Taylor you sound very smart and intelligent. I can say with complete confidence that your plan you have created should be a complete success. It amazes me that your just eighteen. I wish I had had half the determination at that age that you seem to have. Good luck (not like you will even need it!) with going live.
Also I would like to show my interest in buying (or possibly financing) your trading system. Let me know how you would feel about this.
Umm... I don't quite know what you mean by 'buying' the trading system - If you want to use it yourself, its completely free but i would recommend you watch me do it for a month or so because i will be making revisions and refinements along the way and therefore by the end it should be perfect!
As for 'financing' do you mean giving me money to trade for you?
I'm trading this as a fun little journal, to show beginners a way of trading and also just so i have another thing to do while i sit at my computer trading all day. The reason i'm starting with £100 is to show that anyone regardless of capital can make money through compounding interest. I already have a large capital pot that i trade with healthily, this is just a little extra 'challenge' for me to do.
I don't want your money to conclude
🙂 But i'd be happy to help you get going trading this strategy or any other. A lot strategies do actually work, its just the application process (What time do i trade? How do i filter the stocks?) that make them difficult or appear not to work.
I have some very powerful strategies that i personally use with my own big capital that i'd be happy to share with you and tell you a day plan. Possibly over email. But i think for any beginner who has time and devotion, something like this strategy is a good start to becomming consistant. However there are much better strategies that are alot more profitable, but we will come to them in later months or later challenges
The next challenge will be earning £1000 per day, the strategies i'll reveal then are much better, more profitable but more complicated with lots of little details that i'd need to explain, so we will come to that.
The whole idea in this first strategy was to take a really average simple strategy and prove its possible to make money doing it. Next i'll be revealing really profitable ways of trading
😀 Nice talking to ya'