CMC Markets - Next Generation Platform

Hello all,
Just a thought... CMC says its $100 million new platform is completely 100% automated and no dealer tricks. Does that mean you can scalp with CMC? has anyone got any experiences? do they start playing with you once you make some money like the old marketmaker platform?

I use the new platform, in terms of speed compared to the MM one it is light years ahead, no lags or hanging trades. I have no problem scalping too, never get any knockbacks, that's at £2pp, don't know if bigger stakes would affect things.

The ability to hedge would be good, but i don't think they will do that.
I use the new platform, in terms of speed compared to the MM one it is light years ahead, no lags or hanging trades. I have no problem scalping too, never get any knockbacks, that's at £2pp, don't know if bigger stakes would affect things.

The ability to hedge would be good, but i don't think they will do that.

I agree CMC's execution is better than my other CS and GFT live account.
I also believe my CapitalCFDs account has been marked as dealer referal because I did too many high frequency tradings.
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Hello all.
Does anyone think the CMC price was wrong this morning? what happens if you have made profit? has anyone got any experiences? I made few easy pips, donot know what happens
Hello all.
Does anyone think the CMC price was wrong this morning? what happens if you have made profit? has anyone got any experiences? I made few easy pips, donot know what happens

They will do bugger all about it, their DAX was lagging IG by 20 points, i think they had a feed delay because it went to the same price later, but when i rang up to query it, they said they make their own prices up in the underlying market.
So basically they refuse to accept they had a problem.

Their FTSE was lagging by 10. but again later caught up with IG

It seems OK now though.
They will do bugger all about it, their DAX was lagging IG by 20 points, i think they had a feed delay because it went to the same price later, but when i rang up to query it, they said they make their own prices up in the underlying market.
So basically they refuse to accept they had a problem.

Their FTSE was lagging by 10. but again later caught up with IG

It seems OK now though.

So the profit i made is safe though😆
This is CMC's response, so they were telling porkies
Thank you for contacting CMC Markets.

We are writing to you further to our telephone conversation regarding the price difference on the Germany 30 and UK 100.

We have had internal technical issues this morning and the pricing levels have now been resolved.

Thank you for your patience and apologies for any inconvenience incurred.

We are available to assist you with any further queries you may have. You can contact us directly through the Live chat function, or alternatively on the contact details provided below.
This should be interesting to see if anyone gets any extra cash off them, they owe me 15 points from there incorrect price feed, so i wait with baited breath.

"Dear customer,

Unfortunately one or more transactions that have been executed via your Account are the subject of a pricing error that occurred between 8:00am to 8:45am BST on Monday 2nd April 2012 ("Pricing Error"). Our investigations have determined that the Pricing Error has resulted in our Platform displaying materially incorrect Prices for all our Indices Products at this time.

If as part of our investigations, we determine that you have entered a Transaction at a materially incorrect Price, we may make an adjustment to your Account by either deducting or crediting your Account (as applicable) to reflect the net difference between: i) the materially incorrect Price across all Transactions; and
ii) the Price that you should have received across all Transactions
This should be interesting to see if anyone gets any extra cash off them, they owe me 15 points from there incorrect price feed, so i wait with baited breath.

"Dear customer,

Unfortunately one or more transactions that have been executed via your Account are the subject of a pricing error that occurred between 8:00am to 8:45am BST on Monday 2nd April 2012 ("Pricing Error"). Our investigations have determined that the Pricing Error has resulted in our Platform displaying materially incorrect Prices for all our Indices Products at this time.

If as part of our investigations, we determine that you have entered a Transaction at a materially incorrect Price, we may make an adjustment to your Account by either deducting or crediting your Account (as applicable) to reflect the net difference between: i) the materially incorrect Price across all Transactions; and
ii) the Price that you should have received across all Transactions
Thats interesting, that means they may deduct from my account? i wont be happy with that at all, fingers crossed, still have not received any email
Thats interesting, that means they may deduct from my account? i wont be happy with that at all, fingers crossed, still have not received any email
Yes they might and probably will if large sums is at stake. With small sums I don't think they will bother you. At least this is my experience with other SB companies in cases like this.

"Take control with Risk & Money Management"
Fair play to CMC, they gave me my 15 points back, only £30, but owed all the same.

Good for you, i was not so lucky, got a call from chap called Brian and very nicely told me they will take my few hundred quids, thank you very much but gave me £50 as a good will😡😡
Lesson learnt, dont try to be too smart because they have rule no.😆😆
Not sure if it has been mentioned in earlier posts, (forgive me if it has), CMC's new platform has a real problem working on google chrome, something to do with googles built in flashplayer, seems ok with internet explorer, cmc are aware of this, the platform fails to load properly then constantly crashes.
Not sure if it has been mentioned in earlier posts, (forgive me if it has), CMC's new platform has a real problem working on google chrome, something to do with googles built in flashplayer, seems ok with internet explorer, cmc are aware of this, the platform fails to load properly then constantly crashes.

Apparently, it's just one of the Next Gen faults they can't or won't fix.
I couldn't handle the next generation platform and it's constant disconnections ... trading is stressful enough without that on top !
Took nearly THREE weeks to get my money back from excuse after another for not paying. Funny how it takes seconds to fund your account, eh? Would not like to be trying to withdraw money from them in a hurry if they did a Worldspreads
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I questioned few weeks back about CMC's next gen being able to execute trade instantly just like DMA.
Well, i have tried it with fairly big amount trying to scalp. scalping anywhere between few seconds to few minutes and i must admit it worked every time.I have got both positive and negative slippage at times but overall i got more positive than negative.
but do i like the next gen? no, but it works. the order tickets and colour scheme are horrible and CMC donot want to fix it.
Hope it helps
Be very careful trying to scalp with large amounts on CMC. The "official" line is that scalpers are welcome, but if you start to win consistently they've got too many weapons in their arsenal. I've known a few people over the years to build up a pot this way..but in the end just about everyone gave it back and more. They didn't change their scalping method...there were just obstacles placed in their path.."you traded at incorrect price, the price is what we say it is", dealer referral, delayed quotes when trying to can become very stressful. A couple of pounds a point and you may well fly under the radar but for big bucks scalping maybe IB or another proper broker might be safer.

Just my thoughts, but by all means keep doing it if you're consistently making money....just remember to quit them at the first sign of trouble.