Climate Change

It is already too late.

There's nothing sustainable about having 9 Billion of us on the planet.

But elaborating on that would be too far off-topic for the thread, so I'll refrain.
I am not so pessimist, I think we can still save the planet if we go zero emission by 2050.
This is the opinion of scientists.
BTW the indifference of people is impressive.
We had 10°C for all February 2020 and we reached 20°C last month, and I am speaking about northern Italy...
Climate change is evident!
I am not so pessimist, I think we can still save the planet if we go zero emission by 2050.
This is the opinion of scientists.

BTW the indifference of people is impressive.
We had 10°C for all February 2020 and we reached 20°C last month, and I am speaking about northern Italy...
Climate change is evident!
Yeah those scientists sure know a thing or two.

“We have 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe, warns UN” by The Guardian, and “The world has just over a decade to get climate change under control, U.N. scientists say” from the Washington Post.

That was 2 years ago we've done nothing of note in that timescale, so if you believe scientists we're all dead anyway.
Add it to the list....
We had 10°C for all February 2020 and we reached 20°C last month, and I am speaking about northern Italy...
Climate change is evident!

(...continuing the discussion now in a more appropriate thread)

And such indications are just the beginning. Climate change is a lumberingly slow process.

But unless we are prepared to drastically reduce the population/ consumption/ living standards/ birth rates etc.
And somehow remove at least half the CO2 already in the atmosphere, Otherwise, we've had it.

I'm not pessimistic, I'm realistic.

Which means I don't think there's the remotest chance that we'll voluntarily do any of those things.

Humans face enormous challenges to their continued existence.
Most of those challenges involve unpalatable solutions to unpleasant choices.
Where all the options that enhance our long term prospects are in themselves 'bad' things.
Now, whilst there are frequent exceptions, humans on the whole tend to opt for 'good' things.
In which case, we're doomed, as all the 'good' and even 'neutral' options hasten our extinction.

Furthermore, I'm optimistic that the planet and it's surviving flora and fauna will get along just fine without us.

And no, that doesn't mean some great apocalypse will end our dominion overnight. It'll be a far slower lingering process over many decades while 'nature' takes it's course and acquaints us with the reality of what 'sustainability' and 'renewable resources' and 'in harmony with the environment' actually mean. Most probably by delivering us with the consequences of having done none of those things.

Whether we like it or not, we are subject to the finite resources of the planets ecosystems and how much can be sustainably harvested from them to support our continued existence. I'm confident that our manifest inability to adhere to this inviolable law of nature will be visited upon us in due course.

But there's no rush. Nature takes it's own sweet time.

Which is a blessing for those of us who've caused the problem and a curse for those who'll reap it.

A little reminder on this climate hoax and collective madness:


Full article,very informing and sobering:
A little reminder on this climate hoax and collective madness:

View attachment 298394
Full article,very informing and sobering:
Couldn't agree more.
Intelligent people know that 'fear sells' and the journalistic expression 'If it bleeds it leads' has been around forever for a reason.
The thing is Mr Cognitive Dissonance allows people to believe all other 'end of the human race' catastrophes are false but their particular 'end of the world catastrophe' is real.
Anyone over the age of 35 has lived through countless prophesies of the end of humanity but like the saying goes there's a new sucker born every minute, so the supply of naïve consumers for fear is endless.
Advertising 101 'create' a need, then sell a product to fix it.

Ironically, the article has
as Britain is plunged into a ‘Siberian’ climate by 2020

And Britain was significantly colder than Siberia sometimes.
Your daily weather forecast for London.
Overview for Saturday 20 June 2020:
Isolated fog patches should soon clear to leave a mainly dry day, with warm sunny spells developing widely. Isolated sharp showers are possible later, although fewer and lighter than recently. Maximum temperature 23 °C.

But the end of the world hasn't happened yet.
Getting solar panels installed on the roof in the next couple of weeks.
6.6kW system with 20 panels.
Cost is $2,400 my current bill around $2,000 per year
Battery is 5 year warranty and panels 10 years.
With expected life span of upto 20 years.
This will give me a zero dollar power bill and possible credit on the account if extra electricity sold back to the grid.
Mad not do this Queensland Australia.
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Getting solar panels installed on the roof in the next couple of weeks.
6.6kW system with 20 panels.
Cost is $2,400 my current bill around $2,000 per year
Battery is 5 year warranty and panels 10 years.
With expected life span of upto 20 years.
This will give me a zero dollar power bill and possible credit on the account if extra electricity sold back to the grid.
Mad not do this Queensland Australia.
$2,400 sounds way too cheap for all that. Got a link or more info?
$2,400 sounds way too cheap for all that. Got a link or more info?
Not showing the special on the website.
Also it's an inverter not battery.

Just search Gold Coast solar.
Loads of companies most in $3K range.
Getting solar panels installed on the roof in the next couple of weeks.
6.6kW system with 20 panels.
Cost is $2,400 my current bill around $2,000 per year
Battery is 5 year warranty and panels 10 years.
With expected life span of upto 20 years.
This will give me a zero dollar power bill and possible credit on the account if extra electricity sold back to the grid.
Mad not do this Queensland Australia.
Here's the England equivalent 6.5Kw solar array.
(You dont want to see the Scottish one.)
Not showing the special on the website.
Also it's an inverter not battery.

Just search Gold Coast solar.
Loads of companies most in $3K range.
Has to be battery storage cobber, otherwise you will be consuming from the grid at night time.

I would check the battery storage capacity out before you go any further, otherwise, you may be supplying the grid at a lower price during the day, and consuming from the grid at a higher price at night time.

If your aim is to be energy independent (barring emergencies), then battery storage is a must. And that storage ain't cheap !

Keep us updated. Some of us are interested 🤣
Nuclear. I am a renewables pessimist.

The only power related deaths on his chart are attributed to coal and there is no pollution from Nuclear power 😲
Mind you he conveniently left out Russia and Japan from his charts 😒
It is 10 years this month that the meltdown of the Fukushima nuclear reactor required 160,000 people to be evacuated from their homes and 40,000 have not yet returned. It will be 40 years before they can Start decommissioning the reactor. And Chernobyl? well who knows how many died (between 4,000 and 27,000).

There are lies, damn lies and statistics!

I think nuclear has to be studied and developed but lying is never the way to go.
The point is that serious R&D for nuclear is superexpensive and nobody want to spend that money.
A lab scale battery is very cheap to do, not the same for a nuclear reactor.
The only power related deaths on his chart are attributed to coal and there is no pollution from Nuclear power 😲
Mind you he conveniently left out Russia and Japan from his charts 😒
It is 10 years this month that the meltdown of the Fukushima nuclear reactor required 160,000 people to be evacuated from their homes and 40,000 have not yet returned. It will be 40 years before they can Start decommissioning the reactor. And Chernobyl? well who knows how many died (between 4,000 and 27,000).

There are lies, damn lies and statistics!

True enough. I do not doubt anything in your post.
But, the energy density aspect needs to be considered.
That determines how big or extensive the land area needed to provide these new fuels.
I quite like the new stand-up pole-shaped wind turbines I saw recently.
I havent got enough info on the power outputs.

The other side of the equation is how we can curb our energy needs.
True enough. I do not doubt anything in your post.
But, the energy density aspect needs to be considered.
That determines how big or extensive the land area needed to provide these new fuels.
I quite like the new stand-up pole-shaped wind turbines I saw recently.
I havent got enough info on the power outputs.

The other side of the equation is how we can curb our energy needs.

"The other side of the equation is how we can curb our energy needs."

An exponentially growing population will require an equal rate of energy growth. The Earth is finite therefore can only support a finite number of people. If we solve the energy problem the food problem will get us and vice versa.

In short future generations are f*cked ... so long and thanks for all the fish.
