Are the Australian bush fires really caused by climate change or something more mundane? Enjoy . . .
The harder they virtue signal, the more it could be anything but climate change. Fire Jihad has been around a long time.
Bushfire Jihad
As fires swept through a hot and dry Victoria State, Australia in February 2009, some observers (including myself) wondered if this might not be an Islamist attack on the country. But one stayed quiet, not having proof. Now, Mervyn F. Bendle, a
Virtue signalling is just the most hateful and insidious social behaviour. A kind of mass bullying. And so many of these idiots think that if we all do our bit it will make a difference. No it won't.
Except its a useful voluntary "marker" - its another sort of signal, the one that says, "Look at me, I'm a gullible idiot who thinks we are such gullible idiots that they can attain social respect by telling us they buy vegetarian dog food". Its helpful to have these people single themselves out.
I see the virtue signalling royals have private jetted back from their 6 week Xmas holidays in the sun - way to go, saving the planet one island paradise at a time.
But............... this wasn't virtue signalling. Or is that your point?
Lol Tom! 🤣. . .PS. I still have a soft spot for Jennifer Aniston, but I can't accept her opinion on any scientific issue not sponsored by L'Oreal.
No it isn't.Kind of my point, the act of flying back on private jets is not virtue signalling per se, nor is holidaying for 6 weeks halfway around the planet, the fact that they already have proved their virtue signalling credentials by telling us to reduce our carbon footprints then promptly taking multiple private jets when they were holidaying (again) in the middle of last year and continue to do so, is.
No it isn't.
As always, Sig - for you know that I adore you - it is with the greatest respet and deepest affection that I must point out that you're barking up the wrong end of the stick without a paddle. This has absolootly Far Call to do with "virtues" - perceived, signalled or merely invented - and is simply Hypocrisy.
The truly virtuous have little need to signal anything very much as they know that their deeds are more important than their words.
....and don't get me started on the Meek.....
May I direct my learned friend to 12 examples of virtue signalling, of which hypocrisy is but one example. In modern parlance the invention of the term 'virtue signalling' is used as a negative connotation, which, while related to the original defintion of virtue, is not quite the same thing.
"Learnéd" AND "friend" in the same sentence! I'm still swooning...
I'll grudgingly give you this one but solely on the basis of what I consider to be the unnecessary, inaccurate and somewhat incoherent reinvention set out in your above example.
I would say that whilst the newspeak term includes hypocrisy we've managed to do quite well for a couple of thousand years in expressing these ideas without recourse to spurious neologismses.
Sig',. . . Happy to discuss further as I am no longer poring over competition spreadsheets and I have therefore liberated some much-needed time to devote to other 'stuff' [and nonsense] 😆
If you have some spare time on your hands you can come and help me erect my garden fence. 450 slats, each at 3.6 mtrs with 10 screws a piece.
Absolutely, guarantee good weather, pay my travel costs and my hourly rate and I'll be there in a flash, anything to help out fellow T2W'ers 🤣👍
450 slats @ 3.6m each, that is a massive garden, are you starting a farm!?