Climate Change

I suppose those countries are considered dirty having open drains in the streets etc. I really meant the amount of CO2 and toxins released into the atmosphere.

The article I posted before has "With so much pollution in the air, it is literally unhealthy to live in these countries even when you’ve a healthy lifestyle."

Global interactive air pollution map from the World Health Organization:
Population growth is key to pollution and destruction of wildlife habitats and ecology, so a direct human cause and effect link to be made here.

If you look back to one of Att's early posts on this thread, he did refer to Malthus, who set out his own version of a sort of Moore's Law.

The debate about whether population growth or natural processes have a causal effect on climate change remains open in my mind with no definitive proof on either side of the argument so far.

Again, it's the old Dirty Harry question "Do you feel lucky?"

However, steps to reduce population growth should form part of any policy to tackle pollution and flora/fauna destruction (and by implication climate change). Unfortunately because this is a moral and ethical choice, no one appears to want to tackle it and yet it appears to be a choice of simple logic, reduce the population = reduction in climate change.

Yerst, as I myself have already mentioned somewhere somewhen, we have been too many for some time and it's not that the governments of the world aren't aware of this but that it's politically very difficult to reduce populations on an inter-generational basis... and culls aren't generally vote winners. Mind you, with Trump fomenting war in the middle east and ebola gaining popularity in Africa, maybe the problem (i.e us) will be eradicated....or reduced.

So Extinction Rebellion have got it partly right with their naming convention, if they change focus to flag waving for war and ebola then we'll they'll be sorted. Just increase flights boats from the Congo and blow-up seize more Iranian shipping.
So Extinction Rebellion have got it partly right with their naming convention, if they change focus to flag waving for war and ebola then we'll they'll be sorted. Just increase flights boats from the Congo and blow-up seize more Iranian shipping.

Sig! Sometimes your clarity of perception is astonishing; you could quite obviously come up with a final Final Solution with one hand tied behind your back. 🙂
The article I posted before has "With so much pollution in the air, it is literally unhealthy to live in these countries even when you’ve a healthy lifestyle."

Global interactive air pollution map from the World Health Organization:
According to these figures if I am reading them correctly - the Sahara region is the most polluted ? I doubt this finding.
According to these figures if I am reading them correctly - the Sahara region is the most polluted ? I doubt this finding.

Um...this is about particulates and doesn't distinguish between natural and man-made. If you take another gander you'll see that the Red coincides quite nicely with sandy bits for the most part...Brighton beach, being shingle (confer with Att for verification) don't figure 🙂
Way to go extinction rebellion, single use plastic mac's on the lead photo, then scrolling through the photos shows plastic umbrellas, more bin bags used as waterproofs and massive plastic tarps.

Just who or what do these idiots represent?

Um...this is about particulates and doesn't distinguish between natural and man-made. If you take another gander you'll see that the Red coincides quite nicely with sandy bits for the most part...Brighton beach, being shingle (confer with Att for verification) don't figure 🙂

Why should it?

Brighton one of the best places to live in the UK if not the World.

It is like a microcosm of the real World in a dream, trance like place. Surrounded by sea and the Sussex downs it has few equals.

👍 😍👍
Why should it?

Brighton one of the best places to live in the UK if not the World.

It is like a microcosm of the real World in a dream, trance like place. Surrounded by sea and the Sussex downs it has few equals.

👍 😍👍
Like sand (and very small bits of shingle) beauty is in the eye of the beholder.....
Like sand (and very small bits of shingle) beauty is in the eye of the beholder.....

Yes, sand looks better but gets in all those little crevices.

If you lie in pebbles and wiggle your torso and limbs the rocks move into place, conforming to one's contours.

I've switched my preference. 😀 👍

If you lie in pebbles and wiggle your torso and limbs the rocks move into place, conforming to one's contours.


Aha! I had wondered as to your trading's all perfectly clear now.
According to Charlie and the experts The World has only 18 months to act decisively to stop the climate disintergrating !!
Fat chance of getting everyone onboard. So it is probably too late.
Maybe there is a chance if all countries put 90% of their military budgets into the pot to do more and NOW...………...

World leaders should wake up a bit and understand that their vast wealth pots sitting around should be
funneled into tackling climate change . Even they will cook in their gilded palaces !!
They reckon on high temperature records today !!
Thick fog here in Cornwall this morning though.
I see the trolls are getting at that little Swedish girl and calling her rude names etc.
Disgraceful really.
I hope she can cope with the rude trolls' remarks.
She is like Joan d'Arc of the climate change debate.