cj12's Dow Trades

  • Thread starter Thread starter cj12
  • Start date Start date
  • Watchers Watchers 27
Now flat on all of my positions on the Dow. From long 9906 scaled out at 10160 and scaled out at 10208. for today im going to scalp to the short side for 10 to 15 ticks here and there.


Why bother with this thread as it lacks substance?

You have never attempted to show any reason for the trades so I see this thread as nothing but a blotter to enhance your ego.


All im doing is showing where im getting in and out of my trades live. More than I can say for you. You just flogging software and making you more money. than you can form you trading account.

I show people what tools I use to trade in private messages, and if they wish to receive my trading experience I ask them to give a little to charity and it don't go to me it goes direct to the charity concerned. So I would say this thread have got substance in producing 300 Dow points in just over a week. and jonny you say im trying to enhance my ego by doing this.please give me some respect.

I don't think there is a lot wrong with this thread but I am a bit disappointed that CJ had said before that he would reveal some of his methods and now he is asking for donations to a charity I don't believe in. But while I am curious, I don't need to know CJ's methods as I have enough of my own and those who have been generous enough to share for free.
CJ you seem to be using this board as your own personal advertising for the God channel surely you should either charge for the information and give it to your charity or publish the information and say "if this helps your trading please give a little something to a charity of your choice"
It realy is people like you who give the church a bad name, surely people can support the faith without having to put their hands in their pockets.

When moses was given the commandments to take to the people did he say "whats in it for me guv?" NO
Did the good samaritan suddenly whip out the charity box I think Not
Firstly I don't charge for my information and all I ask if you would like to give a little to the god channel in spreading the word of god. It cost a lot of money placing satellites dishes for people to receive the chanel.and I don't ask for a recipe for how much you give, this is up to you. I just take you word for it. It's cheaper than buying a book and you wont find my methods in any book. plus don't you think you will feel great in helping others.

But I am thinking of with drawing my posts.it's causing a lot of rows as it did when I was posting on jonnys spot on.They where all on his side in him selling software and they where all fighting me. as I was saying his softwaer is not proven.Maybe I am wrong then again I could be right,Only time with tell.

Bigbusiness said:
I don't think there is a lot wrong with this thread but I am a bit disappointed that CJ had said before that he would reveal some of his methods and now he is asking for donations to a charity I don't believe in. But while I am curious, I don't need to know CJ's methods as I have enough of my own and those who have been generous enough to share for free.

Totally agree BB. I don't want to get involved in the JT/CJ spat either, but freely given advice is what has made this site the best around. Where members restrict their comments by whatever criteria they decide to arbitrarily impose- it weakens the entire edifice of mutual support and education that this site generally provides.

Perhaps these individuals would be better served in taking their experience and knowledge to their own websites with a pay-per-view (either to charity of their own pocket) leaving this site to those happy to participate in a no-strings exchange of ideas.
Hook, line & sinker, suckers. It's a wind-up, no one believes in the big man anymore. 😢
Nobody bleats about Naz or Mr Charts charging for advice. They don't give it for free.
People post their trades in the Journals all the time, with no explanation and no moaning from others.
What's different here ?
If you don't like the thread, just stop reading it and leave it to those who do like it. It's had over 15,000 views, which says a lot compared to other threads.
Why don't you few detractors just leave it alone instead of spoiling it for everyone else ? It's not doing you any harm, or anyone else.

Glenn said:
Nobody bleats about Naz or Mr Charts charging for advice.

Glenn, I think I was bleating about the bleating. Which is what you're now bleating about. 🙂

And you're wrong - people do still have the occasional pop at the commercial coaches.
Reading this thread some way back and came across some comments re stops / targets that contradict most texts, but I think most texts are 'wrong' when applied to this style of trading and maybe can only be applied to more mechanical styles....I could be wrong I don't claim to have mountains of experience..but my instincts are telling me something
TheBramble said:
Glenn, I think I was bleating about the bleating. Which is what you're now bleating about. 🙂 .

Well your notes don't read like that to me Tony 🙂

"And you're wrong - people do still have the occasional pop at the commercial coaches."

I'm not sure the pops at the comercial are about them charging. That's a given is it not ? There have been pops about whether their posted trades were really 'in advance'.
And what about the Journals ?

Let's put the donation issue to one side and look at what's going on here.
CJ is regularly posting trades in advance, irrespective of donations. That is rare and unique in itself. Who else has the bottle, or even the ability to do that ? Not many.
This board is largely made up of thousands of lurking newbies, probably wondering whether trading is just a big con.
Just think how encouraging it must be for them to see trades posted up, whether they know the methods or not. What a good start for them. Surely it strengthens the "entire edifice of mutual support ".
Why deny the newbies that kind of opportunity to watch a trader in action and see that it can be done?

As regards the donations, if people have an objection to the particular 'cause', then they can choose not to donate. Simple.
If they object to the cause, then why don't they object about the person who believes in it and say to themselves "I would never want anything, however good, from a Christian/AIr Ambulance supporter/Cancer Research supporter/Political Party supporter etc etc". Is there some hypocracy going on here ?

If on the other hand they want something and are prepared to give money in return, then how do they know where it will be spent whatever the cause ? They don't. e.g. What will Jonny T spend his money on ? Who knows. That's his business and fair enough.
You could donate to Oxfam and later find your money or the goods it paid for in the hands of some corrupt official or despot.
The point is that the person has chosen the cause and that is part of the bargain.

CJ is not forcing anybody to take on his trades or donate to his cause so there is really no need for all this snipping...........if you don't like what he is doing simply avoid the thread or report whatever u think he is doing 'illegally or wrong' to Sharky or any of the moderators. I don't understand why a few people always feel threatened by some other posters simply cos they are not their favourites or are percieved not to follow the crowd...................live and let other ppl live plssss.
Firstly I have great admiration for anyone who has the b**ls to post trades live or in advance having done this myself for some time I realize this can cause immense stress knowing that other people may follow these trades.

Secondly I have no problem with CJ using the signature banner to promote the sky channel

I do however have a problem with CJ using posts on these boards to promote said channel this is a trading BB and should be kept as such. Also it was CJ that cast aspersions upon JT's motives when he himself was asking for remunaration earlier on this thread.
dc2000 said:
I do however have a problem with CJ using posts on these boards to promote said channel this is a trading BB and should be kept as such. Also it was CJ that cast aspersions upon JT's motives when he himself was asking for remunaration earlier on this thread.

"...he himself was asking for remunaration earlier on this thread."
Are you sure ? This what he said:-

"some one ask me if im going to charge money for my live signals, give me a few weeks and see if im worth it, but i wont be charging as such, if anyone are interested i ask the person to trade 1 lot for me i will need 5 people max and every $2000 i make for you. You would then trade 2 lots for me and so on, "

"I do however have a problem with CJ using posts on these boards to promote said channel this is a trading BB and should be kept as such."
Perhaps moving the thread to the Trading Systems (Commercial) heading would address this.
Certainly the Goldline Trading system, Spot On and others have received plenty of free publicity in there.

I would say 99% of you are not making any serious money in your trading, You could look like a true pro in you trading draw impressive charts but This don't mean nothing if you can put size down some of you paint fancy charts and this comes ahead of making money from the markets or you guys talking about the latest software or even selling some kind of unproven software.

The game is about making money not looking smart and the sad thing is, that making money is way down the list. For most people.


We have not heard much from you of late. Your view on the dow would be of interest.

