cj12's Dow Trades

  • Thread starter Thread starter cj12
  • Start date Start date
  • Watchers Watchers 27

'They' is a typo and therefore (theirfore?) forgivable, however, 'there' would have resulted in a severe reprimand! 😉

Hi CJ,
Would I be right in saying that, if you can see the depth of market, then it is best to place your order beyond any large order that you can see? As mine would only be a piffling amount it should hold no interest for any MM's etc. or best to have no stop at all?

Regards Phil
Re: dow trading

cj12 said:
some one ask me if im going to charge money for my live signals, give me a few weeks and see if im worth it, but i wont be charging as such, if anyone are interested i ask the person to trade 1 lot for me i will need 5 people max and every $2000 i make for you. You would then trade 2 lots for me and so on,

You ask why im doing this, I got a big weakness I cant trade size I only can manage 10 lots max so if I get 5 traders placing a few extra lots for me it would be a big help.

I only receive money if i give you winners, and that's why im here

Cj [/B]

😱 you are joking arn't you,

forget chain mail is this the new thing chain trading, also what part of wales are you from ? barcelona 😕

Another one I've noticed is where people type "loose" when they mean "lose".

I've never dared say anything though!

However, thought for the day..............

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer

in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is

taht frist and lsat ltteer is in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a

toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we

do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.

Preosllnay I tinhk its cmolpete Bkolcols......


postion trades

From this point at 9755 we stay long got a target of 10023, sell half of you postions at 9889 on the Dow futures. stop and revers at 9698

Go short,at 9698 i got a target of 9467 sell half of you postion at 9582.these are postion trades. (I will place some intraday trades next week).

From dum trader

or you may call me

postion trade

nearly hit 9698 for a short, but we still long from 9755

dum trader

or you may call me

10 year trading


how does it say im a Junior Member i have been trading for 10 years.



last week i done 2 live trade for 15 points and 26 points profit total 41 points profit

This week i got a position trade running
we stay long FROM 9755 got a target of 10023, sell half of you postions at 9889 on the Dow futures. stop and revers at 9698

Hi Jay

Nothing wrong with CJ posting trades up 😎
.....as long as they don't start charging for them!

post was really directed at another post which has obviously been taken off.

but now u mention it looking at some of the things posted above it probably is applicable, but I am not complaining, It really doesn't affect me at all what others want to post on here, or who wants to follow them........it is a free country & your website so u can allow what u like.

just find it amusing sometimes how people kick up a make a big fuss about the 'obviously 'direct spam mail that no one would take notice of anyway......... But when u get the real subtle adverts ( cj12 not directly implying that u r....though touting for volunteers whatever that may involve) some people hang on their every word without knowing anything about them or what they r doing.............though like I said it is a free country !

just bored & saying my piece

dow rading


just a quick note to you all, im in this business to make money, I feel some of you think im trying to sell something, well no im not what im doing is placing all my position trades up and I will also do live intraday trades on the Dow future.

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Fair play if u r just trying to help people out.

can I ask why u need others to trade with u , can u not just trade your trades yourself ?


just get in contact with me and I only ask of you to place 1 lot and I only need 5 traders max.SO I will only make money i I give winners

what does this mean? please clarify.... does it mean after 3 months u will charge? or does it mean something else.....

Isn't this just a trick you are proposing and one used extensively by Horseracing tipsters with the case that they are unable to place large enough bets with the bookies because they are “Too Successful” and their bets are refused. Even with the advent of Betting Exchanges which allows complete anonymity and huge bets to be placed they still try this scam

So CJ why are you doing this ? I would guess that it is because you have a “No Lose” situation. If I was going to pull a trick like this I would tell some of you to go Long and the others to go Short that way I will make money from some of you no matter what happens.

I suggest to all those considering this to leave well alone.

Re: dow rading

cj12 said:

. just get in contact with me and I only ask of you to place 1 lot and I only need 5 traders max.SO I will only make money i I give winners.


Does that mean that you will also take the losses of your 5 recuited traders as well?

The only people who will get in contact with you will be the FSA who will feel your collar and lock you up for offerring and charging for investment advice when you are unregistered and unqualified!
i was gonna start posting my trades on monday but judging from the paranoid comments plastered on the site i think ill give it a miss ;-(

never mind, thought you guys might be able to help me improve - dont want to sell you anything if that helps
