CFTR Associates Goldbars Trading System

Hi Tandy,have read with interest your info on CFTRGold Bars and SignPost and agree with you it works, as I have used it . Can you please tell me what level of capital you think is sufficient to trade (spread /bet ) the commodities with this system, I use ATR set at 5 days for part of my stop level, the Finspreads shut down was a real pain last week and the next days offer of a smaller spread on the FTSE/DOW a joke . I do trade (Spread Bet ) the Dow with my own reading and some help from the system, you can see my entry each week in the Dow contest . Best Regards Twiglet (twiggytwo)
I started with £1,500, enough for a couple of non corelated trades, but then had a bit of luck thanks to CFTR. Ideally I would suggest say £5000 in order to run three positions concurrently.The secret being to ensure your not over exposed to simular instruments and also not all trades in the same direction ie not just long posistions . I agree on stops mine are simular, still
long soyabean and copper, tempted to re-enter long cotton march next week.
Hope that helps , Good luck
Tandy, I note you live in Surrey which is were Jeff lives who runs CFTR Associates. I see you have also just started posting and seem to know an awful lot about a system that is a complete waste of time and is frankly a rip off so anybody thinking of going I would advise not too.
You don't say a lot about yourself in your profile is this because you are CFTR ????
Thank you Tandy, the £5000 is the amount I had in mind and I think compounding profits on other trades is the way to arrive at the £5000 if you do have it. as for other trades,I use CSI for my feed (from USA ) and have found CELLTECH CHIROSCIENCE from their software/indicators 12 all to buy I opened a spread bet on 28th Oct at 429.4 (DEC ) and it is still running the close price yesterday was 459 forCCH the CSI feed/software is 100% clean data. thanks again for your help. Twiglet
Schoe, so these people are best avoided then in your honest opinion ? Thanks for your insights. Cheers
Hi Schoe,
No I am not CTFR, lots of people (sadly) live in Surrey. Yes I believe in CFTR , I used to be a City Trader, (hence need to live in Surrey)! However I have traded succesfully full time pa for a couple of years using a number of systems and am earning more tax free than the City was paying.Draw your own conclusion

Yes I have joined this posting in the past week , since unlike some threads , I am willing to help others (without charging)! trade profitable and enjoy a better quality of live. At least Tradertim apreciated my advise and Twiggytwo seem to agree. Perhaps I schould not bother next time.
Think this thread is probaly coming to a natural close .
ps Twiggytwo thanks for your additional input will look into it more next week ,but now its Rugby World Cup !
Don't want to cause you any offence Tandy but I am suspicious of someone who praises a system that is a rip off. If you used to be a City Trader and earn your living trading how come you only started trading CFTR with £1500 as you said in a post a few up from this one??
Because I was also suspicious like you still are.! Like any new system ( and I have tried many but not impressed by most)you always start small like any serious trader would tell you. Learn by your mistakes , test the system , compound your winnings until you have gained confidence. This was my starting amount, not my current amount!
This realy is the end of this -enjoy the week end !

Thanks for providing the email address above. Still not sure whether this is a good company or not but theres no harm in dropping them a line.

good wishes

I see you are long CELL and CHIR and that you are holding the positions overnight. I have to say to you are you mad ? Have you seen how much the Nasdaq stocks have been gapping both up and down this last 10 days ?

Some have gapped by as much as $14 with others gapping $10, $7 etc I would argue that it is a total lottery at the moment to hold overnight positions. Personally I just wouldnt want the possible risk of losing 1,400 points but it is your decision.

Hi Paul, I think you must have crossed wires when you say you see I am long CELL and CHIR as I am only long on one , it's called
CELLTECH CHIROSCIENCE and is listed (CCH ) in the FTSE 250 LSE you can see it if you look on Finspreads under the FTSE250 under C . The CSI feed and software covers all markets, Shares, and 72 world futures Commodities and all the world Indices it may come from the USA but you can still use it to see the London Market . I Have a moving stop on it 1/ 407.4 2/418.4
3/435.4 4/441.4 and the present stop no 5/ at 444.4 I do not think I'm mad as in the the last 2 years I have opened and closed 1,115 Spread Bets ( I keep good records ) with real money NOT paper trades and I have not gone bust, but made profits. Regards Twiglet

I unreservedly apologise, my excuse is that it was Saturday evening with a few glasses on wine in me. I obviously didnt read it properly and thought you were trading Nasdaq stocks which you were not.

schoe/numspar/Trader333 - could you perhaps throw some more light on why you have negative views on the CFTR offerings?
For me it started with the advert in The Mail on Sunday that said
"Who Else Wants to Make £12000 per week on FTSE and Dow" The implication is that this is easily achievable which it certainly is not.

There is also a simple method of knowing if these "too good to be true claims" are just that. If it is that good everyone but everyone would be talking about it and everyone would want a piece of the action.

The discussion of how successful CFTR is across all trading borads is deafening by its absence.

Also if you could make £12K a week spread betting why waste time developing and then sell a system at all ?

I went on the course and sat in an untidy bedroom at his house in front of a computer to be shown gold bars that were supposed to show institutional selling or buying in other words VOLUME!!
After spending a fortune for the dubious pleasure of being shown this I then had to spend more money to buy some software which doesn't work and to be sent levels which are supposed to be a buy or sell signals on the indexes(for another fee!) I can get better more valuable info from free sites on the web. I have been on a few courses and this in my opinion was by far the worst value.I am not going to say anymore because people will disregard my comments and still go and waste their money. Oh yes before going he gave me the phone number of the chap who is supposedly earning the £12000 a week he was rude and unhelpful and said he used a variation on the system and stayed up all night trading! I was still gullible enough to go! If trading was as easy as knowing preset levels to buy or sell before the market opens then we would all make money the market reacts to news and sentiment this is not measureable using any software in my opinion.
schoe - thanks for the reply - can I just ask how long you traded the SignPost signals before deciding it wasn`t for you, and did you trade all their list of indices/commodities/currencies or only the indices?

could you explain a little more about CSI and where you can get details - a link or web address perhaps. Is it expensive?

Many thanks
