Religion or not, Experts have always had a following regardless of the eventual outcome of their "expertise". You only have to look at the history of medicine and medical procedures to see all the wrong ideas of experts. Remember the cases in Scotland where parents were deprived of their children due to the "medical experts"?
Private retail traders? – I would suggest that successful ones possess a healthy streak of scepticism and look very carefully at anything said by experts. It's a myth that climate change is too much akin to rocket science for us ordinary mortals to understand – anyone with half a brain cell and a bit of determination can get themselves wised-up. I am very much against the argument that we are unable to understand what it's all about – had far too much of that with Brexit.
All technical opinions should be critically examined and tested. But only by suitably qualified experts in the specific field. Not by unqualified numpties like us. Just recognise, that if we numpties get a say in whether science is right or wrong, we can't exclude anyone else from getting a say in whether science is right or wrong. Whether they can even read or not, according to your own argument's internal logic, they have as much right to a say as you do.