CFTR Associates Goldbars Trading System

Hi there

Saw your post re. CFTR which you made a couple of years ago. Just wondering, are you still using this system? How do you find the trigger points?



tandy said:
I attended his coarse a year ago, although first impressions may be a bit chaotic for long term commodity traders it is extremly good with a success rate in recent months in excess of 80%.most of which I have followed and returns have been excellent.
It is not for day trading, or those with limited resources. You also need to subcribe to his weekly and daily email about£75 a month,which is more valuable than the coarse attendance in many ways ,as well as buy additional software.
Conclusion. This is a superb service but for serious professional long term trend traders only, with sufficient starting capital.
Good luck
Can you give me any more info about Thanks

mjp9521 said:
Many thanks for those thoughts and I have decided against attending any 'paying' seminars and am instead just reading up on as much as I can in the meantime to take things slowly. The one thing I have paid for is an initial 3 month subscription to '' - mainly to see how their recommendations turnout.

schoe said:
I have been on this day in London a while ago now and I have to say it was the biggest waste of money I have ever been stupid enough to throw away.
I have recently been to see Naz and Mr Charts and they were both very good and teach you to trade properly not using a holy grail system that looks good on historical charts but in reality does not work. If you need any more info PM me.
could you please give me some more info on Naz and Mr charts?
Help Please I need feedback on a course by CTTFC Reaserch

I am about to go on a spread trading course by CFTR Associates in London its £1,999, its a personal session with the trader, his system is called signpost and goldbars, and he has a daily email of his trades each day, can anyone shed any light if they have done it, know someone who has done it

thanks very much

nick19774u said:
I am about to go on a spread trading course by CFTR Associates in London its £1,999, its a personal session with the trader, his system is called signpost and goldbars, and he has a daily email of his trades each day, can anyone shed any light if they have done it, know someone who has done it

thanks very much


Don't go its rubbish and a complete waste of money in my opinion, I did it a few years ago and found it completely worthless. . There is already a thread on this not sure how to post the link but do a search under CFTR associates save your money or send it to me and I will teach you a lot more for half the price.
I'm afraid I have to endorse Schoe's comments 100%. The chap that runs the course is a very amiable bloke and doubtless you'll enjoy your day. Then again, I'd be really nice to anyone who wants to pay me that kind of money to spend the day with me! 😀
If you want to learn to trade, there are many good courses run by pro' traders - check out the ones offered on these boards. Some get consistently good reviews, so they must be doing something right. If you aren't really interested in trading but like the idea of 'playing the markets' and making a few quid on the side, you'll need either a top notch tipping service that'll tell you when to enter, exit and advise on risk and money management etc., or you'll need a pro' trader who'll trade your account on your behalf. I can't advise on the former as I've never used such a service. As for the later, all I can say is tread carefully. VERY carefully. I lost about $3000 with a managed FX account about 3 years ago. I won't be doing that again in a hurry and nor will I be seeking the services of CFTR Associates or their ilk again - ever. But I do understand the temptation; as I've made clear, I've been there, done that, bought . . . Naturally I want to make £12k a week; I wanted to when I took the course and I still want to now! Sorry mate, it just aint that simple, I'm afraid.
Anyway, let us know how you get on if you do decide to go for it. Believe me, I'd love you to post in a month or two's time that you've got more dosh than you know what to do with and that I'm just an old cynic. Really, I would - but I fear you won't. 😉
Good luck with whatever you do.
Hi there

Saw your post re. CFTR which you made a couple of years ago. Just wondering, are you still using this system? How do you find the trigger points?



Old thread, I realise - but is anyone still using the 'Jeff Method' or indeed, been on his 'Course' in London. I haven't seen his advert in the Sunday Times for a while.

I have been prompted to write here as I was in the garage loft last night looking for something or other, and I came across Jeff's notes for the course (which I attended in 2002 in a West London hotel) and spent an amused couple of hours -with a single malt- reading through it. I am particularily interested in his strategy "Dow Levels" where he gives 2 levels for the following day's trading on the Dow Jones. These figures look remarkably like a strategy I use most days, which I've highlighted elsewhere on these boards. (My 0.35% strategy) Does anyone else still use these levels (Jeff's ones, I mean) for day trading ?

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Dont go. I went a few years ago and got my money back half way through. it looks good at first,but its just a curve fitting nethod. His claims are rubbish.DO NOT GO
Dont go. I went a few years ago and got my money back half way through. it looks good at first,but its just a curve fitting nethod. His claims are rubbish.DO NOT GO

Tee Hee.... I've already been !! The only useful thing I got out of it was the Dow levels for day trading. I traded them for a couple of months, but I then changed jobs and was unable to trade in the afternoons (UK time)

To be honest, I think the value of the course is about £29.95 with free daily emails....
After all these years how is this guy still plying his wares?

Today I received a pathetic attempt to entice me into buying his services. He sent me an email which purported to be for somebody else but contained hype about how well his system was working and offer of help around how to deal with brokers once they hit the £1000 a week mark.

A blind man's dog could see how blatant this was.

Here's what he sent me:

Firstly, thanks for all your kind words and congratulations on making over £800 last week through trading using my signals. I am sorry to hear Sam failed the driving test. My eldest had to take it three times.

In answer to your question I would stick to raising your stake by 10% a week. Don't rush.

Make sure you email me before you reach £1000 a week as there is some important information I need to give you. The spread betting companies start to notice you at that point so I need to tell you exactly what to do.

Thanks for recommending my trading software and signals to your friends and family. I am probably the only person in the world who operates with no website and no advertising. All my clients come to me through word of mouth and I want to keep it that way.

Sorry again for the late reply. We have been really busy since Brexit. Everybody wants to take advantage of the volatility in the markets and I have been snowed under in emails for months now.

Email if you have any other questions about the software or trading in general, though it make take me a couple of days to get back to you. You can also reach me on 0208 742 8000 but you may have to leave a message as I am rushed off my feet!

Thanks for your patience!

Best Regards,

Jeff Jevtic.
Founder and CEO
CFTR Associates
