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To be honest Swang, i can't be bothered with it all, live and let live, sod 'em all!
Trader333 said:
I have found that the character of a person can be quickly attained by determining what they are NOT prepared to do or be engaged in. Most people will probably not understand this but it has served me well in assessing the standards of others.

How can you "attain" the character of another person ? Are you saying you have found a way of being them, for this purpose ? Are you capable of invading someone else's body and mind in order to "be" them ? Do you think you could be "me" for example ? Do you think you could determine "what", for example I might or might not be prepared to do or engage in ?


It is no wonder most people will probably not understand this as you say.
It is no wonder that it would only serve to baffle them.

What you probably mean, according to your frame of reference, is that you think you are able to "ascertain" what it is a particular person is not prepared to do or engage in, is that now what you meant when you posted this ?

If that is the case, your assumptions are incorrect. The reason is that in order to be able to make a balanced judgement, you need to be familiar with the person in the first place. By this I mean, face to face contact, which you and I have never had.

The closest you would be able to get to "ascertain" anything by subscibing to these boards is to nebulously guesstimate to try to "assess" the personality of the poster, according to the style of delivery, nothing else.

Such an assessment is and can be very misleading.

For this reason additionally many posters are apt to post comments and remarks they would not consider either prudent, pertinent or polite were they to not to be posting on a public website but face to face instead, and which they would otherwise regret.
Bigbusiness said:
Patronising:- to speak to or behave towards someone as if they are stupid or unimportant. Reminds me of someone who posts here.

If you want a clue, AC TOS SER 🙂
How about you ?

Would you like a clue ?

Well, I am not giving you any, none ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha !
Paul, i have to agree with Socs on this one. But, i didnt have the balls to say it!
Socs, you are truly blighted on this site, heres the positive though....this is a web site, cyber space, the realm of the faceless and non-physical. Your honesty maybe your biggest downfall on here, but in real life it will be without a doubt your biggest asset. I have never read anything on here that is directed at you that should cause for concern, unless you lower yourself to that level. Anyway, character, i heard Ducatti cry.
Ive got to laugh to myself about this, all this talk goin' on about arguing and that....whats playin' on my CD (E.L.O.).....XANADU! You couldn't make it up (unless your names Kris), no, only joking matey!
Socs, you are truly blighted on this site, heres the positive though....this is a web site, cyber space, the realm of the faceless and non-physical. Your honesty maybe your biggest downfall on here, but in real life it will be without a doubt your biggest asset. I have never read anything on here that is directed at you that should cause for concern, unless you lower yourself to that level. Anyway, character, i heard Ducatti cry.
Take a leaf out of my book, and under no circumstances proceed to tell the truth about any of this when in the vicinity of a petrol station or a fireworks factory or suchlike. Because no sooner do you proceed to tell the truth, with or without the gloves taken off, do the sparks start to fly, and this can lead to ill lumination.
Where the hell is Doocarty? Oh, i forgot, is he from NZ? Upsidedown, poor chap, all that blood rushin' to his head? Mind you, upsidedown is nonsense in the big space we live in?
OOOO ! No ! Please, he has publicly posted he is coming to the UK from OZ this year for Xmas, and suggest we meet at the T2W Xmas party. I cannot go to any party, it would only serve to have my head drilled into. Peace and quiet please. I have already declined the invitation, in any event.
There was a Dilbert on this site, last year. He coined a beautiful turn of phrase, he used to say :
"Well after all, who am I to give opinions about this, since all I know is the square root of bugger all, and that's not much, is it ?". He never posts anymore. He is missed for his charming ripostes.
I think that there has been misunderstanding of my post on character. It was not aimed at anyone on these boards and I agree that it is not possible to ascertain character by the anonymous posts of anyone. I certainly do not make judgements on others because to do so indicates finality of a situation so all I am able to so is make an assessment based on observed behaviour to date.

The reason I said that determining character can be attained by what a person wont do is based on experience of others who I have known over many years. There is more to this than has been assumed by others on here and much of it can be seen in times of war where real character of individuals can quickly be seen. The people with stronger characters will just not be prepared to be involved in many of the activities of those, (and the majority) with weaker characters. How else is it possible for humans to treat their fellow beings in such appalling ways unless they have characters too weak to maintain real standards ?

That's it for me on this subject.

Wonderful thread!
Re-post 62.
Very true and very precise as always, Socrates.
T333 has a point, however, by implying that those who embrace aggressive behaviour UNPROVOKED, call others liars, send abusive emails and PMs etc. only demonstrate their own inadequacies and are beneath contempt and certainly beneath answering.............but they do provide a good laugh for many of us.
But come on, Socrates, come with me to the next t2w Xmas party. We can meet earlier for a nice cup of tea and then go and meet ducky. I'm sure he is really a very nice guy face to face.

PS This message intends no disrespect to any t2w member, so none should be taken, even by those on my very short "ignore" list.
Socs, probably flattened his account? That normally puts people off this site.
Trader333 said:
How else is it possible for humans to treat their fellow beings in such appalling ways unless they have characters too weak to maintain real standards ?

That's it for me on this subject.

The answer to your question is very simple, and contains a main argument and a sub argument as follows :~

As a main argument, the main thrust has to do with the perpetuation and defence of truth, honesty, integrity, and fact, despite repeated and insistent ill concieved and ineffectual assaults, and in this respect, is just like war, which is confrontation in order to overcome adversity, but here instead it occurs at an intellectual and moral level and factual level, and not at a military level.

As a sub argument, there is no personal level in this, but if there were, it would have to amount to the survival of the fittest, and not the weakest .

Kind Regards.
Mr. Charts said:
Wonderful thread!
Re-post 62.
Very true and very precise as always, Socrates.
T333 has a point, however, by implying that those who embrace aggressive behaviour UNPROVOKED, call others liars, send abusive emails and PMs etc. only demonstrate their own inadequacies and are beneath contempt and certainly beneath answering.............but they do provide a good laugh for many of us.
But come on, Socrates, come with me to the next t2w Xmas party. We can meet earlier for a nice cup of tea and then go and meet ducky. I'm sure he is really a very nice guy face to face.

PS This message intends no disrespect to any t2w member, so none should be taken, even by those on my very short "ignore" list.
In your case , I am prepared to make the exception and will reconsider.
Thank you, SOCRATES.
Your re-consideration of the possibility is most appreciated and respected.
There's a nice little cake shop in Soho that's been in the same family for many years. We could go there first, indulge ourselves in pastries beyond compare, then proceed with suitably sharpened fangs to the t2w party.
I suspect the most unpleasant posters, unprotected by the safe, comfortable anonymity of their t2w personas, will, if they actually materialise, turn out to be the most innocuous and pleasantest of individuals face to face............ ;-)
There's a nice little cake shop in Soho that's been in the same family for many years. We could go there first, indulge ourselves in pastries beyond compare, then proceed with suitably sharpened fangs to the t2w party.

Be careful Soc, it's actually a whorehouse.

And by the way, Richard knows me.
I didn't say "good" Salty, I said "wonderful" ;-)
Whether in seriousness, jest or sarcasm is up to the individual to determine.
When I read it, I did smile at most of the posts - apart from those originating from individual(s) on my ignore list, which I had the even greater pleasure of not seeing.
Have a good evening,
Over and out,
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