Most people are aware of the dangers of climate change, over population, pollution etc. but the ignorance of one
man is seriously undermining the efforts to do something about it. It is just a great pity that he is in charge of the 2nd biggest polluting country and when every other country on the planet has signed up to do something about it before it is too late except the idiot's country.
I would argue the point that "...most people are aware of the dangers of climate change"...etc etc. as human nature makes it far easier to pretend that everything's fine in the garden....or will be sort of OK for the forseeable future, which in most people's case is a very narrow window. The reason why Trump's view of things goes down quite well in the USA is because there are millions of people who either believe what he says or want to believe what he says. They will continue to do so up until the pain threshold is reached, which will be when the tornadoes start laying waste to wider areas and the wildfires kill thousands on a regular basis and so on...but even then, I would guess that there'll still be a large number of people shouting "Hoax!".
Some years ago, I had a sobering conversation with my late uncle on the subject of evolution, which was a huge mistake on my part as I'd forgotten he was a Creationist. Our chat ground to a halt when, having explained to me very patiently that evolution was a hoax, he then went on to dismiss my rebuttal "....but what about the dinosaurs?" with the smug rejoinder "Work of the devil!". This was a man passionately interested in science and technology and by profession a medical doctor but I realised at that moment that our future conversations would have to avoid any reference to God...or Darwin, and his crazy notions. And so it will be with the Trumpist climate-change-denier folks - however inconvenient it may be, nothing will change until it becomes completely ridiculous to continue to suspend disbelief and taking a wild guess, that ain't going to happen until Michelle is president 😛