TheBramble said:
Glenn, I think I was bleating about the bleating. Which is what you're now bleating about. 🙂 .
Well your notes don't read like that to me Tony
"And you're wrong - people do still have the occasional pop at the commercial coaches."
I'm not sure the pops at the comercial are about them charging. That's a given is it not ? There have been pops about whether their posted trades were really 'in advance'.
And what about the Journals ?
Let's put the donation issue to one side and look at what's going on here.
CJ is regularly posting trades in advance, irrespective of donations. That is rare and unique in itself. Who else has the bottle, or even the ability to do that ? Not many.
This board is largely made up of thousands of lurking newbies, probably wondering whether trading is just a big con.
Just think how encouraging it must be for them to see trades posted up, whether they know the methods or not. What a good start for them. Surely it strengthens the "entire edifice of mutual support ".
Why deny the newbies that kind of opportunity to watch a trader in action and see that it
can be done?
As regards the donations, if people have an objection to the particular 'cause', then they can choose not to donate. Simple.
If they object to the cause, then why don't they object about the person who believes in it and say to themselves "I would never want anything, however good, from a Christian/AIr Ambulance supporter/Cancer Research supporter/Political Party supporter etc etc". Is there some hypocracy going on here ?
If on the other hand they want something and are prepared to give money in return, then how do they know where it will be spent whatever the cause ? They don't. e.g. What will Jonny T spend his money on ? Who knows. That's his business and fair enough.
You could donate to Oxfam and later find your money or the goods it paid for in the hands of some corrupt official or despot.
The point is that the person has chosen the cause and that is part of the bargain.