Cashmaster PIE

Now you're getting silly and showing yourself up. Sure you don't have some connection with Rose!

If you had bothered to read the runt's posts you would have quickly established that he has behaved dispicably on this board and it's just made him look very dodgy indeed. He has clearly lied and who would trust someone like that. Slimeballs like that deserve everything they get.

You have obviously know nothing about PIE as well, predictions like you made are stupid.

Now grow up and find someone else's backside to kiss

Becks, nobody needs to pay me to point out you are acting unreasonable with your posts bordering on rants. From what I have read on here, Mark Rose has acted fairly and spent far too much time replying to trolling and personal attacks.

And yes, this PIE course looks like a typical investment coaching operation, where newbies are charged a very high price for basic information, and affiliates get 50% commission for passing on newbie customers. I would not call it an outright scam, but you will get far better value for money doing your own research.

I predict the hedging strategy is going to fail during the next GFC like event with parabolic market movements, and all these PIE followers will blow up their accounts.
I find myself agreeing with most of what Agisthos is saying here, that being rude to people for having a different viewpoint to your own is not necessary. This forum should be moderated really.

I think Mark Rose made an error of judgment posting his views on PIE here, when clearly he has a vested interest in promoting it, so his views will always be treated with much skepticism.

Since my original post in September on using PIE, some 6 months have passed and I am still very pleased with the results. No losses and a return currently of around 15% (lower than previously due to lack of volatility in the markets, but still very acceptable).

Where I differ from Agisthos and others, is that it is all very well for those in the know to say PIE is an overpriced operation, and you would be better off doing your own research - for those like me who knew nothing about options, this system was a revelation. Sure you can teach yourself to swim, and hopefully avoid drowning, or teach yourself skydiving hopefully without crashing to the ground. My point being that to have this system presented to you in easy to understand language with clearly written manuals to back it up, has been really good for me, as I have made back my original 3K investment many times over. That is more than can be said for the various forex type systems I have tried which all lost me money.

As for your final sentence Agisthos about blowing up accounts when a GFC like event occurs, I certainly hope you are incorrect. As far as my research goes, people who have followed the strategy correctly, (and don't go on holiday without internet access, or underfund their account, or other mistakes), have not lost money in the 5 years PIE has been running.
The last 5 years have been very benign conditions, so just be careful Dertrader.

During the GFC and 1998 Russian bond crisis, some markets moved 2-3 standard deviations beyond normal. During such crisis, EVERYONE is trying to cover using the financial instrument you use to hedge, which means you will not be able to buy/get a price for that instrument.

So your 2% loss then quickly becomes a 20, 30 or 50 % account blowout (or worse). If things look risky go to cash for a few months.

Just thinking you will be able to trade out of a position is wrong, because they wont be normal times where you can get normal market prices.
Better than Pie Options Strategy

Ok chaps lets move on and be positive. Lets talk some more about basic options strategies. PIE is nothing new and the full details can be fully discussed without risk of being sued. Most of the time these marketeers will put up some ridiculous contract for buyers to sign to instill fear to prevent the obvious 'scam' being revealed.

A better strategy -we will call it the 'Better than Pie options Strategy' 😆 Is to sell or buy Puts/Calls then use the underlying futures contract to cover you should the market take off in the opposite direction. Worst case scenario is a break even -i.e your stop on the futures contract should be the same size as your premium paid (+futures brokers commission). Will post an example later..
I have PIE and spread bet the strategy via IG,
the returns are getting much smaller in recent months and so, as i don't believe it's risk free, am all ears for the "better strategy"
Thanks PorkPie,

Your better than PIE strategy sounds interesting.

I did manage to source a copy of the Hav Trading manual, read and understood it over the weekend and started dummy trading it on Monday morning. The results so far in only 2 days have been good.

Thanks PorkPie,

Your better than PIE strategy sounds interesting.

I did manage to source a copy of the Hav Trading manual, read and understood it over the weekend and started dummy trading it on Monday morning. The results so far in only 2 days have been good.


Hi Becks

How's the HAV trading being going?
The might well be some merit with Hav Trading.

I've only back-tested to the start of 2016 and results so far have been very good. I recently opened some trades in my IG demo account.

Not sure how this would perform in periods of high volatility or when markets tank.

Hi All,

I would like to buy a copy of the PIE manual. If you're willing to sell yours, please send me a private message.

Many thanks,