Yeah thats very true but maybe we could all take you more seriously if you used a capital letter at the start of your sentences...
impetuous youth you are, capitalisation you seek, solve your problems it will not.
- Master Yoda
I actually really like what you've done with this journal, Taylored001. I like your sense of humour and I like the way you are willing to share your strategy. I also think you've concentrated on some of the more important things early on - targets, rewards for goals achieved and daily structure. You seem honest and I respect you for that. Personally, I have no idea whether you will succeed but you have the right mindset, I believe. Best of luck to you - I'll drop in from time to time and catch up.
Interesting strategy. Good Luck!
Are you trading equities, Spread Betting or CFDs? I'd take it you trade through Barclays... In wich case you could get Level 2 included for free if you trade enough per quarter/month.
Buying a Blueray DVD player from your first 10k is cool as long as you declare it in your tax returns (if you are trading equities and CFDs).
Will be checking your progress 🙂
Hi Taylored,
First i'd like to thank you for showing us youre strat. and for keeping this journal.
It looks promising and i'm very keen to see where it will lead us to.
I'm going to follow this and made the preparations to test this strat too.
Already this strat has raised some questions, but i will wait for the live trades before asking them, because i'm pretty sure it will all become very clear then.
I'm from Holland and i'm curious if this will work for our AEX index too, but that is something i will test for myself.
Good luck and keep this journal going!
Rofl, i appreciate your comment but i just can't take it seriously because your pretending to be Yoda and that just seems weird to me.
p.s. No idea what your account type is with IG but seeing as you're 18 I expect they've hit you with the 'guaranteed stop' bull**** which increases your spread by 3 points? This would had a big affect on your system targetting just 12 points a trade...
According to IG, in my case it comes down to the fact that I'm a student and have no fixed income.
I've rung them up several times to say that I have the resources to put more funds (and I've been specific) in the account which would EASILY cover any losses at the prices I'm currently trading (£1-£5 a point), but they keep saying no citing 'FSA guidelines'.
As Taylored is 18 and would seem to have no full-time job I assumed it would be the same for him!
Good luck Taylored! Just a few questions:
1) How long have you been trading your other account(s?) live?
2) Do you always restrict yourself to the FTSE? If not what else do you trade?
3) You mentioned your dad warned you against Easter Monday trading, is he involved in trading himself?
p.s. No idea what your account type is with IG but seeing as you're 18 I expect they've hit you with the 'guaranteed stop' bull**** which increases your spread by 3 points? This would had a big affect on your system targetting just 12 points a trade...
Hmmmm... Luke never had a problem with it...
Anyway - I'm looking forward to Monday & wish you well with it.
Perhaps one day your little bro will be the Tiger Woods of day trading.
I agree with the Yoda. You have many lessons to learn young one. I guess it will be a laugh watching you crash and burn so I'm watching this one.🙂 Good luck, you soo will need it lol.
Ok but these are very specific questions about when to enter and i guess they are not going to improve the strategy.
I wondered what to do when you have only two decreasing MACD histogram bars and then the MACD goes trough the zero line and after that the third bar is bigger than the second one.
For example: 1st bar = -0.44 2nd bar = -0.13 and the third bar = +0.50
The three bars are decreasing but the third is bigger in the positive, then the second is in the negative.
I hope i made myself clear, English isn't my native lol.