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ducati998 said:

Just a simple compare and contrast exercise.
Decide on whatever criteria that you feel essential to longevity and success in the market, and then research a number of traders whom you feel are successful.

Rate them based on your criteria, see where ( if any ) overlaps occur, and have a third party evaluate yourself to your chosen criteria.

You end up with something that may very well change the way you view trading.
cheers d998
This is not possible at all, sorry.

This is because properly executed, trading is apt to be a selfish and lonely profession, and consistent success depends upon the development of an edge. The acquisition of this edge takes a long time and very hard work. It is an integral component of a trader's armoury.
One part is tangible and the other is intangible. What you really want to do is to dismantle what it is that a trader does according to his frame of reference which encapsulates his edge. No one in his right mind is going to allow you to do this, as it would constitute giving away his edge, and once an edge is given away, it is no longer an edge, sorry.

He may well allow you to interview him but because you are not him you will not be able to replicate what he does unless he reveals his edge. No serious trader worth his salt can afford to be so generous as to do this, sorry.
ducati998 said:

Character, an interesting and vital component to longevity and success. Commen-tata has specialised in "hindsight" calls, that is his forte, his area of expertise.

This is however true to form. If you follow any of the P&V threads or analysis, what you are subjected to is endless ................this is what happened....................I have yet to see, and based on my analysis, this is my expectation, and I shall trade it in this manner.

Commen-tata claims allegiance to this philosophy of trading, and is one of two arch proponents of the methodology.

Interesting to note the claimed superiority of the methodology, and the complete absence of any demonstration via a posted trade in anything approaching real time.

But then of course, in the TARDIS, real time has an entirely irrelevant context.


But it is following exactly it's title.............CHARACTER.
The one characteristic that I rate very highly, is, the ability and inclination to call a trade, and stand behind it.

Right or wrong is immaterial.
With a technical trade, losing trades are expected.
It is the manner in which they are dealt with that is important.
When a person, in this case SOCRATES places himself in the position of a "guru" it is my expectation that some evidence be shown as a point of pride, if nothing else.

Exactly the same can be said of DBP, ..........another P&V proponent.
Has a great deal to say..............can analyse in hindsight, which has value to a point. If you are learning, you must learn from a reference point.................But, at some point going into a real trade requires a position based on your expectation.

CHARACTER................Quality teachers, teach via a number of methods, and by example is one of them.

Cheers d998
Listen ducattti, I am not a guru, I dont like to be called a guru, and I have never said I was any guru. And you don't know anything about my methods, except what I am willing to reveal to you, and then expressesed in rock bottom mechanical terms, and even then, very few are able to understand it. I have nothing to prove and I consider the effort of making calls wasteful, and if I do them, it is to please myself and not because you might think it is a good idea or otheriwise.
ducati998 said:

I was referring to the character of the guru.
As to proclaimed or self-proclaimed...........obviously here we are talking self-proclaimed.

Chat rooms for chat, trading is personal.
Yes and no.
We have a situation on T2W, where there are a number of "Private Forums" that give the impression of something other than "chat" being offered. In point of fact, one even advertises a coaching service that requires payment.

The implication is that there is more on offer than just chat.


You see character. How many times have I been threatened with cannonballs and all manner of ordnance? And, when the opportunity arises, where is SOCRATES........nowhere to be seen

cheers d998
And here is a cannonball for you,,,,@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ BOOM !

And what is it your business what is discussed in a private forum by chosen members ?

Why do you care what might or might not be discussed or offered ?

How does it affect your reams of posts and all the nonsense you are apt to talk ?

Satisfied now ?
sulong said:
I'm a little curious why you would view a "point of pride" as a meaningful characteristic?
Do you think successful traders are publicly proud?
It seems to me that that type of behaviour would garner one more feather in the hat of "arrogance" that some would paint on.
In trading there is no room for pride. There is only room for cold reality.
This is because pride is an emotion. There is no room for emotion in trading.
It has a corruptive effect, and disables logic and reason and the ability to act.
Kris, lets just say you are wrong for now. Thats the fairest discission, taking everything into consideration. Have a sleep on it all, stop smoking and drinking so much. Try to take your mind off the markets for a while (they are getting to you), this cant be good for a person! Go away and think. Its the only way forward for you, you need to relax and chill out. For Christs sake, if anybody can do it in the end you can (hopefully).
I agree with RUDEBOY. No one here hates you or dislikes you. We are traders. In trading the question of envy or hatred or dislike does not arise. This is because it is an anonymous competitive game scenario, in which the fittest survives and prospers, but not at the exclusive expense of anyone's lack of success or otherwise. Individuals are not singled out for punishment by the reptitively successful. The repetitively successful are so because they are.

It is a matter of evolvement and not victimisation of any sort. So pull yourself together.

Now, but when someone is disrespectful or rude to me, then that is a different matter.
ducati998 said:

You would seem to correlate "PRIDE" with "ARROGANCE".
If that is your opinion, thats is fine.

Pride in ones work.
Pride in ones family
Pride in accomplishing a goal...............etc.

Context can play a large part in how you perceive pride.
Now returning to your comment regarding the guru's.
If you place yourself as a guru, ie. someone who through greater knowledge, experience and or a combination thereof, I personally feel that the respect accorded should be based on tangible evidence..............otherwise I am basing my decision on inadequate information.

SOCRATES, to his credit has not sought sanctuary within a "Private Forum".
DBP & Mr Charts have.

To cut down on "noise"?
I don't think so............all can register EXCEPT critics.

My favorite example............well it was my own.
To DBP........a P&V guru,
I asked him to define PRICE...........a not unreasonable request of a guru.
His reaction, deletion of the post and or subsequent posts, and the eventual opening of a private forum.

True masters of their craft do not run away from awkward questions, they confront them head on...............Character.

cheers d998
That's cannonball on this occasion....................................
@ (ready just in case)
Salty Gibbon said:
I simply do not understand why people get so agitated about the posts of Socrates.

Personally I tend to chew on a lot of what he says and I have picked out a few things that he has said that have helped me. This is also the case with certain other posters on T2W.

Sometimes I will just see one word or phrase in a very long and detailed post and that word or phrase will be of great help to me. For example just yesterday I zapped on "happy" and "total control" from another thread and these words ( in the context in which they were set ) kept me thinking for a long time.

Socrates used the word "dare" some time ago and that word has lodged in my brain - probably because I wasn't daring enough - but now I "dare" a lot more than I used to with good results.

What I am trying to say is that I don't really care what somebody says and how they say it - they can be arrogant, full of cow's crap or whatever. Most of us have annoying attributes anyway so what the hell.

Better to let people like Soc have their say and if you think it's rubbish, either debate it or ignore it , or do what I do and dissect it in order to discover the hidden gems that are frequently present.
You have clocked it, haven't you Salty ?

You have been able to pick out the message and not the way it is delivered.

They don't like it because it upsets a cosy world of comfort in soft options and other nonsense.

The markets are brutal. There is no room for wooly sentiment.

It has to be the truth, with the gloves taken off. Many do not like this.

Tough. Because that is the way it is.

Kind Regards.
Sulong, what are you going on about? Arrogance is a perception of the weak or unknowing! Anything else on this site is guesswork. To know arrogance is to know the person, know where i am comming from?
Correct !
sulong said:
Ether keep up with the conversation or be quiet.
Sheesh, do you ever stay on topic?
Sulong , you appear not to have grasped what it is Rudeboy is telling you.
He is being very generous, and you don't get it.
You were doing pretty well until you got to the third paragraph in post #37.
At that point you began to go off base and never really found your way back.
It’s sad that it took your whole life time misunderstand the nature of character.

Between you and rb, you’ve promiscuously flitted throughout this thread spreading your love in all the wrong places. Perhaps your name ought to be penicillin penny?
I hope you and yours are a bit more discriminating when it comes to choosing your trades, otherwise you’ll not last very long in this line of work.

Whether you’ve chosen to ignore or just don’t comprehend my post #22 where I mentioned the word “arrogance” I don’t know. The implication is that if someone pridefuly boast about their understanding of a given subject, the audience is likely to see them as “arrogant”. This is why I ask the question I did.

RB is in fact too generous, but tainted love is not worth having.
Sulong, look up 'patronising' in the dictionary or have the yanks got thier own word for it? See ya soon.
Patronising:- to speak to or behave towards someone as if they are stupid or unimportant. Reminds me of someone who posts here.

If you want a clue, AC TOS SER 🙂
I have found that the character of a person can be quickly attained by determining what they are NOT prepared to do or be engaged in. Most people will probably not understand this but it has served me well in assessing the standards of others.

Nice post Paul. There are more than a few instances of 'Cognitive Dissonance' on display across these boards.

It seems to me that many get into a position they wish they hadn't - and proceed to alter their beliefs to mesh with their behaviours rather than would be more commonly thought, and more usefully applied, the other way round.
Trader333 said:
I have found that the character of a person can be quickly attained by determining what they are NOT prepared to do or be engaged in. Most people will probably not understand this but it has served me well in assessing the standards of others.

Exactly, I've seen Socrates argue with every member on this board and engage in the most mindless of one upmanship, it's childish, churlish and boorish, I cant repect anyone like that
One thing i will say in defence of Socs, is, its always the other person who becomes childish and starts bickering when he is engaged in an arguement. Wether or not you agree with the guy doesnt matter, the easy and most sensible option would be to just agree to disagree, and leave it at that. Besides, this site would be a bit more boring without a bit of banter going on, as long as it doesnt get out of hand. Everybody has an option, you dont have to argue. For myself, i dont mind it now and again, i would say its good for you in moderation. Its only trading after all said and done.
One thing i will say in defence of Socs, is, its always the other person who becomes childish and starts bickering when he is engaged in an arguement. Wether or not you agree with the guy doesnt matter, the easy and most sensible option would be to just agree to disagree, and leave it at that. Besides, this site would be a bit more boring without a bit of banter going on, as long as it doesnt get out of hand. Everybody has an option, you dont have to argue. For myself, i dont mind it now and again, i would say its good for you in moderation. Its only trading after all said and done.
I've gone over a few of his posts and he always starts demeaning the other person while bragging about himself, he seems like a very insecure person to me
"The trend is your friend....Yeh right" and the other one goes along the lines of your suspiscions about the market maybe too late 'cause the markets already done what you think. These two signatures sum the whole thing up, character wise. The markets are not about subconcious thought or reflex thought they are about conscious thought. Caution, in all its forms, separates each individual. Self levels of caution separate the winners from the losers and being overcautious on the markets is not nessecarily a good thing and vicky versa. Character for trading, winning trading, depends on individual caution adversity. Caution maybe the haunting factor for all the losers out there, because unfortunately its something thats hard to change about yourself. Ducatti, hope this gets the thread back on track, sorry about the nonsense, its all in good faith matey! RB.
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