You touch upon the central core of the nature of character itself. Character is not personality. Personality is a derivative of character Character is the engine, whereas personality represents the gears.
Actually, I would agree up to a point.
Personality takes its origin from Character, but, rather than personality representing gears, more the manifestation of character.
Character, if you could "see" it would however not necessarily match the "personality" on display at that moment.
Personality can be "faked", however I doubt character can be. Inconsistent personality, would suggest dubious character.
The personality of an individual may change throughout his lifetime, owing mainly to the attainment of maturity, and as a consequence of life experiences encountered but his character, the central core, will always remain the same. This blend in human makeup is not popularly understood and it took me a long time to sift it out and finally be able to grasp the concept properly.
Here I suggest you have it confused.
Personality can be changed like a hat.
Character, may alter due to the vicissitudes of life.
People with the wrong character will never succeed, no matter how accomplished they might be otherwise, whether in looks, charm, academic achievement, height, weight, colour, race or gender.
Here I assume you are referring to success within a "Trading" context.
If so, then this was the initial question the thread was designed to try and answer. That is, define from existing successful traders their "Characteristics".
By this as you previously misconstrued I do not mean their "methodology" but their "Character"
Research their life story a little, find out the experiences that formed their character.
If you do this exercise with 2 or 3 people, and then ask someone to "rate" your character, you may well be surprised...............I was.
In the world of trading this is not so. I am not going to enter into a long explanation why it is that all of this is not constructed for the benefit of the public and so on, but it is suffice to say that this unpreparedness is what catches people out.
"Unpreparedness".............indeed. Very few people are prepared when they first start trading.
However, unless by sheer luck you stumble down the correct road on your first shot, actually "trading" is usually necessary to reinforce the fact that while you believed that you were in point of fact prepared, you were incorrect.
Now human beings have to coax themselves to adopt the correct frame of reference in order for them to succeed. They have to teach themselves to fly through open windows and not through glass panes. But when viewed from the perspective of personality both look the same ~ it is only when human beings force themselves to view the problem from the perspective of character that the problem can be solved.
Character, is a catch-all.
Intelligence, logic, rationality, experience, and possibly other character traits that I have neglected are the components of character required to progress in this area.
Personal integrity depends upon honesty and truth, and what is more, is ruled by self government of the highest order. This type of self govenment is not a pressing requisite in ordinary life, as there are rules and laws and ordinances and behavioural codes to follow.
I agree that integrity should be on anyones list.
I would suggest that without it present, short-cuts, ( of dubious legal nature ) if offered would be taken that could lead to problems.
In trading there is no room for pride. There is only room for cold reality.
Pride in ones work.
Pride in this context is beneficial in the respect of striving to improve and only do your best work
Cutting corners in your analysis, is slothful, and demonstrates a lack of pride in ones work.
I have found that the character of a person can be quickly attained by determining what they are NOT prepared to do or be engaged in. Most people will probably not understand this but it has served me well in assessing the standards of others.
Very true.
Caution, in all its forms, separates each individual. Self levels of caution separate the winners from the losers and being overcautious on the markets is not nessecarily a good thing and vicky versa. Character for trading, winning trading, depends on individual caution adversity. Caution maybe the haunting factor for all the losers out there, because unfortunately its something thats hard to change about yourself.
From a previous thread "Define Risk" or somesuch, this characteristic of yours came through.
In your case it is one of risk seeking.
Nothing right or wrong with this mindset.
However, you do need to ask yourself whether throwing caution out of the window is likely to, or has brought you the rewards that would constitute "winning trading".
I think with a little research, that you will find successful traders with longevity, are to a man "Risk averse"
cheers d998