Best Thread Capital Spreads


volatility on the gbp/usd became (and remains) very high over the last three/four weeks we, like d4f, must use bank feeds to keep our prices accurate. Recently some banks have been somewhat wayward with their prices and this has caused us a certain degree of trouble with having to reject trades. Something that we hate doing but which with currency trading is sadly inevitable.

We have now made a few changes to our price feed which has stabalised things a bit and we hope will enable us to go back to a three point quote when the markets quieten down somewhat.


Hi Simon,

what is the largest bet size per point you are willing to accept at CS? I hope there is no limit at all ... :cheesy:

Thanks in advance for your answer and best regards 🙂

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Roberto said:
Can't argue with you at all. I almost never hold anything overnight. If I did those longer trades, it would be a problem for me using CS.

To be fair, though, it can also work in your favour. An example different from yours is where your position reverses in the night through your stop level, but then recovers. With another firm, you're stopped out on a loser. With CS, you're still very much alive and in the game at 7.00am when they re-open.


The answer to that is..You can do the same with 24hr S/B firm, you got 2 options, 1 don't leave a stop, option 2 leave a stop, but at least you 2 options. With a 7am to 9.15. S/B firm you only got 1 option.


there is no limit to the total position you may hold BUT there are limits to the individual bets that you can make i.e the max stake in currencies is £100 but you could have a position of £600 in total.

Each product has its own maximum stake ranging from the biggest the S&P which has a £900 a point limit to the smallest £5 a point in some US shares

These limits are generally based upon liquidity in the underlying market.

capitalspreads said:
i.e the max stake in currencies is £100 but you could have a position of £600 in total.

Hi Simon,

thanks for your quick response. So the largest single bet in FX is £100 per Pip of the underlying currency ... is this correct? Thx

Geldschlucker 🙂
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Hi Simon!
any idea when spreadfx will come "live"?
would you like to tell us,or specially those interested in fx bets more about what to expect?
thanx and best regards,
I doubt any Sb co will offer £100 per pip without moving the quote against you or putting you on phone only trading....


yes that is right

mind you we will check that our price is right !

Jonny T

no we will accept a trade like this online..... but if you tried it over the non farm payroll numbers you would probably get a rejection !


The Spread FX is nearly ready but has been delayed (where have I heard that before) we are trying to set up 24 hr trading on the same spreads as CS site / maybe a bit tighter on the CHF YEN etc during CS market hours but then widening between 21.00 and 07.00.


Are there more commodities available on the 'real' account or just the 4 that are on the simulator?


Credit Interest

Thought I'd pen a few lines on the subject of credit interest....

I understand that 'Big Government' would be involved if credit interest is paid. Simon said in an earlier post that they would need to submit tax returns if they did this.

Personally, Having worked in finance at one stage, I know just how much Big Government can snoop on people (believe me, I have seen some things that would really make you think, and I am not prepared to elaborate further). These experiences made me fiercely private as regards my personal details. So, I would rather have tight spreads and no credit interest.

Work out the maths...I believe you can transfer 10k plus out of CS by CHAPS fee free. So, open a credit interest paying online bank account, hold funds in CS only when necessary, and transfer funds same day back to your bank when you close out your position. That way, you have tight spreads and credit interest (if this is what you want).

You will find that compared to any other SB player, CS wins hands down on service, price and platform stability. The only reason I don't trade exclusively there (as I have previously said) is due to the fact that they don't have 24 hour trading (see my previous post about the 'gapping' risk).
starspacer said:
You will find that compared to any other SB player, CS wins hands down on service, price and platform stability. The only reason I don't trade exclusively there (as I have previously said) is due to the fact that they don't have 24 hour trading (see my previous post about the 'gapping' risk).

I almost agree. But I stick by my earlier post here that because of lost interest on the ammount you put up to cover margin and stops - for longer term holds with wider stops you are sometimes better off with some of the other players who offer credit accounts. for frequent trading, non of them compete with CS. (D4F....?)

I covered the maths in an earlier thread, if anyone would care to verify / dismiss.

....that because of lost interest on the amount you put up to cover margin and stops - for longer term holds with wider stops you are sometimes better off with some of the other players who offer credit accounts. for frequent trading, non of them compete with CS. (D4F....?)
D4F wil only pay interest on free equity of over 10k. So margin money will effectively be quarantined and no interest paid.

on the live area there are
Brent Crude Oil
Nymex Light Crude Oil
High Grade Copper
Robusta Coffee London
CBOT Soybean
CBOT Soybean Meal
CBOT Soybean Oil
CBOT Wheat
Live Cattle
Lean Hogs

all are priced very competitively


thank you for your information.
it must also be remembered that with SB you can be trading on massive gearing (up to 200 times in FX) which effectively means that up to 99.5% of the required money for a market position is 'free'!


Upon what quoted price do you base your FX quotes?

If, for example, I wish to trade USD/EUR what quote on the Interactive Brokers feed or Esignal feed would I use to chart the pair?

Thank you.


we use three bank feeds to quote our FX prices (forgive me, but I will not reveal which ones) our prices come from a company called tenfore. who we find very good . Generally the quotes should match esignal or whoever but there may be differences depending on who is trading on which platform.

Assuming consistent pricing your charting technicals should be valid no matter who you trade with. There may be the odd tick difference but if the signal is buy then just buy or sell then sell. Sometimes you will get a better fill sometimes a worse.


all our FX prices are based upon the spot price but obviously the forward prices are adjusted for interest rate costs.
