At least, from what I hear so far, Trump hasn't tried to raise any scientific backing for his position. Because I suspect he can't and daren't try.
This suggests its just a money and power game, and that his objections will vanish if these objectives can be paid off. I just don't think it should be anyone outside the US who pays the bill. He's not president of anywhere else.
Just watched on the BBC Kazakhistan is embarking on a new Renewable Energy Program.
The Energy Minister hopes to replace coal with clean energies. What a breath of fresh air compared to other nations policies. 👍
A further theory - Trump's apparent scepticism re global warming is a signal to his conservative Christian supporters. They are very sceptical, and their number includes Christian scientists (apparently there can be such a thing) who are perhaps the last qualified people to oppose the theory that global warming is man-made.
The biggest objection from conservatives stems from the fact that fixing all of this would cost money. In addition, evangelicals believe that the Rapture is just around the corner, so why bother? And it's all part of God's plan anyway.
Exactly. The evangelical movement isn't known or understood over there, maybe not in Europe either. It only clicked for me when I saw that the flat-earthers are committed Christians, not just potty elderly eccentrics.
NASA conspiracy. Like the moon landings.
I have questions about the moon landings actually? Not 100% on that one.
Well I was prepared to think about the logistics and difficulties of faking the moon landings, seems like harmless anti-government slightly deranged and rather jovial eccentricity.
Until I realised the Christian church backs these people. The church is not eccentric. The word that comes to mind now is sinister.
Those pictures definitely not right. The flag fully opened up in a square shape just doesn't add up to the physics of it all. No background no nothing. Compare to more recent photos of space and the skyline is just not there.
This has all been debunked. There is no wind and very little gravity on the moon. No reason why the flag wouldn't be standing exactly as it was opened.
FYI, one can find holes in any theory, including creation and evolution theories.
Forgive me but those debunked bold red text and explanations are comical to say the least.
1. The MythBusters explained that the shadows were not parallel because of the way the light falls on the Moon’s natural topography.
I find it impossilbe to accept this as an academic. It's nonsense? 😆
I don't see the explanation. Because of the way light falls on the moon... Says who? FGS what a load of tosh.
One must ask what is the because? Explanation is bull. Think about it???
2. The MythBusters explained that Armstrong was visible because of ambient light being reflected off of the Moon’s surface.
Once again because of ambient light being reflected. What ambient light. Ambient light bouncing off what exactly. What were the sources of light?
Once again comical piece of total rubbish.
3. In vacuum conditions, manipulating the flag caused it to flap vigorously as if it were being blown by a breeze. This demonstrated that a flag could appear to wave in a vacuum, as the Apollo flag did.
Well of course it would flap if the flag is manipulated. Totally ignores gravity, dismissing it saying there is very little. Not so. There is gravity on the moon otherwise when they jump they wouldn't be able to land back down. We see them hopping around and landing back down.
A body continues in straight line forever, unless acted upon by a force. If a flag is moving to one side, it would continue to wrap it self round the pole. What force would it cause it to flap? ie move in the opposite direction?
I think anyone who's done physics will realise these explanations are more dismissals than proof.
What ridiculous explanations... 😆😆😆