OK, lets try again...
Setup pattern 1 (Sells)
Day3 Higher low than day4 low
Day2 Inside day3
Day1 day1Open < low+((day2High - day2Low)/2) AND day1Open < day2Close
Setup pattern 2 (Buys)
Day3 Lower high than day4 high
Day2 Inside day3
Day1 day1Open > day2Close
................Sell, Buy, Sell50sl, Buy50sl
Total Pts: 508 1655 1029 2118
Largest gain: 243 294 243 294
Largest loss: -359 -147 -50 -50
Winners: 32 38 32 38
Losers: 28 28 28 28
Strike Rate: 53% 58% 53% 58%
For 1980 - 1988 data you got a SR of 80% for Sells and 90% for buys. I cannot get above a 60% SR for 1988 - 2003 data..!!
Still a lack of trades for 15 years..
Best I can do, hope it helps... You can have my spread sheet if you want...
Cheers Snip