Challenge Stage 1; £100 to £1000 using simple method

... Julian did you just tell me to shup up? ...

Its a shame i have to repeat myself but i don't mind helping retards who can't read in my spare time so here we go;

*Live trading will commence on Monday the 13th*

Now STFU before i write a really long paragraph explaining how retarded your comment was.

And why the **** would i just follow your instructions; 'From now on trades only' **** off.

nice, this looks interesting

i only just start with igindex as well
took 500 quid up to 513 quid so far
yeah i'm ballin 😎
Cloud321 - Keep it up ^^ IGINDEX is good to start out with but when your account grows to £20k then which to a bank, i use Barclays. I'm confident your account will be there in no time with such a good start 🙂 What strategy you currently using then?
i'm using classical chart analysis plus using rsi and macd indicators
pretty much the stuff mentioned in "trading for a living" by alexander elder

i got a journal on this forum as well with the trades i made
Ah sounds good i'll be sure to check it out. I've read that, 'entries and exits' by him is also good and his trading DVD too.
clearly you charm is as big as your ego, I actually hadnt seen your post as I aswered from an email.But even retards can make good money at this game,so go ahead fill you boots
Taylor you sound very smart and intelligent. I can say with complete confidence that your plan you have created should be a complete success. It amazes me that your just eighteen. I wish I had had half the determination at that age that you seem to have. Good luck (not like you will even need it!) with going live.

Also I would like to show my interest in buying (or possibly financing) your trading system. Let me know how you would feel about this.

For any newbies reading this thread, take it all with a pinch of salt. Keep your money in your pocket, don't ever pay for any system, all the info you need is on the internet for free.

This approach is completely unrefined and requires 8+hrs per day at the trading screen? For anyone with that ammount of time and who can keep their sanity after staring at charts day in day out taking huge losses, then maybe this is the system for you! For anyone else I would reccommend you go to a thread written by someone with more experience of trading. There are plenty out there.
Hi Taylored,

First i'd like to thank you for showing us youre strat. and for keeping this journal.
It looks promising and i'm very keen to see where it will lead us to.
I'm going to follow this and made the preparations to test this strat too.
Already this strat has raised some questions, but i will wait for the live trades before asking them, because i'm pretty sure it will all become very clear then.

I'm from Holland and i'm curious if this will work for our AEX index too, but that is something i will test for myself.

Good luck and keep this journal going!

Give him a chance.
He's pretty much given the system away already hasn't he? He hasn't mentioned selling anything?

I fail to see any 'system' here?! And my warning about paying money for a trading system (any system) was general advice to newbies in the light of Chris_808's offer to pay for this ...'system'?!
For any newbies reading this thread, take it all with a pinch of salt. Keep your money in your pocket, don't ever pay for any system, all the info you need is on the internet for free.

This approach is completely unrefined and requires 8+hrs per day at the trading screen? For anyone with that ammount of time and who can keep their sanity after staring at charts day in day out taking huge losses, then maybe this is the system for you! For anyone else I would reccommend you go to a thread written by someone with more experience of trading. There are plenty out there.

Good advice, i agree not to buy any systems - Read books/forums and

'Taking huge losses' ? What you on about...

Its intesting you say 'requires 8hours per day' because most businesses and jobs require you to put about that amount of time into it each day. Some people don't trade as an 'extra income' or 'hobby' some are actually good enough to do it as a job and a main source of income. Now obviously £100 to £1000 isn't an income, but i'm just proving in i hope an easy format that its possible to make money trading. Obviously my income from trading isn't going to come from this challenge; i will be doing lots of other stuff while i'm doing this which will provide me with my income but thats just not i'm teaching in this particular journal because its too complicated for beginners.

Your also right about my experience - I haven't been working in a firm for 8 years. But i think i made that clear at the beginning of the thread if you actually read it ....To be honest though i've probably made more money than most people on this forum, so i consider myself accountable to giving educational advice.
Taylor you sound very smart and intelligent. I can say with complete confidence that your plan you have created should be a complete success. It amazes me that your just eighteen. I wish I had had half the determination at that age that you seem to have. Good luck (not like you will even need it!) with going live.

Also I would like to show my interest in buying (or possibly financing) your trading system. Let me know how you would feel about this.


Umm... I don't quite know what you mean by 'buying' the trading system - If you want to use it yourself, its completely free but i would recommend you watch me do it for a month or so because i will be making revisions and refinements along the way and therefore by the end it should be perfect!

As for 'financing' do you mean giving me money to trade for you?

I'm trading this as a fun little journal, to show beginners a way of trading and also just so i have another thing to do while i sit at my computer trading all day. The reason i'm starting with £100 is to show that anyone regardless of capital can make money through compounding interest. I already have a large capital pot that i trade with healthily, this is just a little extra 'challenge' for me to do.

I don't want your money to conclude 🙂 But i'd be happy to help you get going trading this strategy or any other. A lot strategies do actually work, its just the application process (What time do i trade? How do i filter the stocks?) that make them difficult or appear not to work.

I have some very powerful strategies that i personally use with my own big capital that i'd be happy to share with you and tell you a day plan. Possibly over email. But i think for any beginner who has time and devotion, something like this strategy is a good start to becomming consistant. However there are much better strategies that are alot more profitable, but we will come to them in later months or later challenges 😉

The next challenge will be earning £1000 per day, the strategies i'll reveal then are much better, more profitable but more complicated with lots of little details that i'd need to explain, so we will come to that.

The whole idea in this first strategy was to take a really average simple strategy and prove its possible to make money doing it. Next i'll be revealing really profitable ways of trading

😀 Nice talking to ya'
This strategy isn't very good, its nothing special, its very average, its very unrefined.
The idea in this journal is to prove that when you take an average strategy, plan it,
add a daily routine and persist with it, you can be profitable. It is by no means, the best
way of making money trading, certainly not in my eyes.

When this thread really gets off the ground and we get going; Improving the strategy, reaching
the £1000 target. Then i will be adding further, more powerful strategies to our daily plan so
that in the end we have a daily plan which is justifiable as a 'job'. Then with our daily plan in place
we can move onto stage 2; Earning £1000 per day, in that the recommendable strategies will be displayed, that i really really LIKE. But i want to do this first, because its simple and gives a good
idea to beginners of actual day trading plan.
... Julian did you just tell me to shup up? ...

Its a shame i have to repeat myself but i don't mind helping retards who can't read in my spare time so here we go;

*Live trading will commence on Monday the 13th*

Now STFU before i write a really long paragraph explaining how retarded your comment was.

And why the **** would i just follow your instructions; 'From now on trades only' **** off.

Market will be very thin or closed on this day btw. Easter monday, I'm hoping that any yen pairs on friday and monday move then retrace it all on tuesday.
Hello taylor seems interesting will be keeping an eye on your plan. Dont know if uve already mentioned this or not but what platform are u using to trade?? Sorry in advance if uve already said
Market will be very thin or closed on this day btw. Easter monday, I'm hoping that any yen pairs on friday and monday move then retrace it all on tuesday.

My dad reminded me of that earlier so i won't be trading on Monday but post-poning to Tuesday instead, thanks for reminding me to update 😕

I'm waiting for a second attempt at a pull-back on the AUDJPY to the 20-EMA line to get into a long carry trade with high leverage and quick breakeven 😀
