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If one is too young to know any better.
I fail to see what age has to do with any of this Db?
If one is too young to know any better.
There's no underlying reason to suspect the moon landings were faked. At least no reason better than to think anything else (or everything else) has been faked.
These conspiracy theories take hold in the minds of people who may well have been misled in the past and are now unprepared to believe anything they are told in the present. No matter by whom and no matter on what evidence. They have no real evidence to suspect any trickery except their own evidence that they were dumb in the past. So now they're being dumb in the present. They can't weigh the evidence. Generally, conspiracists subscribe to a bundle of conspiracy theories, not just one.
So -
Hitler was smuggled out of Berlin by the Allies Nah
Kennedy was killed by the CIA Pentagon & Mafia hit job coz he was going to cut defense budget
the moon landings were all faked, all 6 manned and 10 unmanned missions Apolo 11 has many ???, Russia has 4 failed landings. Think about it???presumably
our weather is being manipulated using chemtrails from high-flying jets Never heard of this??? Nah
9/11 was a US-government strike Inside job Yep for sure!
no plane hit the Pentagon on 9/11 No plane ever disintegrated without a trace on impact. Never! Missile strike for sure Yep
the planet is governed by the illuminati There are always power plays and underhand tactics and strategies people will never know or hear about but the few. Much like 8 people owning the US of A 😉
Its all drivel.
With regards the Kennedy assassination, that's an interesting one because it appears one of the shots was an accidental discharge by a secret service agent in the following car. But no conspiracy to assassinate the president: maybe a conspiracy to cover up the bungled bodyguarding mission.
With these things the truth will out eventually from actual people involved as opposed to fantasy theorists. Take the moon landing and think how many people would have had to be involved in the deception had it been faked. Is it likely that no-one would have blown the gaff by now whatever "official secrets" paper they may have signed - think of the money they could make.
Interesting to see if the bodyguards suddenly got rich after the assassination.
I doubt the guard had the same cheap rifle that Oswald used though and the forensics would spot that.
Well I understand the head shot was the accidental shot.
These types of questions always get asked. How could they do it? How could they get away with it?
The other side of the coin is why don't they come out and explain or answer the questions. To say theories have been debunked when very explanations lead to more questions. Wacky's references to them being debunked is laughable. He obviously accepts them. I doubt his looked or read them with any real questions as to what he is digesting?
They are simply cover ups. It is all part of the national interest. Easy to sell and people do buy into it.
Who remembers the fake turkey Bush brought out the soldiers in Iraq. The most beautiful delicious Turkey for Christmas was fake. Why? Well it was good for morale and a fantastic photo opportunity.
One that got away I guess. 😉
The US is so driven by money and greed, maybe there was a bounty on Kennedy for whoever could kill him.
This isn't too far fetched as the CIA had a bounty on Fidel Castro's life. They even made numerous attempts. Remember the exploding cigar ?
The Mafia were rich enough to offer top dollar too and angry enough.
Plus various other candidates like Kruschev getting his own back for the humiliation of the Cuban missile crisis etc. etc.
This is fanciful stuff Pat. What's so hard to believe about an unsuccessful communist lone wolf attempting to assassinate Kennedy?
By the way, if the fatal shot was from a bodyguard's rifle, Oswald's was an unsuccessful assassination attempt.
Well Pat, if you go carefree down that road (or rabbit-hole) it has no end.
Why not impossible -
Kennedy lost the election but the count was rigged and he was never president?
Kennedy was rubbed out 6 months before and it was a double that was shot?
the Russians gave Castro the Kennedy contract, and he hired the Mafia who passed it on to the CIA who gave the job to a sleeper who did the shooting and they framed Oswald?
Well Pat, if you go carefree down that road (or rabbit-hole) it has no end.
Why not impossible -
Kennedy lost the election but the count was rigged and he was never president?
Kennedy was rubbed out 6 months before and it was a double that was shot?
the Russians gave Castro the Kennedy contract, and he hired the Mafia who passed it on to the CIA who gave the job to a sleeper who did the shooting and they framed Oswald?
😆 it wasn't really Kennedy who actually slid out of public view before his double was shot in order to enjoy some private nookie with Marilyn Monroe. In later life he got interested in trading and joined T2W under the nickname Pat.
Tomorton, if you are looking for motives, there is no bigger motive than money and national interest.
Government contracts are in billions. For all we know it was one small company that gained to make $5m dollars.
Irrespective of whatever, you have to carry out a basic test. Given your age I'd guess you fired guns in your life time.
So if it takes able marksman 19 seconds to load and fire three rounds in that bolt action rifle, shouldn't you be asking where the 9 seconds came from for Oswald to aim and hit a moving melon in a car, I'd be freaking super hero. Even in their testimonies they refer to a magic bullet. LOL... Some magic bullet indeed.
As far as I know back then and now, security and police forces always have connections with the underworld. Not beyond imagination. Just reality imo.
You can always use money as a motive for anything. If not money then power. If not power then sex. If not sex then jealousy. Finding motives that could justify anything doesn't prove anything was done.
As I recall it, Oswald fired the first shot and hit the roadway: there's some film suggestion that some onlookers noticed this but I'd have to go back to look this up to be sure. His second (or possibly only) shot hit the president in the body, at which point the secret service bodyguard in the following vehicle retrieved his rifle from the floor of his vehicle and accidentally discharged it, hitting the president in the head.
Understandable why there'd be a conspiracy theory re this incident, as its more than likely the administration and/or the security services were trying to cover up the most dreadful accident.