
You never reply to the points I post because you have no answer to them.

My first post on this thread - completely ignored.

Capitalism will fail because it only benefits a few people at the expense of everyone else. Apartheid was like that, so was Nazism, there I did it again.

It is pointless arguing with an someone who only makes declarative statements instead of positing logical arguments. You use false dichotomies, and slippery slope fallacies, stating that because I am for uncontrolled capitalism, I would be for Nazism, which is completely stupid.

I want you to expound upon your declaratives. Do you remember when you were in kindergarten and the teacher taught you these five words who, what, where, when and why.

Try using those in your arguments. I have a similar complaint with you. You never respond to my arguments either. You just post more appeal to the masses b.s..
Just as I thought.

Only interested in attacking the way people communicate rather than the message they are conveying, theres a name for that type of childish behaviour.

You dont actually have a valid point and therefore cannot back it up.


This is a simple enough question and it will show you up for who you really are if you dare to answer it publicly.

Are you happy to live in a world that has all the human consequences of capitalism outlined by myself and others?
Just as I thought.

Only interested in attacking the way people communicate rather than the message they are conveying, theres a name for that type of childish behaviour.

You dont actually have a valid point and therefore cannot back it up.


This is a simple enough question and it will show you up for who you really are if you dare to answer it publicly.

Are you happy to live in a world that has all the human consequences of capitalism outlined by myself and others?

1) I am quite happy with the current nature of capitalism. Socialism is failing and capitalism is not.

The pensions in the US are going bankrupt because people expect ro be taken care of. That is socialism. You should be self sufficient. Plan for your own returement without leeching from the tax dollars of others.

2) In post #439, you did not expound upon how capitalism will fail? What is bad about capitalism that is better in socialism? How is it that you believe capitalism is bad for the consumer? Who is affected and how?
Just as I thought.

Only interested in attacking the way people communicate rather than the message they are conveying, theres a name for that type of childish behaviour.

You dont actually have a valid point and therefore cannot back it up.


This is a simple enough question and it will show you up for who you really are if you dare to answer it publicly.

Are you happy to live in a world that has all the human consequences of capitalism outlined by myself and others?

Spot on Postman,

This idiot has been lectured at university on the subject of normative and positive sciences along with induction and deduction in deciphering how to approach concept of studying social sciences and yet knows nothing about the actual social subject.

I think this video says it all. Especially the part about the finger and the moon.

He is more of an exhibitionist trying to prop up his inferiority complex by display of content rather than comprehension.

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Spot on Postman,

This idiot has been lectured at university on the subject of normative and positive sciences along with induction and deduction in deciphering how to approach concept of studying social sciences and yet knows nothing about the actual social subject.

I think this video says it all. Especially the part about the finger and the moon.

He is more of an exhibitionist trying to prop up his inferiority complex by display of content rather than comprehension.

What a deflection! You are telling me I tear apart arguments. That is what you are supposed to do when someone makes fallacious arguments. You are the pot calling the kettle black. You post inane videos without thought. Try making a cogent argument.

I don't care about a stupid video. Write something intelligent if you can.
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What a deflection! You are telling me I tear apart arguments. That is what you are supposed to do when someone makes a fallacious arguments. You are the pot calling the kettle black. You post inane videos without thought. Try making a cogent argument.

I don't care about a stupid video. Write something intelligent if you can.

Ok I have taken you off ignore just briefly and not surprised about your response.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and will seriously attempt to explain.

1. The Video is NOT important.
2. The Video is NOT the message. It is the paper letter, the post carrying the package.
3. The content are the words spoken.
4. The message is in the meaning behind the words spoken!

5. Why do you think, that I think you care about the video?
6. What is in my post that tells you or signals to you - that you should care about the video?

Questions 5/6 not important its only for you to reflect on your reaction to a simple post.

7. If/when you watched the video, did you listen to the words?
8. Did you attempt to understand what message was being conveyed.

Questions here are not about the video, the acting or even the kicking. There is much higher level of significance a MAJOR POINT that you seem to miss in the spoken words. You simply don't get it.

In all sincerity, I'll try and explain.

So before proceeding with the subject of extracting the meaning behind the words in the video can you please reflect on the points above and let me know your thoughts.
Ok I have taken you off ignore just briefly and not surprised about your response.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and will seriously attempt to explain.

1. The Video is NOT important.
2. The Video is NOT the message. It is the paper letter, the post carrying the package.
3. The content are the words spoken.
4. The message is in the meaning behind the words spoken!

5. Why do you think, that I think you care about the video?
6. What is in my post that tells you or signals to you - that you should care about the video?

Questions 5/6 not important its only for you to reflect on your reaction to a simple post.

7. If/when you watched the video, did you listen to the words?
8. Did you attempt to understand what message was being conveyed.

Questions here are not about the video, the acting or even the kicking. There is much higher level of significance a MAJOR POINT that you seem to miss in the spoken words. You simply don't get it.

In all sincerity, I'll try and explain.

So before proceeding with the subject of extracting the meaning behind the words in the video can you please reflect on the points above and let me know your thoughts.

Why would I watch a video as an argument. That is laziness in the extreme. Here is a thought for you: write something in your own words. I did not miss the point because I did not bother to watch the video.

Points 1 and 7 are contradictory. The video is not important, which is true because I am not going to watch a video to make your point for you.
Why would I watch a video as an argument. That is laziness in the extreme. Here is a thought for you: write something in your own words. I did not miss the point because I did not bother to watch the video.

Points 1 and 7 are contradictory. The video is not important, which is true because I am not going to watch a video to make your point for you.


Have you heard of the expression a picture paints a thousand words?

Why post numbers, charts or pictures, when one can explain them in words?
You are stupid idiot.

Not just an idiot but a very stupid idiot!

Very interesting coming from someone who is too lazy to write anything. Do you have any more non-arguments? This should go without saying but videos are not arguments.
Very interesting coming from someone who is too lazy to write anything. Do you have any more non-arguments? This should go without saying but videos are not arguments.

If you watch the video the emphasis is on feeling not thinking.

How many senses do you have?

You are all very mechanical but lack emotional intelligence and social comprehension. I'm being genuine. For someone who thinks he is smart you really are quite ignorant to the point of stupidity.

I don't like to use words like idiot and stupid as Confucius says it reflects more on the person saying it but perhaps I am, for trying to communicate and interact with you.

I don't know... perhaps we are both stupid as we seem to be unable to communicate.

I do appreciate what you are saying. I always said if a 5 year old doesn't understand what an adult is saying to it, than it is because the adult is unable to explain in words at a level the 5 year old can comprehend.

But as life is too short and you are a supposedly mature young adult with a university eduction you'll forgive me for being impatient and simply calling you a stupid fool.

Here is an example for you.

If I were to slap you, you would feel it on your cheek. Sting and perhaps a burning sensation which may last couple of minutes.

I could explain to you the mechanics of me swinging my palm, coupled with the weight of my hand and distance from the fulcrum - my shoulder, with the speed of the swing rotation would determine the force of impact on your face.

That will be reflected on the level of pain you might feel and how long it lasts.

However, all the explanation can not make you see or imagine the pain you would feel on your cheek. You would have to experience and FEEL the slap to recognise it for what it is.

That's a shed load of words for simple slap.

Thought the video said it really well. I could be wrong. :rolleyes:

Now my apologies as I find my self reaching for the ignore button again... :LOL:
If you watch the video the emphasis is on feeling not thinking.
This says it all to me. The emphasis is on not thinking. I think you have that mastered.

Now my apologies as I find my self reaching for the ignore button again... :LOL:

Seriously? That becomes really boring, really fast. I wish you would hit the ignore button. Your emotionally charged, illogical posts provide nothing but clutter.
"When I say “capitalism,” I mean a full, pure, uncontrolled, unregulated laissez-faire capitalism—with a separation of state and economics, in the same way and for the same reasons as the separation of state and church."
- Ayn Rand

This means separation from the state, not a non-existent state as is the case with anarchy. Learn how to reconcile those things in your mind.

The moral justification of capitalism is not in the altruist's claim that it represents the best way to “the common good.”. The moral justification of capitalism rests in the fact that it is the only system consonant with the rational nature of man, and that it protects man’s survival qua man.

Laissez-faire capitalism is the only social system that incorporates the recognition of individual rights and; therefore, the only system that bans force from social relationships. By its nature, it is the only system that is fundamentally opposed to war.


Excellent article.

I wonder how God fearing America will cope being pulled between Capitalism (designed for the have's) and religion (designed for the have nots).

Capitalism is not compatible with a society containing human beings. Maybe theyre just not smart enough to realise that if they could only control the urge to BE human then capitalism will work. :whistling
Not a religious man but I do like to think I have a moral compass.

Much of what the Pope says hopefully will resonate with the many and the part excessive capitalism plays on their lives.
Maybe if the Pope joined this thread hhiusa could explain to him where hes got it wrong and why Capitalism is right.

That Pope he's just so narrow minded, only thinking about those billions of poor human beings and missing the big picture. :whistling

I'm sure hhiusa will convince him. ;)
hhi idolises him self and lives inside his head and not in the real world.

I suspect he is an asperger child as he doesn't seem to relate to social aspects of life but more the mechanics. :idea: