt he'd capitalise on it much. Unless he's got a few donation related skeletons in teh closet too. Actually, I reckon Westminster will probably all just want this to go away. Cue some sort of crisis that "brings us all together".

Ed Millinob will be having a field day with this... and so close to the "millionaire" budget too. If I were him I'd have my ugly mug all over the TV pushing this notion of inequality and corruption to the proletariat but he's a but of a whopper so I doubt he'd capitalise on it much. Unless he's got a few donation related skeletons in teh closet too. Actually, I reckon Westminster will probably all just want this to go away. Cue some sort of crisis that "brings us all together".

I think you are entirely correct here. Similar to the expenses scandal - none of them were willing to push it (as they should have done) because these dogs all have the same fleas. They are pigs that gobble the same swill from the same trough.

The Tories have plenty of rich donors you'd happily trust with your sister (as long as she didn't have more than a tenner on her). Labour has the same, plus of course the unions, who are easily as bad and quite possibly worse.

The state of party funding and the fund-raising methods in this country are a disgrace. That said, I hope this latest episode is not going to be used (and I think it will) to advance the pernicious, totalitarian and very un-British idea of state funding for political parties. This would be a total disaster and would free them from what little necessity remains of actually listening to the public.

The main political parties are dying - morally, politically and financially bankrupt. Membership has collapsed across the board, although not nearly to the extent that these wretched organisations deserve.

A good solution might be to ban all donations over a fairly small amount, £10,000 or so. This would mean that they would have to work for funds, and above all actually listen to the electorate that they farcically claim to represent. If not they would go bust and disappear.

This is a much kinder fate than they merit. If the country had any sense most of the rabble that currently defiles the Palace of Westminster would be up on charges of treason.
agreed. A cap on donations would be excellent and quite lulzy.

I reckon some of the smaller parties are going to have a decent shot at seats in the next election if this bunch of whoppers carry on the way they're going. I reckon Lib Dems have open the floodgates and it may well be that the two-horse race is athing of the past. Just hope BNP don't start gathering momentum again. Monster raving looney for me this year. Well... if I voted I would lol.
agreed. A cap on donations would be excellent and quite lulzy.

I reckon some of the smaller parties are going to have a decent shot at seats in the next election if this bunch of whoppers carry on the way they're going. I reckon Lib Dems have open the floodgates and it may well be that the two-horse race is athing of the past. Just hope BNP don't start gathering momentum again. Monster raving looney for me this year. Well... if I voted I would lol.

Not voting is the only sensible and indeed patriotic action to take when confronted with political parties such as those with which we are currently cursed. I applaud you for it.

The BNP is an interesting question. Like many, I suppose I was too complacent about them, regarding them as too inherently revolting to be a serious threat. Then (around the time that the odious Nick Griffin appeared on Question Time, I think) they seemed to be making significant electoral strides. Now though I would say that looks like a high water mark for them and they appear to be retreating.

Vigilance is necessary though. The decision to force them to amend their constitution was I thought both foolish and wrong, because it was the single best and most damning argument against them. Their constitution was clear - it was explicitly racist. Other accusations of racism they could argue against, with weasel words and forked tongues. Nick Griffin, however vile he might be, is I think a very capable man and should not be underestimated. He has after all done a remarkable job in cleaning up his rabble's image. But as long as the constitution was in place, they were explicitly stating that they were racist. People such as this condemn themselves out of their own mouths, so I believe it is better to let them spew their bile to allow everyone to see what manner of people they are. That is to say, bigoted, disgraceful and ignorant and a party that no decent person could vote for.
Hello all,
Just a thought... CMC says its $100 million new platform is completely 100% automated and no dealer tricks. Does that mean you can scalp with CMC? has anyone got any experiences? do they start playing with you once you make some money like the old marketmaker platform?
Hello all,
Just a thought... CMC says its $100 million new platform is completely 100% automated and no dealer tricks. Does that mean you can scalp with CMC? has anyone got any experiences? do they start playing with you once you make some money like the old marketmaker platform?

Try it and get back to us.
Whilst I am ranting about the BNP, the two main parties should be held to account for the part they have played in assisting them. They have disgracefully allowed the BNP (who are profoundly un-British and indeed anti-British) to cloak themselves in a mantle of faux patriotism.

In whose favour does the person loves his country cast his vote? The old Labour party was in many respects a fine institution, combining patriotism with reforming zeal and a genuine social conscience (unlike the ersatz kind so loudly proclaimed by the modern Labour party). And now? Love of one's country is a disreputable thing in their eyes. When the likes of the excellent Tony Benn and a few others go, there will be no-one left in that awful party with even the slightest sense of decency.

As the for the Tories, they appear to be rather confused. As far as I can judge, they think that patriotism consists of the following:

One should bomb and invade as many Muslim countries (selected, it seems, entirely at random) as possible. Admittedly they did not start many of our Middle Eastern adventures, but they supported them and still refuse to admit that they were wrong to do so, to their eternal shame. This unleashing of mass slaughter upon innocents abroad they then combine with grovelling to the worst Islamic extremist elements at home, and selling our national sovereignty to the band of kleptocrats, rejects and failures that make up the ruling class of the EU.

I imagine because the Tories are weak, pathetic and useless they like to appear tough by sending better men than they to die in unnecessary and immoral wars abroad. They presumably view these deaths (and those of untold numbers of civilians) as a reasonable price to pay for the bolstering of their egos.
Hello all,
Just a thought... CMC says its $100 million new platform is completely 100% automated and no dealer tricks. Does that mean you can scalp with CMC? has anyone got any experiences? do they start playing with you once you make some money like the old marketmaker platform?

No, you can't scalp with CMC. You can get scalped if you like, that is perfectly possible.
Whilst I am ranting about the BNP, the two main parties should be held to account for the part they have played in assisting them. They have disgracefully allowed the BNP (who are profoundly un-British and indeed anti-British) to cloak themselves in a mantle of faux patriotism.

In whose favour does the person loves his country cast his vote? The old Labour party was in many respects a fine institution, combining patriotism with reforming zeal and a genuine social conscience (unlike the ersatz kind so loudly proclaimed by the modern Labour party). And now? Love of one's country is a disreputable thing in their eyes. When the likes of the excellent Tony Benn and a few others go, there will be no-one left in that awful party with even the slightest sense of decency.

As the for the Tories, they appear to be rather confused. As far as I can judge, they think that patriotism consists of the following:

One should bomb and invade as many Muslim countries (selected, it seems, entirely at random) as possible. Admittedly they did not start many of our Middle Eastern adventures, but they supported them and still refuse to admit that they were wrong to do so, to their eternal shame. This unleashing of mass slaughter upon innocents abroad they then combine with grovelling to the worst Islamic extremist elements at home, and selling our national sovereignty to the band of kleptocrats, rejects and failures that make up the ruling class of the EU.

I imagine because the Tories are weak, pathetic and useless they like to appear tough by sending better men than they to die in unnecessary and immoral wars abroad. They presumably view these deaths (and those of untold numbers of civilians) as a reasonable price to pay for the bolstering of their egos.

Sounds about right 😀