CMC Markets - Next Generation Platform

I have not experienced their slippage.. positive or negative. But i still cant understand their dealing
ticket system. Why on earth we have to click on both buy and sell to do a simple trade? Remember Peter always said it is a $100 million shiny new platform
Yes I agree, they made it unnecessary awkward. Anyway dealing ticket no big deal really, the important thing is spread, speed of execution and preciseness thereof.

"Take control with Risk & Money Management"
Yes I agree, they made it unnecessary awkward. Anyway dealing ticket no big deal really, the important thing is spread, speed of execution and preciseness thereof.

"Take control with Risk & Money Management"

Of course the dealing ticket is important. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't even have the buy and sell on seperate tickets for one instrument, and that took ages to get through to Peter and a barrage of insults from Black Swan who ended up working for CMC. All I wanted was 1 click trade tickets, but he knows it's easier to make money that way, can't have that can they? 😉 Oanda tickets are the best, you can pre-set what take profits and stops you want and save that setting and enter market or limit on 1 click.
Of course the dealing ticket is important. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't even have the buy and sell on seperate tickets for one instrument, and that took ages to get through to Peter and a barrage of insults from Black Swan who ended up working for CMC. All I wanted was 1 click trade tickets, but he knows it's easier to make money that way, can't have that can they? 😉 Oanda tickets are the best, you can pre-set what take profits and stops you want and save that setting and enter market or limit on 1 click.
There are other ways to solve the problem with the order ticket, but you can never do anything about the actual execution speed. Yes, Oanda might have a very good solution, but you can only trade FX with them and it is not SB.🙂

"Take control with Risk & Money Management"
Bad thing happen trading CMC now! I have two Crude Oil Brent position just can not close!!! I tried 20 times to close NOTHING happen! I also tried to buy the same amount to close my short position, it tells me "the market is closed or currently suspended". The Crude Oil Brent market is not closed now, the price is still moving. It's suspended just because high volitity now?? I have no idea, even set Stop loss and Take Profit doesn't work when it's hit. The position is still open, no person on Live Chat, what can i do now?
Wow! I try to trade other instruments, like US30, EUR/USD... None I can trade now, all tell me "the market is suspended"!! I think the whole CMC next gen platform is suspended!
I tried to trade on their demo platform, it's the same problem "suspended".
My position is still open, fortunately the price went in my favor. 😛 Hopefully the problem is fixed before the position turns to loss...
I tried to log off, log on several times. The problem remains. My position is still there, the price seems to start go against me. I'm panic!
I tried to log off, log on several times. The problem remains. My position is still there, the price seems to start go against me. I'm panic!
I hope it worked out OK for you. One again, trading SB from a risk management point of view one has to have a second SB up and running, this in order to hedge yourself in order to protect the position when needed.

"Take control with Risk & Money Management"
Finally it's wokring to me as well now. The position is closed! I got more profit than if I were close it early. Lol
I cant believe nobody gave a rating for this discussion ! , here is one star from me not because of CMC but for this pointless discussion .....
I think the lack of stars is a reflection of peoples opinion of CMC not the thread itself.
Personally, I think it is a 5 star thread for helping people stay away from that mob.
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I think the lack of stars is a reflection of peoples opinion of CMC not the thread itself.
Personally, I think it is a 5 star thread for helping people stay away from that mob.
The problem is that a lot of complaining CMC traders don't take the effort of find this thread, the same goes for satisfied clients I guess. That makes me wonder the about number of clients trading SB with them. CFD's we know, they are a lot of traders that prefer trading with CMC.

"Take control with Risk & Money Management"
Anyone trading CMC can confirm if this problem happen to everyone?

I had the same problem last night, couldn't close my position and couldn't get through on the phone so had to hedge with IG but the time wasted cost me 30 points so not happy. I have reported it this morning and they know there was a problem but haven't got back to me.
Being stuck in a trade is a nightmare. I am back using IG today even though the spread is worse as I have lost confidence with CMC
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I'm the lucky one of the last night's CMC server malfunction. I shorted Brent Oil at 127.3 but it went to 128.3, I wanted to stop loss but couldn't close. After the server resumed function, the Brent Oil was 126.1, if the server stuck longer I would get more profit today. 😀
I'm the lucky one of the last night's CMC server malfunction. I shorted Brent Oil at 127.3 but it went to 128.3, I wanted to stop loss but couldn't close. After the server resumed function, the Brent Oil was 126.1, if the server stuck longer I would get more profit today. 😀

Be careful what you say, as they might get in contact and ask for the money back.🙂

On the subject of CMC generally, you have to wonder if there's there anyone around who has tried Next Gen, decided they like it and happily carried on trading?
The key is if the trade eventually result a loss because of can't close, can I claim moeny back from CMC?
No I don't think they will agree on such a claim. Platforms goes down at times and it's important to have a stop in place. For one reason or the other SB traders don't seem to be covered with hedging possibilities when these things happen.

"Take control with Risk & Money Management"