Climate Change

That determines how big or extensive the land area needed to provide these new fuels.
I quite like the new stand-up pole-shaped wind turbines I saw recently.
I havent got enough info on the power outputs.
power the world from California.
From what I know about US grid California is neither powering neighbour states because they don't want to follow federal regulations.
They prefer to turn off panles than selling to other states.
There are a couple of videos about it.
I was pretty amazed about it but US grid is much less integrated than EU grid.
United Stated are much less united than people think.
From what I know about US grid California is neither powering neighbour states because they don't want to follow federal regulations.
They prefer to turn off panles than selling to other states.
There are a couple of videos about it.
I was pretty amazed about it but US grid is much less integrated than EU grid.
United Stated are much less united than people think.
I think you probably mean Texas.

in 1935, Congress passed the first federal regulation of utilities, limiting the geographic areas in which they could operate. Texas companies decided to connect mainly with one another rather than submit to the feds.
In the late sixties, when the federal government set up the two grids that serve the rest of the country (as well as a few areas in Texas), the Lone Star State decided to continue going it alone, creating its own grid operator, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, or ERCOT.

This past winter, the Texas power grid almost had a catastrophic failure because of a combination of the coldest temperatures since 1899 and the lack of preparation for it. Something similar happened in 2011, but power plants didn't follow too many of the recommendations to prevent another occurrence.

I live there, and my house had frozen pipes inside two uninsulated walls. The house never lost power (many others did), but I was one old hair dryer failure away from something like:

Technology has the potential to solve our energy crises and save the planet from climate change. Even we aren't able to do it in time then evolution and natural selection will sort it all out.

Reminds me of Malthus's theory and his prediction that there won't be enough food to feed all.

It also reminded me of the saying “Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another.” (Albert Einstein).

However, we can try and be more efficient in how we use energy. Cycling and climbing stairs as opposed to taking the car or the lift are two such examples. Keeps one fit too.

As for the comment about the area all the solar panels take, there are solar roadways where the road surface material generate electricity. Who knows in future all travel might just be electric and at a nominal cost.

As for the comment about the area all the solar panels take, there are solar roadways where the road surface material generate electricity. Who knows in future all travel might just be electric and at a nominal cost.
What I find interesting is that all movies I can bring to mind that are set in the future are dystopic.
Why does no one want to believe the human race could flourish and the future will be a much better, nicer place such as the one you are suggesting.
What I find interesting is that all movies I can bring to mind that are set in the future are dystopic.
Why does no one want to believe the human race could flourish and the future will be a much better, nicer place such as the one you are suggesting.
Wasnt there this experiment, Mouse-utopia, or Mousetopia-25, or some such, wherein a perfect society was created where the mice had nothing to fight or struggle for.
All the water they needed, all the food, all the warmth, etc.
The society, with everything provided, disintegrated into small tribes and social strata, then collapsed.

Humans, even if all things are provided, need some kind of struggle to give life a purpose.
Ask anyone in Somalia, what they think about the US, where with clean water, shelves burgeoning under the weight of food, homes to live in, warmth in winter, access to medicine, still feel the need to find something / anything to squabble about, just to have the illusion of purpose.

I have faith in tech, but not in the people who use it.
Roll on the Thunderdome.

PS: There is a good YT channel called "Just Have A Think", and they guy explores many new technologies, inclsuding solar, heat pumps, etc.
What I find interesting is that all movies I can bring to mind that are set in the future are dystopic.
Why does no one want to believe the human race could flourish and the future will be a much better, nicer place such as the one you are suggesting.
I wonder if all this pessimism in sci-fi movies could be used as a contrary indicator be it a long term or intermediate term indicator in the stock markets. Movies like these have been going on for years but the US stock market has been going up long term.
Wasnt there this experiment, Mouse-utopia, or Mousetopia-25, or some such, wherein a perfect society was created where the mice had nothing to fight or struggle for.
All the water they needed, all the food, all the warmth, etc.
The society, with everything provided, disintegrated into small tribes and social strata, then collapsed.

Humans, even if all things are provided, need some kind of struggle to give life a purpose.
Ask anyone in Somalia, what they think about the US, where with clean water, shelves burgeoning under the weight of food, homes to live in, warmth in winter, access to medicine, still feel the need to find something / anything to squabble about, just to have the illusion of purpose.

I have faith in tech, but not in the people who use it.
Roll on the Thunderdome.

PS: There is a good YT channel called "Just Have A Think", and they guy explores many new technologies, inclsuding solar, heat pumps, etc.
I always imagined that if technology filled all human needs that there would be an explosion in sports, the arts, games and hobbies of all kinds. Both the body and the mind need exercise in order to stay healthy. One of our former neighbors was known to play tennis into his 90’s. Leagues for adults of all ages, in sports and games (like chess), would probably explode in popularity.

I’m more optimistic because I’m the type of person who can always find something to keep myself busy. However, I am aware that there are some people who get bored easily so I realize that not everyone will find it easy to fill their leisure time.
Has to be battery storage cobber, otherwise you will be consuming from the grid at night time.

I would check the battery storage capacity out before you go any further, otherwise, you may be supplying the grid at a lower price during the day, and consuming from the grid at a higher price at night time.

If your aim is to be energy independent (barring emergencies), then battery storage is a must. And that storage ain't cheap !

Keep us updated. Some of us are interested 🤣
Panels on the roof on the 9th.
Producing over 30kWh with two low days of 10 & 16
Still waiting for a new meter.
The Corrupt Oligarchs’ Party (COP26) will soon be upon us. Timely then, IMO, to link to this:

Failed Serial Doomcasters

"According to the UN’s MyWorld poll of seven million people in 194 countries, out of the sixteen possibilities, action taken on climate change came out … wait for it … dead last." ". . . In general, the only people who thought it was important were the perpetually offended white wokerati with pronouns . . ."
Another quite brilliant masterclass from Neil Oliver - pity that the bigwigs at Cop22 won't see it and, even if they did, wouldn't give a damn. Enjoy . . .

Jordan Peterson speaks for many in what I can only describe as a monologue of cluster truth bombs. Enjoy . . .

Peterson is a top "messanger" I watched dozens of his videos mostly about IQ and capitalism.
He is a genius.
I don't agree with his message here.
He seems to be blaming a consulting company and EU.
I dont' know that company but IMO EU is doing pretty well about climate change.
We can blame globalization and big companies but the point is that climate change is very real and visible.
I am a chemist and it is all about chemistry, we have to stop putting CO2 into the air, simple.