Clown's Weekly 34.

Bloem Boem Bloem Bloem

Just for the Flourman who knows more>


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Clown, do you agree with a conversionfactor of 0.7?


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waar is mijn zonnebril


This is one of the area’s where you will hit an individual interpretation of the W.D. Gann findings. Please don’t get me wrong but I get a headache looking at that chart all those lines it’s the main objective the Gann criticasters all share. If you recall my Gann introduction at the Dutch forum some time ago, I agree with the criticasters. The software you use shows inflexibility in this respect that will restrict you from moving forward.

The Brown comment crossing Gann and Elliott made me take that turn since I had been using both techniques for a while it proved to have been an excellent route.

Have fun.
The Dutch Clown said:
The Brown comment crossing Gann and Elliott made me take that turn since I had been using both techniques for a while it proved to have been an excellent route.

Have fun.
Then one for looking without glasses.
By the way, the software is as flexible as chewing gum. It has nothing to do with the tuf-tuf club.

PS or very few lines


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He Ho he Ho....

The KVKD system is based on defining Trending Area’s using several of the beautiful techniques combined in order to do the Trades to Win. It might not be a surprise that the 217,80 system (Long Term) is positive although we are moving towards support area’s a bit more south. In the 409,56 (Medium Long Term) system the AEX has left all positive area’s and is now in process of confirming the boundary’s of a downwards Trending Area. This new Trending Area starts at 498,45 (MLT) and is currently playing with the midpoint of the Trending Area which is around 484 the top side is around 487 which is also the bottom of the 409,56 system. If you look Elliott for a minute you will find the retracement levels here. The Short Term system did accelerate at 494,41 to include the 475,40 and is now looking for confirmation at the upper border line (around 480 at this point in time). The lower boundary of the 498,45 (ST) Trending Area currently is around 484 some explanation of what’s happening or what?!

If we look at the DJIA we find that the Dow is still continuing in the Trending Area moving upwards from 10683 is still applicable and needs to brake down the 12000 first but even than continues to be active. The recently formed Negative Reversal has a price target in that area. It’s probably the US $ causing the difference and if it is we need to watch the movements there as well.

Have Fun trading to win.
Out of thumbnails?

Update. Compare AEX, DAX, DOW and S&P. All in euros. Seems even more negative than 2 days ago.


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The Dutch Clown said:
chewing gum?

LOL..... what about doing one for 2007 or so.....

Just comparing.

Benner-Fibonacci leads to a top in 2010. However, that would be a long B for the Elliot Wave. A possibility could be the ending of wave B and C before 2010, and a new rise that ends in 2010. That looks like a lot of changes untill 2010. In the first case there should be a slight rise during 2007, in the second wave C should take place in 2007 just to fullfill the wave C and the rise untill 2010. In both scenarios there won't be a strong rise in 2007. If we were to rise in the same speed as from 2003, then the AEX would end in the range of 725-800 in 2010.
The transport sector in general leads the rise and fall of the other indexes. Untill now it leads a rise. I'm very curious which scenario will develop that contains all the above mentioned restrictions.

2,3 and 4 comparing short term.


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deze ??

Dear Clown,

Charts where i referred to.

Cold or warm.


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Fijne Sinterklaas..

Dear Cold or Warm.

Just look at your charts and notice the described signals building up. This is the fun part and meets the trade to win criteria.

The Dutch Clown said:
Dear Cold or Warm.

Just look at your charts and notice the described signals building up. This is the fun part and meets the trade to win criteria.


Suppose you mean this one ?

Happy "Sinterklaas" with the family.

Cold now


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Erwtensoep met rookworst...

Do that to me one more time.... Sinterklaas has been very good to me and my family... so now the focus is on Christmas.....

he ho he ho
wind en regen maar binnen is het lekker droog en warm.

Well since the majority is looking down we might better be looking for confirmation of the above mentioned signals that will move us up. And where the down signals do not validate properly the up signals are building up based upon correctly validated signals that now is in process of being confirmed. And once again bare in mind that the GJN taught trending methodology has not changed for LT and MLT. The thing to observe carefully is what the 123 move in process delivers in it’s boundary’s.

The KVKD system identifies a new Trending Area (470,54) within the 498,45 Trending Area which is moving up matching the 123 move and is currently sneaking out of the 498,45 Trending Area testing the midpoint level of the Area now looking for confirmation.

As always the AEX can go up or down it does not really matter as long as you make some money trading to win.

Happy hunting.

nog maar n ploatje dr bij


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The Dutch Clown said:
Well since the majority is looking down we might better be looking for confirmation of the above mentioned signals that will move us up. And where the down signals do not validate properly the up signals are building up based upon correctly validated signals that now is in process of being confirmed. And once again bare in mind that the GJN taught trending methodology has not changed for LT and MLT. The thing to observe carefully is what the 123 move in process delivers in it’s boundary’s.

And what about this one ??

Bit of question but........when it does the right way.....???

Warm now 🙂)


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gewoon doorgaan met winst maken

Cold or Warm,

Your effort to get some positive changes in the Kippen Kot have not been welcomed by the chickens so the message is clear. Let’s focus on the market trading to win and as I have explained too many times the entry point is essential for the result your trade will have. This morning a Clown’s entry signal did its work again and the trade will be positive since the entry point was spot on and the stop moves in the direction of the trade.

Just trade to win and let someone else do the losing.

Plaotje d'r bij


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The Dutch Clown said:
in the Kippen Kot


Like you said, still the same. Rest my case there for now. Maybe later again, when in a good mood. 😎

Also did not see GJ there a lot lately.

It is going to be difficult, 31 december and 5xx :cheesy:

Meanwhile, not a easy day but a lot to win. The red 474 was the one ?

Happy weekend.

Cold and Warm.


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Playing at home or outside

I'm happy to see you guys again. Missed You both.
I had not much time this week, have bought an oak-tree and saw it into parket. It's for our new home (it's a hobby, it will loosen my muscle 😎 ). Enough of this, missed a lot of volatile marked.

Dear Cold or warm, I see you have been studying lately. Nice pictures, but remember Brown (chapter 6).

Dear Clown, I've a question for You. Do you make your trades only based upon the hourly candles? I ask you this because I have seen some charts of you with 1 minute RSI. Is Your entry point based upon the Gann fan in the 60 minute chart, and what is your exit?
What I mean is: target and stop-loss? Target Fib/RSI (60 min) and stop-loss even so on the fan? Only on end of bar?

I'm curious.
P.s. no picture this time. I go to bed and rest. Tomorrow will be a new day and the beginning for the rest of your life......

cold or warm said:

Like you said, still the same. Rest my case there for now. Maybe later again, when in a good mood. 😎

Also did not see GJ there a lot lately.

It is going to be difficult, 31 december and 5xx :cheesy:

Meanwhile, not a easy day but a lot to win. The red 474 was the one ?

Happy weekend.

Cold and Warm.