cj12's Dow Trades

  • Thread starter Thread starter cj12
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  • Watchers Watchers 27

think u will be fine to post your trades, shouldn't think anybody will have an issue with that.

Think people just want to know Why CJ requires other people's time/money/input.....whatever in order to trade.

there might be a good reason behind it, though looking at what Blairlogie has said it could be illegal.......but it all sounds rather odd dont u think.........so people Just want to know why?

that is all

ho well

trading From cj

I worked in USA for 4 years in the s&p pit with a great friend Kevin who showed me the ropes also traded next to Sliter he used to smile sometimes when he take my 10 or 15 lots. We called them cars. As he used to trade 1000 lots he was trying to get out of a trade

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dont think u upset anyone CJ

people Just want to know why u need other people to increase your size if u need to when u have been trading succesfully for such a long time.

unless we r missing something it Just sounds odd why u need to , so why not Just explain would this not be easier? for example u say 94-98 so I assume u have been trading on your own for five years after this ......so why has it taken 5 years to decide u need to do this, if it is genuine it should not be hard to answer.

So are you saying that you will set up nominee accounts for these 5 traders, and you will fund it and then make the calls? That sounds a whole different ball game....
cj12 said:
kJ said to me get a few traders to up you game as that is my weakness cant seem to get passed 20 lots mostly i do 10 lots, every 20k i make, i then bank it and start all over again post pit traders just roll they money over to the next deal i cant, that's why i ask for a little help to get up to 50 lots as i now i could make 5 traders a lot of money if they could see how I trade and was willing to show you live


This may sound very rude, but I'm being serious.
Have you ever thought about going to a psychiatrist? It sounds to me like a psychological block that you have. Some traders do, and it's a huge problem. It's obvious you have the finances to trade more.

As I say, I'm not being rude, just trying to be constructive.

stevieboy said:
i was gonna start posting my trades on monday but judging from the paranoid comments plastered on the site i think ill give it a miss ;-(

never mind, thought you guys might be able to help me improve - dont want to sell you anything if that helps

Hi Steve

Please excuse the suspicious minds here. If you want help with your trading then please post your trades up and explain why you traded where you did. People tend to get suspicious when someone posts their trades without a reason for their entry or exit 😱

At the end of the day, we are all here to help out each other 😎
CJ - just carry on posting your trades - very much interested in how u do things - we're all here to learn - there's nothing that u or anybody else can say which will 'force' any of us to follow or join u unless we are convinced or want to - at the end of the day its up to each one to decide.

Wouldn't let others more cynical put u off (not that I'm not cynical - just let ppl have a fair shot before deciding they're useless 🙂 )

BTW, I'd tone down some of your comments (ie like the one's u made on CM's DOW thread - it might not work for u but certainly works for me and quite a few others).

dow trading

postion trades

From this point at 9755 we stay long got a target of 10023, sell half of you postions at 9889 on the Dow futures. which i said on the date 26-11-2003 03:30 AM look back its on the post.

well i have sold have of my postion at 9889 from long 10 lots now long 5 lots stop now at 9755. next target 10023. if i get stoped out at 9755 i will have still made 130 points on 5 lots.

From dum trader

or you may call me


From CJ

I have decided to get out of my long from 9755 out at 9970

First trade long 10 lots at 9755 sold half of the position at 9887

long form 9887 5 lots out at 9970

first trade profit of $3300

second trade profit of 2075

total profit 5375
plus commission $80

I guess you all got bored with it, remember what Jesse said it was the sitting that made him the big money.

LOOK back on the thread its all there in real time what trades i placed


i got a signal saying Dow target is 10014 second target 10052 FOR A DAY TRADE. STOP WOULD BE 26 TICKS FROM ENTRY AT 9970
cj dow


I could show you all my trading rules and NOBODY would follow them” you would say who the f..ck ae you and so on. Liketrader blairlogie said give the mn a chocolate just cos a said i had taken over 5.000 grand out of the market on 1 trade

Its real true; people can be told a sure-fire way; but they don’t want it; they want to build there own self constructed way

the majority of people don’t want to get rich; they prefer to bicker about anything and everything generally; rather than just do what it takes to get rich like looking at rsi and macd get real guys these thing dont make you money.

The boys in the the s&p pit where i traded my self for 4 years used to go up stairs to see what the rsi and macd where doing to see what the loses where doing what we call the public then we would fade moves with they silly indctors.


There is nothing as strange as people

STYLE; what style suits one? and it can be a struggle to find the answer

Everyone starts out, just ‘wanting to make money’; but somewhere along the route; this ‘I want to be a real big time master trader’ thing, comes along; which in many cases, can be a very negative way of thinking

We only want to make money; right? you might be amazed; they call it ego or recognition or appreciation or something or other, do the psychiatrist and psychologist types

We don’t need the medals; we just want to trouser the cash
Yeah CJ,

Spill the beans. If not, in place of telling us two 'dumb' things (RSI and MACD), tellus some things that do work :cheesy:


The General.

from cj

It all about understanding weakness and strength in relation to other markets.

Strength or weakness in the Dow transportation index, when you have discrepancy in the two, the divergence pinpoints strength or weakness-generally in the direction of the transport.

Also look for if the Dow or s&p takes hours to rally say 60 points and the it sells of 40 points in about 5 mins or so. That kind of explosive burst is important because it indicates that the market has touched the highs of the day. On the slow breaks the market will generally regain strength and mace higher

When you see the spike its time to position yourself for the move to come. A lot of traders miss the mark at this point because they don't understand what's happening. as the public so called indictors say not ready yet, then when they all line up. Its time for us pit traders to get out.

As i was writing this just sold half of my postion 5 lots at 9990 from long 9970 stop now at 9970 i run the other 5 lots till 10014


Thanks for that. One other question - if you trade in this way, how do you get your target numbers ?


The General.

from cj

got stoped out at 9970 on my last 5 lots........ first trade long from 9970 out at 9990 5lots $500 profit for the day

To the genral i will post somthing up for you on how i get my targes give m some time, its a little complex.