Something that might be of interest to others:
I placed an order via website to sell EUR/USD at 1.3032, stop at 46. Market moved against me, printing on Cap Spreads' system and charts up to 42 bid, i.e. offer would be 1.3045.
Well, I got stopped at 46 for a loss of 14 pips, so partly to check my own understanding, I rang up and said that I thought I'd been stopped out a bit keenly 1 pip inside my stop.
They were obviously really busy, but the dealer I spoke to was really helpful and explained about how forex wasn't an exact science, they have a number of feeds etc etc. I knew all this, but what I didn't know was that their charts and prices for forex were not in exact agreement necessarily because the chart was from one provider and the prices made from a range of providers (I hope I've got that right!).
Anyway, he identified that the market had gone to 42 bid 45 offer and that the stop was (his words) 'perhaps a bit harsh'
Anyway subject to me understanding that there was no precedent here of being refunded everytime you lost money (!), he refunded the loss and put me back into the original trade.
Very impressive service indeed....