cj12's Dow Trades

  • Thread starter Thread starter cj12
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  • Watchers Watchers 27

there a buy here in the mid 30s on the dow im placing just 3 lots not my usal 10 on this trade us its late in the day

yes I quite agree Mombasa. I'm not having a go here, but its all very well to say "do this, do that, buy here, sell there", but unless you can provide specific reasons for trade entry/exit people are going to be a bit....well, funny with you, CJ. If you are willing to help others in the style of, for example, Chartman, then you will find the website and its members most accomodating.

If, however, you dont want to help others and your posts are simply saying how rubbish indicators etc are, without explaining why, then I would expect some hostility if I were you - I dont know where it will come from, but it will come, you can be sure of it!

Again, dont take this is me having a go. Its just "constructive criticism". If you stick a chart, for example, in your next post identfying your reasons for a particular trade, I'm sure you'll develop a good following.....assuming, of course, thats what you want 😉
from cj

to rossored

you said can you provide specific reasons for trade entry/exit people are going to be a bit....well, funny with you, CJ. If you are willing to help others .

well i thought i give you an exaple of how i trade a few posts back Take a good look again its all about unmasking of the underlying trend, I like to call it old fashion tape reading. have a look below again you might pick a gold nugget out of it.To filter in to your own trades

It all about understanding weakness and strength in relation to other markets.

Strength or weakness in the Dow transportation index, when you have discrepancy in the two, the divergence pinpoints strength or weakness-generally in the direction of the transport.

Also look for if the Dow or s&p takes hours to rally say 60 points and the it sells of 40 points in about 5 mins or so. That kind of explosive burst is important because it indicates that the market has touched the highs of the day. On the slow breaks the market will generally regain strength and move higher

When you see the spike its time to position yourself for the move to come. A lot of traders miss the mark at this point because they don't understand what's happening. as the public so called indictors say not ready yet, then when they all line up. Its time for us pit traders to get out.

I thought the pits in Wales were closed now - we haven't had pits in the North East for years🙂

I thought the pits in Wales were closed now - we haven't had pits in the North East for years🙂

Try to help someone. And they just take the piss, from here on in I shall not reply to rognvald comments. I guess he must have taken a hit and he needs to take it out on someone

cj12-i think it was meant as a joke(!),as you say best not to respond.
i have a question-are your price targets based on fibo numbers and do you use pivots etc for your intraday stuff???
Interesting last post. (Not the one to Rognvald. Although I read his post as a humorous remark albeit a flippant one not intended to cause offence. Although if you hail from Wales it's possible that you have family and friends who have worked down the pits and this could be understandably a tender subject from your personal history. The same could be true of Rognvald also.)

You mention the Dow transportation index and divergence. Are you saying that you find the transport to lead the Dow cash/future as a general rule?
Market going up everyone is happy, Only to be killed tomorrow and who are they the (public) .They just feeding the public stock

I bet all you magic indictors are all showing up. GET READY TO SELL

I have sold only 3 lots tipping my toe in test the water so to speak

Sold 10010 future December contract

I got no stop at this time as i only have 3 lot on the trade i usually start with 10 lots so i got a comfort zone over 100 points that's when i be looking to sell again, If im proven wrong i will go in to survival mode and look to get out at break-even


It would be appreciated if you could expand on your signal for this. Would appreciate a chart perhaps and also the explanation of how you get your targets. :cheesy:

Anyway, thanks for the continued posts.

The General.
This short trade from 10010 is a position trade with a target of 9755 if it don't work out i get out i don't get married to a postion

Intrday trading is a diffrent story you must always use STOP



Has anyone got a program that can back test. A great little method I know of. Its based on yesterday price range divided in to segments its important to know where the open and close are of yesterday in the price range.

let me now if someone can help and i will give you the entry technique

I use Metastock which can backtest.
Also handy with spreadsheets.
Happy to have a go if you like.
Hi CJ. I don't use software to back-test but I do have intra-day charts and I test strategies by going through them. It takes a bit of time but I can see if the entry and exit is possible. I found when using excel, it was not easy to work out if my entry trade was possible. I would be interested to know your idea. This is one I mentioned a while ago:-

High Probability Fibonacci Zone Analysis

Found this Journal article interesting. It is a bit technical and I will read through it again when I have more time. It is a PDF file on this page, download issue 14.


I am interested in finding out the probabilities of a trade working and this might help.
Thanks for the reply guys

My method is. Yesterdays price range was divided into 3 equal segments of price. the bottom segment was labelled 1 the middle 2, and the top 3..

Its then determined that the open needs to be in (segment 3) and the close in (segment 2).

The trade is then taken at indicated points off tomorrow's open, for buy or sell you can try. .20% breakout and. .40% breakout. no stops are used
