CFTR Associates Goldbars Trading System


That Tandy guy, what a shill.

Folks be wary of anyone who tells you they used to be a 'city trader'. And even if he was I find it very very strange that on quiting his job he buys a crappy system and then makes far more money.

All these system sellers are without doubt selling dreams to the unwary.

I love this board trade2win because it doesn't take ANY prisoners with the sharks and shysters out there. Well done everyone and let's hope that we can prevent a few more undeserving people from giving the cheaters any of their hard earned money.

The best advice that's been given here to the newbies is to open an account with someone like finspreads, deposit a few hundred pounds and trade FTSE or Dow with 10p a point. Also read around the web because you can get most if not all the information on TA and charts for free.

Good luck.
Prisoners? :cheesy:


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I bought and attended the Gold Bars service a few years ago when it was a one-to-one tutorial.

I was not really that impressed, and would not recommend it.

The guy teaches an entry signal and nothing else. The theory behind his entry signals is very feasible, but that's all it is - an entry signal and nothing else.

He tells you WHEN to enter the market and that's your lot. No teaching of exits, money-management, stops, profit-taking, position sizing, etc.

It's just an entry signal - a very expensive one. You're best devising your own.

Hope this helps.
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CFTR Associates

Has anybody out there had long term experience of trading with CFTR Asssociates' Signposts System. They claim 80% success, but that could mean 80% small gains, 20% stopped out. 😕 How good is the system and would you recommend it?

I know some people did not like his course, but what I want to know is, is there 'proof of the pudding'?


I can't answer your question I'm afraid, but I have attended the CFTR course and I agree 100% with damianoakley. I was new to trading at the time and forked out a lot of money for the course and subsequent software / datafeeds etc. and got myself into a right ol' mess. After losing around 50% of my capital, I decided not to rely on the holy grail magic systems offered by others and get to grips with the subject of trading and formulate my own ideas. Of course, this is an ongoing and very time consuming process but, gradually, I am beginning to reap the rewards for my efforts. For people new to trading and still green about the gills, I'd recommend strongly that they steer well clear of CFTR for precisely the reasons given by damianoakley. Without an exit strategy, sound understanding of money management and position sizing you WILL lose money - guaranteed. Been there, done that, bought the T shirt etc. If you're a knowledgeable and experienced trader, you're unlikely to need or want this service or others like it. Best of luck with whatever you decide to do.
Thanks for the warning, Timsk.

Has anyone else anything to say on this? He does claim to trell you about stops and exits. I base my stop margins on 1.5 times 30 day ATR. Any thoughts?

CFTR Associates Signposts

Has anybody out there had long term experience of trading with CFTR Asssociates' Signposts System. They claim 80% success, but that could mean 80% small gains, 20% stopped out. How good is the system and would you recommend it?

I know some people did not like his course, but what I want to know is, is there 'proof of the pudding'?


CFTR Associates Ltd

I am trying to find out if any T2W members have been to CFTR Associates seminar. It claim that you can make upto £12,000.00 on the financial spread market using their Techincal Indicator method which are GoldBar and SignPost. The CFTR Seminar are held every Saturday, the courses prices are between £695.00 and £1995.00.
I look forward for your reponses.
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has anyone recieved a refund from ctfr goldbars??

ive noticed some people here who attended the goldbars courses,and who found them lacking.
has anyone asked ctfr for a refund on the course or the signpost signals? and what was the response/result??

Hi there,

Did you actually subscribe to the Signpost indicator and if you did, did you actually apply it to your trading?
Having just read the posts about CFTR and as a newcomer to spreadbetting and shares, I am somewhat relieved I never pursued my interest in the course. The advert mentioning '12k' did seem rather too much and I could only gather a vast amount of capital was needed (and could afford to be lost) to gain such amounts. This aside, could anyone actually recommend 'impartial' advice on how I should proceed to educate myself on spreadbetting/shares such as books etc. Also (if you'll excuse me for going on) - I've also seen advertised the 'newsletters' from both Quantum leap and Trendwatch - are these worth investigating or are they just other money-making enterprises to catch out beginners like myself? I'd be most grateful if anyone could actually enlighten me on any genuine 'newsletters' available or courses/seminars/books which would actually help as oppose to harm.
Hi mjp9521,

I attended a Gold Bars/Sign Posts course run by CFTR in West London last summer (approx GBP 700) and subsequently I subscribed to the Signposts Newsletter (GBP 79 per month).

Data required for the Gold Bars system comes from an end-of-day download of Futures Cash Packages Data (major indexes and commodities) from the US Commodities Research Bureau (USD 30 per month) and the software needed is MetaStock from Equis International (approx GBP 400).

At the training I attended, CFTR's Jeff Jevtic gave no information on money management and position sizing. However, Jeff did provide elementary explanations of the Goldbars entry and exit strategies, and he explained trailing stop losses in the context of trading the Dow 30 and FTSE 100.

To interpret the Gold Bars correctly one has to look for confirmatory Gold Bars or additional market direction indicators on consecutive days.

The daily Sign Posts Newsletter provided market direction indicators, apparently derived from Jeff Jevtic's personal interpretation of current market conditions.

I am currently seeking a trading strategy that works.
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Are you clear on what instrument you wish to trade ? If so what are your trading objectives and timescale to be able to achieve them ?

Hi Goosegog
A trading system that works ? That would be the GENESIS system but unfortunately not for sale as yet but I am giving it some thought. Given that everyone wants to charge £1000s for a "million dollar system"
What Are We Looking For?

I'm going off thread with this, though it may help other traders.

The message I am getting is "Before I decide my strategy I should know what I want."
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Many thanks for those thoughts and I have decided against attending any 'paying' seminars and am instead just reading up on as much as I can in the meantime to take things slowly. The one thing I have paid for is an initial 3 month subscription to '' - mainly to see how their recommendations turnout.

A simple question from a SB novice: Are there any testimonials in existence for the failure or success of individuals buying the Goldline system ?
This thread is about Goldbars.

There are numerous caveats about Goldline in the "Goldline Trading System" and "Goldline trading system" threads
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This thread is about the Goldbars ripoff, not the Goldlines one, although I can understand the confusion.